This was supposed to be updated a long time ago, but something big came up. Sorry!

For the next few days, Akiza could no longer bring herself to look into anybody's eyes. She felt pathetic and unneeded. How could her closest friends do this to her? She still had people greet her in the hallways, but how could she compare these strangers to her friends? Besides, it won't be long till they get sick and tired of me too. She internally scoffed.

Every day, Akiza felt the similar dread before leaving to go to school. What purpose would she have there? She obviously was not cared for by others. She impatiently waited for the day of the race when she could showcase her learned skills. Maybe then, Yusei would be proud of her. Maybe then, she would get her friends back.

So she practiced, pushing herself to limits that she did not even know existed.

It took days of endless practice for Akiza to exhaust herself. She was now left with nothing to do except reflect on past events leading to the eventual destruction of her friendships.

She lay on her bed, staring at the canopy above while reminiscing about memories of her closest...her only friendships.

Thoughts of eating at the same lunch table, doing practice laps around the makeshift race course, and sitting around and talking about their day came to her mind. In retrospect, Akiza found the mundane events to be the most beautiful. Having someone to wait for her after class...small moments that made up their entire friendships.

Akiza smiled. Those were the good times.


"Akiza..." Yusei began as soon as they were alone. " have a nice smile."

"Oh? Thank-you." She said, smiling. 'You do too."

"Um..." Rubbing the back of his neck out of pure nervousness, he continued. "Just...don't forget to smile."

Akiza nodded in acknowledgement and made her way to her locker while making a mental note to always smile.

Akiza got off the bed with new resolve. They were friends with me for a reason. Even if those days are over, I'll be a better person, someone who can be a friend to someone else. That's what they would have wanted for me.

Having that resolution in mind, she smiled and fell into a peaceful slumber.

The next day:

When Akiza walked out of her limo and into the school building, she was greeted with casual waves from other people, noncommittal ones that meant they were not expecting anything. However, unlike previous times when she would scowl and look away, Akiza responded with her own smile and wave. The eyes of the girl who waved widened in surprise. She certainly had not been expecting that.

Akiza's smile widened which gave the girl confidence to approach her. She waved some of her friends over and introduced herself. "Hi, my name's Misty." She had long black hair that was waist length and flawless, porcelain skin that made her look as delicate as a little China doll.

Akiza extended her hand out to shake. "I'm Akiza."

Encouraged, Misty grinned and waved some of her friends over. "Do you want to hang out with us? We were just talking about the upcoming grand prix."

Akiza shyly nodded, suddenly overwhelmed with the amount of attention she was receiving. "I would like that."

Yusei would never admit it, but he still found himself caring for Akiza. Perhaps that was why it hurt so much when he was replaced.

The raven-haired teen stared at the empty cafeteria seat that Akiza once occupied and looked up. The sight made his heart clench in resentment. Akiza was with new friends, acting as if everything was normal, as if their broken friendship meant nothing to her. She even had Sayer over her shoulder smirking like a Cheshire cat with secrets only it would know.

While Yusei was relieved that she was fine, a part of him wanted her to hurt as much as he did. Yet, there she was, as cheerful as she was when with him and the others. Akiza, you finally have the friends you wanted. I hope you're happy now.

Carly, who was sometimes too keen for her own good, noticed where Yusei's gaze was directed and yelled, "Yusei!" Successfully pulling Yusei out of his reverie-like state, Carly dragged him into the conversation at the table. "Crow, Yusei had a similar story about a wild goose chase while on the job. I don't think you've heard it. Yusei, tell him."

On the spot, Yusei had no choice but to oblige. "Well...there was this time when a family wanted me fix their drain. For some reason, the parents entrusted their child to guide me to their house, but he didn't know the address. All he could tell me was that it was a red brick house that was really big. There were so many possibilities, but I had to check each one. I went from one side of the city to the other until the father decided to check where I was." The exasperated look on Yusei's face as he relived the moment brought laughter to the rest of the table.

"That's even funnier than my story." Crow managed in between his laughing. He choked on his laughter and fell out his chair. Everyone continued laughing, and even Yusei joined in.

The thought crossed his mind that maybe...just would all be okay in the end.

Akiza smiled into her drink. The remorseful side of her was soon forgotten after some time with Misty and her friends. They were fun-loving, and their happy disposition was beginning to rub off on Akiza. She hoped all her old friends, if they saw, would be proud and happy with what she had become. Once again, she felt like she fit in. However, Sayer had also found a way to get back near her.

Misty looked up and saw Akiza shifting awkwardly away from Sayer. Misty stood up and pointed at the brown haired teen, "Get away from her! Don't you see her shrinking away from you? Get out!"

Sayer put his hands up and slowly backed away from the table. "Let's be civilized about this, Misty."

Misty stomped her feet in a fit of rage. "I said step away from her!" Just like that, Sayer scampered away.

Akiza looked down. "Thank you."

"No problem." Misty smiled. "What are friends for? Now, what is this I hear about you competing in a race?"

"Oh...I'm in Sherry and Elsworth's team. It's not that exci—"

Misty shook her head. "No, no, no. It's great. But aren't you going to invite us too?"

Akiza looked up. "Would you want to attend?"

"Of course." Britteny, another one of Misty's friends, chirped. "What kind of friends would we be if we didn't support you?"