Disclaimer: LilliySilverback does not own or make any profit from either the Harry Potter or Vampire Diaries franchises.

Warning!: Manipulative!Evil!Dumbledore, Reasonable!Sirius, Sane!Bellatrix, MAJOR AU

Pairings: Andromeda Black X Teddy Tonks

NON-Pairings (under no circumstance will these characters be a couple): Anyone who shares a last name, the Tonks/ Bennetts/ Blacks will not be mixing further

*EDITED AS OF 8/16/17*

Arc 1: That Which Comes from Blood

Chapter One: Reality Sets In

Cold. It was just so cold. A figure sat, rocking back and forth in the confines of his cell. Chilling laughter filled the air as a cruel voice taunted the prisoner, "Oh Sirius Black, how far you have fallen. Tell me, was it worth it? Was it worth betraying your only friends, was it worth their screams? What did You-Know-Who offer you? More money? Power? Perhaps a place among your family? You sicken me. You are nothing more than an ungrateful bastard! Should've known, honestly. Blacks are as Dark as they come. Hope your parents are proud you sick bastard!"

On and on it went. They always taunted him. It was almost enough to make Sirius feel guilty for his teasing Snivellus all those years back. Surely he too didn't have these dark thoughts swimming around in his head day in and day out? The voices whispering they were right. After all, didn't the very name Black stand as a symbol of the darkness? Maybe they were right. Maybe he was a dark wizard, but if there was one thing he was certain of it was his love for his godson.

And what was to become of Little Harry as Sirius lie rotting in the Wizarding World's Cruelest Prison? The Longbottoms's surely couldn't care for him if Rabastian's taunts were to be believed. Who did that leave next? Amelia Bones, right? But if what Sirius heard from the guards' whisperings was true she didn't have him either. Remus couldn't care for the child, not with his condition. So who had him? Why hadn't he heard? Why hadn't he heard?

Something about the whole situation didn't feel right. Dumbledore knew Peter was the Secret Keeper, so surely he called for Sirius's innocence, right? Sure Sirius chased Peter, that rat, down. But he escaped, and killed what, twelve Muggles? That's announcing his guilt right there! Sirius should already be out and hunting the streets for the traitor, not wasting another month locked inside a grimy cell. He was a Lord of an Ancient and Noble House for crying out loud!

So why was he still locked up? They had to believe Dumbledore, they had too. Unless, he didn't tell them. But why? Why wouldn't Dumbledore tell them? What did he have to gain? Harry? What could this mean?

This was getting too complicated; Sirius was never the heavy thinker. That was Remus. Still, why did Dumbledore feel he needed Harry? Was he the reason behind his disappearance? But where could he hide the most famous boy in the whole magical- NO! HE WOULDN'T! NOT THOSE DAMNABLE DURSLEYS!

"If that bastard dare place my pup with such vile, disgusting, sorry excuses for human beings I'll kill him myself!" Sirius growled to himself, his exclamation startling the nearby guards and catching his neighboring prisoner's interests. It was the first time he had spoken in months, after all, leaving his voice dry, cracked and hoarse.

Sirius sneered at his company; all that mattered was his precious pup. How could he have been so stupid? It was true he had always been the most immature of his fellows, but he was a Pureblooded Heir for Morgana's sake! How could he have been so reckless, especially in regards to his pup? He would never risk Harry like that. It was so unlike him, but who had the power to manipulate a Black's mind? Surely it couldn't have been Voldemort; the man was dead after all. That only left Dumbledore, but why? To get Sirius out of the way, but out of the way of what?

The more he thought about it, the more he realized just how much he seriously hated the old bastard. If getting James and Lily killed wasn't enough (it was Dumbles's idea for Peter to be the Secret Keeper) he had to lock Sirius away as well only so he could purposely place Harry in what would obviously be an abusive household. Yep, Sirius decided he really hated Dumbledore. He'd rather go dark and embrace the Black Madness then ever listen to that bastard ever again. And he would! He would do whatever it took to free Harry and give him the life he deserved, a life with a family that would love him and show him just how special he really was.

Now, just who should be a part of this little family? Sirius of course, would be the Head as he was in charge of Harry. Remus would need to be found, as Sirius knew the man's loyalty to not only himself but their pup. The little one would need a mother figure, also. Who out of the Blacks would be best (as they were the only ones he would even consider at this time due to his power over them)? Andromeda had a kid of her own, about five years older than Harry if he wasn't mistaken. Narcissa had a son too though she was married to that Malfoy prat. Bellatrix was barren last he heard, but maybe that was Rodulphus's fault.

Andy would definitely be a positive influence on the kid, so she was worth including, and that husband of hers wasn't too bad either. Cissy could use a bit of work, but with Andy's help it shouldn't be too hard to persuade her. Bella though, she was lost in the Madness. Maybe, though, he could use that. It was worth a try. He would just have to wait and see, it would be a while till the next guard shift after all, and it was best he wait to conduct his business when everyone else lie sleeping.

Yes, Sirius finally had a plan in mind, and he could hardly wait to put it into action.

Black Diaries

Midnight. How poetic really, Lily would be proud of his chosen time. It was perfect though; the moonlight barely shown at all on the desecrated prison, the guards were on the ground floor waiting for the next six-hour post to show up (no one ever wanted to linger longer than they had to), most of the prisoners were attempting to catch up on long lost sleep, and the Dementors were ignoring his Animagus form.

Having taken the form of a large black canine with thick matted fur and haunting gray eyes, Sirius easily slipped his mostly-starved frame through the bars of his cell. He trotted for a bit down the aisle before he stopped before his youngest cousin's cell. Bellatrix lie curled up in a ball along the only stone wall of her cell on the sorry excuse for a mat provided. Her long luscious raven locks had long lost their luster and now framed her head as a dark shadow of frizz. Though he could not see past the large black robe draped across her frame he knew she too was suffering from the poor amounts of food and was mere steps away from starving herself.

A soft whimper left his throat at the sight of his family in such a condition, even if it mirrored his own. Even if she quite possibly brought it upon herself. The sound, though not loud enough to carry, was enough to wake her from her light and shaky slumber. Immediately she snapped into attention, and Sirius shifted back into human form in the blink of an eye.

For a moment they both simply stared at one another, neither sure how to start. Finally, it was Bellatrix who spoke,

"You're out… but how? Why? What?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as if she understood without saying how very important it was she remain quiet.

"Yes, and you can be too. First, you must answer me honestly, if I believe you I will take you with me when I escape. There will be no others, just the two of us. The rest will remain. Do you understand?" His voice was low, breathy but slow and haunting as well. Very slowly, Bellatrix nodded, as if in a trance. "Very good. Now, tell me the conditions of yours and Rodulphus's marriage contract." She scrunched up her nose as if trying to remember. The action took years off her face and reminded Sirius she was nearly the same age as him.

"My will is his will, my heart is his heart, my mind is his mind, and my body his to command. I must bare an heir or forfeit my right to bare. I must submit to his will or lose myself. I must serve his Lords faithfully or lose my magic. I exist only to serve, and to enjoy serving is my fate." With every word uttered his fears were confirmed. After all, this was the girl who had befriended Lily on the train with no care for her blood, so why else would she willingly serve a pureblooded agenda?

"I, Sirius Orion Black, Lord of the most Ancient and Noble House of Black do hereby disband the marriage contract of one Rodulphus LeStrange and Bellatrix Black. So I have decreed, so mote it be." A flash of violet light surrounded Bellatrix and the body in the cell next to hers, which could only be her now former husband. Silent tears flowed freely down the pale woman's face as she felt the restricting bonds of her marriage being broken. She was free.

"Thank you! Oh, thank you, Siri!" Sirius watched the woman begin to sob her relief, trying her very best to remain quiet.

"Am I right in believing everything you've done since the contract was not of your own violation?" The woman could only nod in response. Sirius let out a weathered smile, "Well, then I think it's about time we return home, don't you?" Bellatrix attempted to dry her tears as she moved closer to her cousin, allowing only the cold steel bars to separate them. "Can you still shift?" She gave a shaky nod and ever so slowly the change began.

The painstakingly slow process showed how long it had been since she had transformed, and the pain in doing so now was obvious. Not but a few moments later, though, a small black fox with a white tuff of hair on her chest and at the tip of her tail sat before him. Her violet eyes shone brightly in the darkness, and she easily slipped through the bars. Sirius quickly shifted and together they made their escape.

Black Diaries

Grimmauld Place. It was the ancestral home of the Blacks, at least before Voldemort had screwed everyone over. Now, though, it was merely a trashed, desecrating, old, magically remodeled apartment. In all honesty, Sirius doubted his mother's stories of it being the 'ancestral home'. They were Blacks, surely they owned better than an apartment.

It hadn't taken too long for Sirius and Bella to swim the stretch of ocean to a small island in canine forms. It had taken a while to rest, though, allowing their magical cores to replenish just enough so they could begin an apparating trail not unlike a skipping stone so they may return to the house of Sirius's childhood. He didn't like returning, but he knew it was a must, and so didn't complain. For now, he would seek out those faithful to the family ways, those he could trust, if any still existed.

Sirius shook his head before setting about to his task. He had a lot of work to do before he would be ready to come to his pup's aid, even if the idea of Little Harry remaining in that house another day nearly killed him. Only the thought of the life they would build together kept him from chasing after the pup immediately. He needed to wait, to think this through, as difficult as that was.

He wouldn't risk his pup ever again.