Chapter 8: It Can't Be Done
Thanks to my beta, darrelldeam, for all his help in making this easier to read for you, my readers. All mistakes are still my own. I added a bit so there may be some mistakes.
I always find it funny as hell when Harry goes away one summer and comes back Kung-Fu fighting, even with time dilation that won't happen, unless he goes into a room at the age of 15 and comes out 20. Anyway, here is my take on that.
Okay, so this is the second time I've deleted and re-added this chapter. I do have a good excuse though. I added a bit and rewrote the ending. There are Author's Notes at the end of the chapter to explain why. Thanks for your patience.
It was getting to the end of Harry's first year at Hogwarts, the Leaving Feast was tonight, and he was thinking that along with his extra Muggle studies, he might take up karate or something. If what he had to face earlier this week was any indication of what he might have to face in the future, then he needed to learn to fight any way he could.
Hermione and Millie were going to tutor him in non-magical studies over the summer. A mind healer was going to come by once a week to help him get over his trauma. Hopefully that will keep the Dursleys off his back. Maybe his friends could come with him to martial arts. He went to find them to ask.
Harry found them in the Great Hall going over their summer plans. "Hey, guys, ummm I mean gals, I was thinking about enrolling in karate classes or something this summer. You know, so I can learn to fight and maybe protect myself from Voldemort. Then he won't be able to hurt me next year, if he shows up again," he said, sitting down next to them and grabbing a biscuit that was on a plate in the middle of the table for the studying students.
"Ummm, Harry, you know it will take years to get good enough to actually fight someone. The most they will teach you the first few months is how to block and fall correctly, as well as well some defensive moves, but nothing that will take down a full-grown man," Hermione stated. She had studied karate. She never actually took classes, but she knew that to get really good at the actual fighting part took years of study and practice.
"What do you mean? I mean in all the films they show people learning to fight in like a month," Harry questioned, a great deal of confusion on his face.
"Well, that's films, isn't it? I mean, they aren't real. No, it takes years of study to be any good," the bushy-haired girl answered.
"Look, Harry, we're not saying you can't take the classes. What you learn in the two months you're at home will help. It's just that we don't want you to think you're going to come out a pro in that short amount of time, yeah," the seventh-year girl said with a soft smile. She understood what Harry was worried about.
Harry's shoulders slumped, he thought it had been a good idea. He had kept in pretty good shape this year; thanks to the jogging he did all year with all his friends and Millie's group. He figured since he was in such good physical condition then he could learn to fight faster.
Suddenly, Hermione perked up and nudged her friend. "Harry, there's another way," she said excitedly. "When my mum was mugged a few years ago, she started to take this class for dirty fighting. One of the reasons karate, or any martial arts, takes so long is because there are forms you must follow. With this class it is all dirty tricks and staying in shape. Maybe we can ask her and see if she can get us into one of those classes. I don't know if they have classes for kids though, but it wouldn't hurt to ask."
"Yeah, if not then I can take the class and teach it to you guys, yeah," Millie said, getting motivated. It might just do her good anyway, if rumor was to be believed then there was going to be a war and she was going to be a target, being Muggle-born and all. And Merlin knows those Pure-bloods didn't know how to dirty fight. She'd have to get all her friends in on this too. She started going over who was able to join and who would need to be taught by someone taking the class. With the money she was going to make from Harry's tutoring, she should be able to afford it.
This cause her to think about maybe hiring herself out as a tutor for the friends, they would need to protect themselves too. She could work this into her schedule; she was planning on going to the University when summer was over, but she could teach the fighting to her friends at night and on the weekends.
"Okay, tell me what you know, Hermione," Harry asked, overjoyed that maybe there was a way he could defend himself. Millie leaned over the table to hear better.
"Well, they're pretty new, I think they've only been around for a few years here in England. They're very popular across the pond though. Like other martial arts you must learn to fall first thing. There's loads of exercises so you will be okay there. And a lot of hitting in the right places. Some even teach you how to use weapons or know what you can use as a weapon in the things around you. Most attacks take place in alleys so there's a lot of discarded stuff that can be used," Hermione explained, going over what she knew in her head.
"Hey, if you didn't take the class how did you know all that?" Millie asked with a tilt of her head.
"There was a pamphlet that explained the class."
"Figures," Harry said with a teasing smile.
"Prat," Hermione said playfully, pushing her best friend.
Hermione owled her mum that night to investigate it so they would know what to expect when she got home. The year ended with Gryffindor winning the cup, only because of Dumbledore giving a large amount of points to Harry for bravely fighting off evil or some such rot, which Harry considered an unfair. His mind still in conflict over killing a man and he didn't think he should be awarded for that.
The train ride was exciting, Harry had loads of friends that came by to wish him luck for the summer and to hear his plans and tell him their own. After he crossed the barrier in to the King Cross Station, he was met by a very put out Dursley family. It was okay though, Millie was by his side. Hermione had already left with her family, after introductions and goodbyes were said.
"Well, hurry up, boy. We haven't all day to wait for the likes of you," was the fat man's greeting.
"Oh, Harry, I am so sorry," Millie purred, giving the young boy a hug.
"Are you one of those freaks?" Dudley asked dumbly, not quite understanding that what Hagrid had done to him was minor. It had been painful to have that tail removed, but the pain faded and so did the fear, mostly.
"Why are you sorry, Millie?" Harry asked at the same time.
"Because, I'm going to hurt your family, yeah," Millie said sweetly, smiling a bright smile as if she was happy to meet such fine upstanding citizens and hadn't just threatened them.
"What do you think you can do to us, freak?" Vernon blustered, making his mustache twitch.
"Oh, didn't you know? I'm out of school and I live near Surrey. I'm going to be Harry's tutor this summer. So, I'm going to be by almost every day, yeah. And if you think something minor as a pig's tail is the worse we can do to you, well just think again," Millie answered the large man with that sweet smile still on her face. "Oh, and I know the number to Scotland Yard, have a friend whose Da works there, yeah."
At this the Dursleys paled, for all their flaunting at being normal, they knew if it ever got out how they treated Harry they'd be done for.
"Harry, my favorite ex-firsty, I'll see you at exactly nine in the morning," she said giving the boy a hug and then turned to his family, still smiling. "This means I'll be seeing you as well, yeah. Oh, and by the way, if one hair on his head is mussed and he didn't do it, well, I do know how to use a phone and a wand." And with that she turned and went to her own family that had been waiting quietly. They too glared at the Dursleys having been told all about them by their daughter.
Vernon picked up Harry's trunk and waddled quickly to the car, wanting to get away from the people that were looking at him as if he was abnormal. He even carried the trunk up to Harry's room when they got to the house. And for once in Harry's life he was treated semi-normal in the Dursley household.
Hermione called on Saturday, about a week after they had been home. "Hey Harry, can we come over for a while? I want to talk to you guys about that class we discussed," she asked, after hellos were exchanged.
"Of course, you can. After that first meeting with Millie the Dursleys don't dare say no to me anymore," Harry said. Millie had shown up the first day just like she said she would and to press her point she turned their coffee table into a tea cup and back. They left Harry alone after that.
The mind healer, named Sally Pointier, came by once a week, on Wednesday afternoons, to talk to Harry. This added an extra layer of protection. The Dursley's, seeing that there would be no avoiding the freaks, made sure they weren't home most days. This made Dudley very happy, since he got to dictate what he wanted to do for the days they were not home.
"Okay, let me call Millie and we'll be there around noon. See you then," Hermione said.
"See ya," Harry said and then heard the phone disconnect. Shrugging he hung up and went to his room to do his Muggle homework while he waited for his friends.
At noon the doorbell rang, and Harry went down to let them in. The Dursleys were out shopping, so they were alone. He brought the girls up to his room and they sat on the bed and Harry took the rickety chair.
"Okay, I was right they don't have classes for kids, well not yet anyway. They say there isn't enough interest and the insurance for such a class cost too much. So, if Millie takes the class she's going to have to figure out what she can teach us and how, because the class is designed for adult women," Hermione started straight away, holding the pamphlets her mum had gathered for her.
"Okay, I'll do that. Maybe I'll have to tone it down until you guys get older, but you can at least get a lecture about what I learn," Millie said, thinking about what could possibly be taught that kids couldn't learn.
"I'll pay for you to go," Harry stated firmly, "but I need you to take me to the bank. We'll call it part of your pay." It was argued about and then soon agreed upon. Harry wouldn't pay for the class, but he would increase her weekly tuition pay.
Hermione gave the name for the class and location on the one in Millie's area. The three chatted for a while and the girls went home. Harry returned to his homework with half a mind on what he would be learning.
A week later they all met back up at the park, on a nice warm Sunday, and Millie told them about her first class, all the while showing what she was talking about.
"We started, as many martial arts classes do, by lining up at the front of the room and taking a bow. Then we went right into star jumps, and then alternated with push-ups and some basic blocks with a partner. After this we moved to the floor for ab-work and then did a little stretching. The instructor yelled a lot, a first it scared me a bit, but then I learned to ignore it, for the most part," Millie said laughing at the kids shocked faces. "So, if we do this expect me to yell a lot. The man said it was important, because most life or death situations aren't quiet, so you need to be able to react when someone is yelling, yeah.
"Next we got with a partner and practiced hitting pads with our palm-heel," she continued with a demonstration, thrusting her hand heel first in the air at an invisible opponent. "Next we moved into some attack scenarios. First watching the instructor and his assistant walk through a frontal choking situation. He showed us how to get out of this and what not to do. Then we broke it down into steps and practiced one step at a time with our partners. After what happened to you, Harry that might be important for you and Hermione to learn, yeah."
Harry nodded in agreement. What had happened with Quirrell was enough for him to pay close attention. Hermione committed it all in her mind, since she didn't have any paper for notes.
"We started with a block, then added a palm strike, and finally added a knee to the groin," she laughed again as Harry crossed his legs, and then added. "You guys are a bit small to do that, so you might want to use your head or elbow to that area of your attacker, yeah.
"Anyway, the order and speed in which we learned was very easy to understand and really simplified the moves. I'll show you that way. Throughout the class, the instructor came around and offered feedback and criticism on our form and force. So, expect me to bad mouth you if you don't get it right. It is important that you develop a thick skin to taunting; your attacker is going to use that, yeah. There was one Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange, she did weird stuff like that. She loved to baby talk, making you seem stupid of some such thing," Millie said, not wanting to frighten them, but letting them know what to expect.
Harry and Hermione nodded, though with trepidation.
Millie went on, "We ended the class the way we started, with star jumps, push-ups, and ab-work, but this time we had to move quickly from the floor into palm strikes and back again. This helped to prepare us for the idea that we may have to get off the ground and fight for our lives at some point, so we should be ready and taught us how to fall correctly."
"Wow, I didn't realize it was so intense," Hermione said, when Millie sat down indicating she was finished.
"I think it'll be good for me. I hate being shy all the time, I only really stand up to my relatives when they push," Harry said, getting excited. Maybe he could use it on Dudley and his gang, if they didn't leave him alone this summer. So far they had, so maybe not. The next words out of Millie's mouth put that notion to rest.
"If I teach you this, I want your word that it'll be used only in self-defense, yeah. And that's it. Nothing else. I mean it guys; this type of fighting can really hurt someone. A lot of it I won't even teach you for years because it can kill. I watched a higher class then mine and if you think mine was intense you haven't heard nothing," Millie pierced them with a glare, telling them that she really meant business.
Both kids nodded, and Millie relaxed.
While they learned this style of fighting, some of Millie's old classmates, Muggle-born, Half-blood, and Pureblood, joined them in the park and the older girl made a bit of money on the side as the instructor. She was just happy that her network was still going strong and maybe she wouldn't be as out of touch as she thought she might be.
After an intense summer of homework, learning hand-to-hand defense, and studying ahead for Hogwarts, it was time to return. Harry was looking forward to school, except he would miss Millie. However, there was more awaiting him than he knew.
And that's it for Our Friend Millie, well for the first year.
I am thinking of a sequel but, I can't figure out the logistics without Millie in to Hogwarts during the rest of Harry's schooling. If you have suggestions for that, I'll take them under advisement. I do, however, give my approval and permission for anyone wanting to take this story and expanding it. Just drop me a link so I can read it.
Update: I've decided that I will try and make this a series. I've got a few things in mind, thanks to some reviewers and pms. However, it will be on the back burner, or not, depending on my muse. I will be rereading 'The Escape' and 'The Shock of it All' and seeing if I can finish them first. There is also a chance that I might write a preview epilogue for this one, and then continue it. Anyway, that's my plans for now.
I want to thank all of you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my tale.