She would play games when Uni was around, when she wasn't, that was a different story. One of Noire's favorite things to do was Cosplaying (information that she would never,*ever* tell Uni, or let her find out for that matter). It felt normal when she did it alone, but would be beyond embarrassed if anyone caught her doing it (her worst fears being Uni and Kei, but mostly Uni).
While she enjoyed all her free time, Noire couldn't find it in herself to just stop working. Even if it was the most miniscule thing, she wanted it done. She wasn't the type to skip out on her goddess duties and play games (unlike a certain purple-haired CPU she knew). That was one of the many things that Uni admired about her sister (She had a list and everything, not that she would tell Noire that.)
But even though Uni vyed for her sisters attention, Noire herself didn't particularly notice most of the time. That was something that crushed Uni. She loved her sister more than anything. She could literally go on for hours on how amazing and perfect her sister was (she actually did this to Nepgear once, but she had fell asleep halfway through, something Uni didn't notice until she was done). So why was it such a bother that she was being ignored by the person who she wanted recognition from the most?...OK that answer was obvious.
It was like a tragic irony. Uni worked hard to get her sisters attention, but was completely ignored by her in the process.
Now Uni found herself in her room. She wasn't even sitting down, she just stood by the wall,, like she was waiting for something to happen. The problem was that she was bored. Normally this would be a time when she would hang out (or play, as Rom and Ram put it) with her friends. But Nepgear was on a so called "date" with Neptune (which really just involved Nepgear doing stuff for her sister, like buying her lunch, carrying her shopping bags, taking her to the movies, buying her clothes and games etc... but Nepgear looked so happy doing it that Uni didn't have the heart to break it to her). Rom and Ram were actually making their own little piece of hardware (the Lowee 3DSi). They probably had help from Blanc of course, but it was still nice to see that they were trying.
There was the obvious answer of gaming, but without anyone else to play with, she just felt lonely.
Uni sighed, she didn't want to disturb Noire during her work time, but she really wanted to do something with her. It felt like it had been years since they last did something fun together (which might have been an exaggeration, but considering how things were between them, it might not be that far off).
Even though Uni loved her sister more than anything in the entire world, their relationship recently had been...strained, to say the least. It was mostly due to how much work Noire had, and how much time she spent on that work. Uni wasn't upset, r-really she wasn't! Noire was a naturally busy CPU, s-so she shouldn't waste her time with her pathetic little sister that fell apart just because Noire didn't notice her, i-it was fine, r-really...!
Banging her head against the wall, Uni stopped those thoughts right there.
Who was she kidding? She couldn't even fool herself. All she wanted was to spend time with her sister that she loved so dearly, was that too much to ask?
Apparently, it was.
"D-Darn it, I have to pull myself together" Uni grumbled as she wiped away tears that were threatening to spill. She shouldn't be moping around and crying like this! She was Lastation's CPU Candidate! She shouldn't be getting upset over unimportant things like this! She was better than this!
Now if only she would believe herself...
Uni wondered aimlessly down the hallway's of the Basilicom. She had no real goal in mind, she just went wherever her feet took her. Eventually, she found her way to the last place she wanted to be at right now.
She was standing in front of the doors that lead to her sisters office.
Uni knew full wel that Noire was in there, you could practically *hear* the sound of pencil furiously scurrying against paper. Uni knew her sister was working hard, and most likely didn't want to be bothered, so she turned and started to leave.
Uni froze mid stride, and turned back towards the door.
This was her chance. She could finally do what she had been wanting to do for a long time now. Approaching the door ever so slightly, Uni was trying to figure out how she should approach this. Would she just burst in, and demand that Noire acknowledge her existence and spend time with her?
Uni shook her head. That was the LAST thing she could do.
She should take this one step at a time. Maybe knock on the door before entering, then ask Noire if she wanted to do anything fun with her. Quality sister time. Noire would accept, and the 2 of them could spend hours playing games, or visiting a local book store, or just sit around and watch T.V. together, or eating together. Anything would be nice! Uni smiled at the various scenarios playing out in her head. All she had to do was knock on the door and let it escalate from there. Raising her fist, she was about to knock on the door, when a thought struck her.
What if...What if Noire didn't *want* to do anything with her?
That horrifying thought made Uni stop cold.
What if Noire was too busy? What if Noire told her no? What if she demanded that Uni leave, and tell her not to bother her? What if...!
Uni hadn't thought about the possibility of rejection. It was logical for her sister to decline. She was busy, even if it wasn't that much, it still counted. Why would her wonderful and perfect sister waste time with her helpless little sister, when she could be getting something important done? She was the CPU of Lastation after all!
It was clear now. It would never work. Noire had important things to attend to, and it was painfully obvious that Uni was not one of them.
Maybe Noire just didn't care about her at all...
Uni felt a lump in her throat. Her chest was heavy, and she felt a fresh wave of tears starting to spill. Realizing that she had, all on her own, crushed all the hope's and dreams that have been sneaking their way into her heart. She knew she couldn't be seen like this, especially not in front of her sister. Uni ran away from the door, tears already running down her cheeks as she entered her room and shut and locked the door, then crashed onto her bed and proceeded to cry her eyes out into the first pillow she could grab.
*Noire's Office*
Noire lifted her head in confusion. She was sure there was someone outside her door. She even heard the sound of someone running down the hall. In a hurry at that. Maybe it was Uni? Or Kei? But Noire knew that they knew better than to run down the halls, especially Kei. But sometimes even *she* broke the rules, but only by accident. The only time Kei had ever acted undignified, in front of her at least, was when Uni had accidentally erased Kei's save data, and she "accidentally" punched Uni in the face.
For a girl her size, Kei punches felt like a bag of bricks.
Noire sighed at the memory. She distinctively remembered the hours she spent trying to get the blood off Uni's clothes. Kei had apologized, but a "sorry" didn't make up for Uni's broken nose, or making her throw away her outfit (It was Uni's favorite too, even though virtually all her clothes looked the same, and so do Noire's for that matter. She'll have to go shopping later)
Noire couldn't help but think that it was Uni tha had walked past. It would certainly make sense. Noire had noticed that things hadn't exactly been good between them. They hardly spoke to each other, in the rare encounters that they even ran into each other in the first place. Did that make her a bad sister? To have such a distant connection with her own family? N-No, that couldn't be it right? She was only working so hard, and not paying any sort of attention whatsoever to her little sister, was so Uni knew that Noire was someone worth looking up too! That was a good reason, right...?
So why was she having a hard time believing herself?
*Uni's Bedroom*
After Uni had successfully cried her eyes out, she simply stared at the ceiling. Her eyes were still stinging red, and her chest was still heavy. She had done this too herself, but at the same time, it wasn't her fault. Noire had just been strange with her. Uni didn't even know if this was a functional relationship at this point, with them not seeing hide or hair of each other most of the time, and acting like complete strangers to each other when they *did* see each other. It was so weird.
Uni figured that spending 3 incredibly painful and lonely years without her sister would provoke Noire to at least spend *some* time with her, right? But all that seemed to do was make things worse between them. For all Uni knew, Noire might have been completely oblivious to her true feelings of the situation. But again, there was fault on her part. Maybe if she didn't bottle it up like she was now, if she was just up front with her feelings, would that make things better, or would it make it even worse?
Uni honestly had no idea.
She turned to her right, and spotted the calendar on the wall. Uni spotted a specific date. That's right, tomorrow was her birthday wasn't it? Uni smiled blissfully. Maybe she could do something with Noire then, and then maybe, she could try to mend things with her.
Unless Noire would forget...
Uni shook her head, and squeezed the pillow she was holding a little tighter. No, her sister would *never* do something like that! She had remembered all the other times! So why would she forgot now?
Uni thought back to earlier. Considering ow things were now, would Noire be so busy, that she actually *would* forget? And if she did, and Uni didn't say anything, would that mean she would forget her next one too? And the one after that?!
Uni squeezed the pillow tighter. She was practically murdering the darn thing in a vain attempt to make her feel better.
It all depended on tomorrow.
Either Noire would remember, and things would be better between them.
Noire would forget, and Uni's already bleeding heart would be crushed once more.