Reviews for Living With Kate
Guest chapter 2 . 10/2/2019
Rushed romance
Jbryme94 chapter 31 . 5/7/2019
wow is all i can say, you write some amazing stories. and this one right here tugged on my heart strings you and kellyladd are my favorite authors on fanfiction.
Guest chapter 34 . 4/16/2019



And NI️️ER was his name-o
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2018
"We found you two nearly drown in the river before we brought you to our territory. I am Rune, these are my sons, Cody, Nick and Quasar. This is my mate, Jaire"

"It's just familiar territory to them, Dad. They lived there after the Western pack banished them and before we found them. I don't let them get out of my sight. Believe me, they have been up to nothing suspicious over there. Face it, Dad. We're only a small pack, the Feather Ferals could use a few more paws. Plus, Lilly is very nice" Cody replied.

"Maybe so. However, I do value your advice, Cody. What do you think of Kate and Lilly, Quasar?" Rune asked.

"They're fine to me, Dad" Quasar replied.

"Not much to report, but that stench of those Thunder pack wolves are back again, Dad" Quasar informed.

"Well, the traditional ways of our pack that we follow. First, we kill birds that we respect and honor them by wearing their feathers"

"Do you think we'll ever become part of the Feather Ferals?" Lilly asked.

"Don't push your luck, you two. We'll see" Rune replied.

"May?" Kate gasped in horror.

"You know her?" Rune asked, looking at Kate.

"Oh no! What happen to her?" Jaire said.

"We don't know! This is appearantly one of the wolves from the Western pack. It was their idea to bring her here" Nick replied.

"Quasar, Cody, we know her. She's not a bad wolf. Please help her!" Kate begged.

"I'll do what I can" Cody said, gently dragging May to the healers' den with Quasar helping him.

"I am one of the greatest hunters in the pack. I don't need help!"

Dragon1212 chapter 34 . 7/9/2018
Like the story hate the ending you did
Guest chapter 34 . 1/4/2018
I love this story please continue this story please (;
bikerboy chapter 34 . 1/2/2018
Hey, also yes i think that you should continue, like are you going to make a new story for this or keep going on this story? Either way, i do indeed like this, see you in the next chapter or story.
Troy Groomes chapter 34 . 1/2/2018
Continue this please.

Excellent chapter though bud
Guest chapter 34 . 1/2/2018
Continue please :3 my heart can't take these cliffhangersXD
Outcast320 chapter 31 . 12/1/2017
dam bro u savage u just ending it like dat but good story man keep u the great work
Nero Kirigaya chapter 31 . 5/3/2017
I still can't read that last chapter I can't even finish it still. that chapter helped me so much when my gf died in a car accident and I still can't finish it I will always miss her but I need to move on from her and are unborn child and I will but if it wasn't for this and my family I wouldn't be here right now to type this so just thank you., thank you so much
TheReddishRaccon chapter 33 . 4/14/2017
Yes, you should write Living With Kate Remastered
Sabere Commander chapter 33 . 2/4/2017
*clap* *clap* *clap* This story made me cry Two_ Time's this never happens when it comes to these stories... your amazing... but the ending was slightly...well... lack luster it wasn't your normal chapter. BUT_ its still amazing maybe you could wright a different ending. An AU were Kate lives. Do what thought its still an amazing story. ;)
imjustlikehumphery chapter 33 . 11/29/2016
I say go with it. Livin with Kate was a great story so I'm sure the remastered version will be great as well.
bikerboy chapter 33 . 11/29/2016
I suggest you go with it, i really love this story and i like how you gave a small description of what would happen, instead of having it be a surprise. But i suggest that you should, also if you have time check out my A&O if you want to. Also leave a review.
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