Reviews for The Wilting Rose
DuckTales chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
ok hello i am DuckTales i think this was a very good anime that you wrote i think you should publish you're manga and turn it into an anime because this was a very good manga series i also believe that Yusei will die in the last episode and akiza will die i hope akiza won't be sad that ease as going to die i know ease was a hood boy but he is still cool but it is ok i will still purchase the anime books! it was an epic series i was holding my teeth together scary that something bad would happeni felt like this manga would me my life. i was so esexcited that this happened ease wathis was teeth clinging anime! i was so amazed bout how much effort you bput noto this anime i think i could help you careate a new anime called the dank memes main character : big boy johnny best friend : grouse villain: ramsey but when will you right a fan fiction on josuke and about metal gear solid ! I think snake can be his 2 hand man
and marco can be his 1st division commander and i think johnny should have a crew of big people and he will become pirate king! i think josuke will use za warudo pew shew pew *time is stopping* i think if we collab we can make a good fan fiction! but make sure grouse will die to make sure josuke gets stronger and wan'ts to change
Jade546 chapter 12 . 8/21/2017
Akiza & yusei need to reunite quickly, i hate to see them without one another!

Anyway, good work. Im really looking forward to the next update.
Ai Star chapter 12 . 8/17/2017
Daaw that is good that Akiza now has more friends
Ai Star chapter 11 . 8/16/2017
Oh jeez talk about a huge misunderstanding!
narusakufan1985 chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
This sounds like a good story. Please continue. Yusei and Aki forever.
Jade546 chapter 11 . 4/29/2017
Whoopie! UPDATED! keep it up.
Fox chapter 10 . 12/11/2016
Your doing a great job with this fanfiction it going really will and i think it would be a good twist that you make it were Akiza was going to confess her feeling to Yusei and then all the drama goes down
Guest chapter 10 . 11/1/2016
Thanks for the update, good chapter. Cant wait. Cant wait for the next chapter
poetrymagic12 chapter 9 . 9/3/2016
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! Can't wait to read what happens next...
cgtrfnhyjd chapter 8 . 6/15/2016
crow's date could be Sherry
Sa1mon3000 chapter 8 . 6/7/2016
Oh gosh! Can't wait for the next chapter!Please update soon!
hitokori midnight chapter 7 . 1/1/2016
Update again soon
Team5dsforever chapter 7 . 1/1/2016
They are so crushing on each other
hitokori midnight chapter 5 . 10/19/2015
RunoandAkizafan chapter 4 . 8/15/2015
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