Hey guys, sorry I had to delete this chapter due to fanfiction terms of agreement. If you hadn't read the chapter yet, go to my profile I posted it as a new story label Life With Kate: The Daughter. After re-reading this story I fell back in love with this and decided to carry on with a sequel after a long year. I've been getting bunches of PM's about the continuum of this story so I wanted to go ahead and start it. If it's not something you guys want after reading I'll be glad to terminate it. Thank you guys for being such loyal readers to my first ever story. This story has changed my life because I filled it up with my actual problems in real life. For you guys to say it helped you with your problems I'll be honored to continue this story. For the readers who read Lonely, But Not Forever, don't worry a chapter coming soon. Same with my Lilly story I'll give you guys what you want. Okay, like I said if you want to read or continue reading the sequel for this story, go to my profile and find it labeled Life With Kate: The Daughter. I know much of you guys aren't into supernatural shit but oh well I'm trying something new see where it takes me. Love you all and thanks for your time!