Unfortunately, despite all the wonderful things that life has given her, there was still one teensy weensy little itty bitty thing that Vert always wanted, but had sadly never been given to her.
And that little thing was a little sister (hah, puns)
For as long as time itself, Vert had always been mopey about the fact that her fellow CPU's got such ADORABLE little sister's, and she was left with no one. It didn't hit her hard until recently, when they had been captured by the ACIS (I think that's how it goes...) and..
"Wait, you mean you don't know the name of the very people who captured us?!" Vert chastised the author, completely disregarding the 4th wall.
Hey, I just got into this franchise! Give me a break will ya?
Vert just crossed her arms, clearly not happy with the authors supposed lack of knowledge on their franchise. But I've been doing my best here! It's bad enough that I have Neptune riding my tail about her not being the main character!
"Seriously, first a made up character, then Noire's little sister, and now VERT?! When am I gonna get the spotlight?!" Neptune whined.
Silence women! You're not in this scene!
Neptune grumbled and walked away, sourly waiting for her turn from behind the scenes.
Anyway, back to the story...
When Vert was freed of her 3 year imprisonment in the Gamindustri Graveyard, the realization that she didn't have a sister who had been worried sick about her hit her like a battering ram. Sure she had Chika, but she was only human...
Nepgear had been (sometimes unwillingly) a temporary solution to this problem. She certainly made Vert happy, but this kind of thing was more of Vert having quote -unquote "romantic interest's" towards Nepgear, so to Vert it didn't really count.
Vert sighed dramatically, then plopped down on her couch. She COULD play on her favorite MMO's and get in some grinding, but she didn't even feel like doing that, or anything at all, for that matter.
Just when she considered crashing on the couch, she heard the voice of an oh-so familiar Oracle from Planeptune.
"Vert? Can I talk to you for a second?" The tiny fairy asked.
"Histoire? Why are you calling me at THIS hour?" It was the middle of the night, which explained Vert's need to sleep on the couch (even though it was one of the 2 things that gave her back pains. The other thing does not need to be mentioned here...)
"Just meet me in the center of your Basilicom, there's someone I'd like you to meet." The Oracle "hung up" on Vert (there was a beep and everything), leaving the goddess confused.
Someone...wanted to meet her? Who? Maybe Neptune found another girl? No, if that were the case, Neptune would've showed her herself.
Well, no point in prolonging this. Vert exited her room and proceeded to the center of her Basilicom.
Vert didn't know what to expect when she entered the base of the Basilicom. Histoire was very lacking in information, and Vert didn't like surprises (unless she was the one doing it, most often with Neptune)
The last thing she expected though, was a little girl sitting just a few feet in front of her. If anything, she looked like a kid version of Vert. Same blonde hair, same blue eyes (blue eyes that were currently looking at her in the most adorable way possible). She was wearing a green pajama like outfit with sleeves that were much to big, and ended covering her hands as a result. She didn't seem to be wearing pants, and was barefoot on top of that. The girl didn't look like she knew where she was, and was looking at Vert with a confused, and a little fearful, glint in her eyes. She couldn't have been older than 5.
"Ah, there you are Vert" Histoire had blissfully entered the scene, seemingly unaware of the shocked and downright confused face Vert was giving the Oracle (that, or she was just ignoring her. It was most likely the latter)
Immediately, the little girl got up and hid behind Histoire (which was hard to do, considering how small she was. Not to mention she was on a floating book)
"Um, Histoire, would you mind explaining...this?" Vert gestured towards the little girl, who shyly looked away in response.
"Certainly. You know how your shares have risen quite higher than normal, correct?"
"Yesss..?" Vert was lost on the whole thing. What did her shares have to do with this little girl?
"Well, as a result of the inflation in your shares, a new goddess was born. This goddess, happens to be the little girl standing behind me..."
Vert's eyes widened. A new goddess? Born from shares? CAN THAT EVEN HAPPEN?! Clearly that was the case. The little girl didn't look like she was going to leave Histoire's side, but maybe she was just scared? It would make sense, she was just born after all...
But that wasn't the surprising part. The surprising part was what Histoire said next.
"...and your new little sister"
"..." The CPU went silent.
The lack of an initial response from the goddess was making Histoire concerned, not to mention a little worried. With the way Vert was looking at her, she was making it look like she just dropped a huge bomb on the nation of Puppytopia!
"U-Uh, I-Is she...OK?" The little girl asked in a quiet voice. It was the first time she spoke, in front of Vert anyway.
"I...don't know" Histoire replied honestly, which made the girl a little worried.
Vert closed her eyes, before rubbing her temples and taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry Histoire, I think my entire existence just glitched. Could you please repeat that?"
"Um, this little girl, the new goddess, is your new little sister" Histoire explained, secretly hoping that Vert wouldn't have a mental breakdown.
"Ok..." Vert sighed. Keep calm, Vert. Keep calm. It wasn't that big of deal, right?
She just had a little sister.
Vert's mind was on a roller coaster ride. She had a little sister. After all these years, she finally had a little sister. From the looks the 2 were giving her, she was doing a very poor job at keeping her joy in check. But she DID NOT CARE! She could finally do what she always wanted with her! It was just so much that Vert's brain couldn't even begin to process what was happening right now.
"Uh, Vert? Earth to Vert?" Histoire waved her hands in front of the CPU. The whole sugar rush of emotion had to be put aside so Vert could answer Histoire properly.
"Sorry Histoire, but I'm so happy right now I could just cry!" Vert exclaimed. As if to drive the point home, her eyes began to water in pure happiness.
Histoire couldn't help but smile at Vert's emotional extravaganza. She had expected this kind of reaction out of her, but seeing it play out before her was a sight in itself.
"I'm happy that you're happy. Her name is Verna" Histoire motioned for her to come forward, but she still looked a little scared.
"Don't be afraid. She's your new big sister."
Verna seemed to have gotten the courage to show herself to Vert. She slowly walked towards, who in turn got on her knees so she could actually face her.
"Hello Verna, I'm Vert. I guess I'm your big sister now" Vert nearly jumped for joy when those words left her lips, but she managed to hold back. "Is there anything you want to say?"
In that moment, Verna walked up to her new sister, with just about the most adorable expression Vert could of possibly seenon another living being...
...and hugged her.
And if that weren't enough...
"I love you, sis" The little girl whispered
If there were a live studio audience, they most certainly would've gone "Aww..." at the most Kawii scene in Gamindustri. Ever.
Was Vert crying? She was probably crying. From happiness of course. Again, she didn't care. These last few minutes had felt like a dream come true.
She didn't want to spoil this moment, so she hugged her new sister right back.