This is it folks, last chapter. I got the heights of the actors from wikipedia... I'm pretty sure that they're right. Anyway all the actors on the show are ridiculously tall, it's not fair. Even Garth is six foot! That isn't even fair. This is a mushy chapter, I apologize. I hope it isn't disappointing after all the previous chapters.
Thank you serial reviewers! You made my day after every post!
Quick thanks to seitanspawn who agreed to be my beta and worked over the previous chapter. Seitanspawn probably had no idea that she was agreeing to work with a devil. Send seitanspawn many many cookies if you would, and possibly pie.
Laura was able to place Sam in their home that night. Paperwork be damned. Diana was transferred to a different home and took the brunt of the media, Sam turned into a side note to the girl who had been raped by her foster father and saved herself. It was ruled self-defense, but Diana spent six months dealing with the trial. Sam saw Diana one more time after the death of Mr. Sanders. It was at the one time Sam had to come forward and testify. Diana never hesitated in continuing the claim that she was the one who pulled the trigger.
Bobby ended up transferring both the boys to home school, Sam was content with that since it allowed him to nerd out how he wanted and to force Dean to actually learn something too. It worked well as Sam soon enough learned about the supernatural, not that he hadn't been suspicious about his family's involvement since the thing with the vampire. Sam was excited to do researching and wanted to try hunting. That of course went great, with Dean yelling and John freaking out. But it was promised that Sam could be trained and could just maybe go on a hunt when he turned eighteen. To get Sam to not argue the agreement was that Dean was forbidden to go on hunts until Sam could be with his brother.
John did his best but at some point they all agreed it would be best if he went back to hunting. In between each hunt though, he came to visit and spend a week with the boys. It worked out well since he was a complete pushover whenever either of the boys wanted something. Things weren't perfect. Dean let Sam drive the Impala and ended up pranking Sam during the first drive. They crashed into a tree and Bobby yelled Dean's ear off the whole drive home. Fixing the front of the Impala Sam got his first lesson in mechanics. Dean got his cast off and a week later fractured the same arm trying to set up an elaborate prank involving a bucket of water, super glue, pink pipe cleaner, and a whole lot of glitter. Needless to say things weren't perfect but they were good and most important of all they were happy.
Six Months Later: AKA May
"Damnit Bobby! I forgot the cake!"
"Well go get it then! Dean isn't going to be able to keep Sam out all day! Besides I got my own problems." Bobby said, looking down at the rolls of crepe that were scattered across the floor, one of them sitting in Rumsfeld's mouth.
John was pulling on the jacket he had just pulled off and was grabbing his keys. Glancing at his watch he cursed.
"The bakery closes in fifteen minutes."
Bobby turned a fierce look on John.
"Well, get your ass moving then."
John sighed.
"There is no way I'll make it in time."
Bobby stared at the crepe, mind thinking.
"Barbara Killick owns the bakery, right?"
John shrugged. "How would I know?"
Bobby shook his head. "Never mind. I know she does. Just head over there, I'll call her up and get her to hang around an extra ten minutes or so until you can get there."
John didn't respond, instead he rushed out the door making Rumsfeld drop the crepe and go barking out the door after John. Bobby cursed again and waved an agitated hand at the dog, too busy with decorating to stop his dog. They'd spent the day running around the moment Dean had gotten Sam out the door around eleven that morning with the claim to hit up the movies.
Bobby had made Sam's favorite meal, beef stew. Not Bobby's best but he could probably guess why it was Sam's favorite. Along with it was a salad which Bobby had made and some french bread picked up from the store. Bobby had everywhere else decorated; balloons, string, and tinsel strung up like someone had set off a color bomb in the house. Maybe Bobby wasn't exactly an interior designer but at least it looked like they were planning a party. Admittedly, it had looked a lot better for Dean's 19th in January when Sam had been in charge of decorating. Heck, it had actually looked like decorations.
Bobby looked at the time anxious for the boys' return. Dean said they'd be back around three; it was two fifty right now. Set on the table were several presents and all the dishes. Bobby was pretty proud of his gift. It was a computer, a nicer one that he'd gotten through a friend. Sam had an affinity for technology and loved being able to use computers for research. The thing was damn expensive though, so it would probably end up being used by all of them. John had gotten Sam some nice books, some which were research related and some which weren't. Sam would love them anyway. Dean had gotten Sam something but he had been unwilling to share exactly what it was.
Bobby recognized the sound of the Impala pulling up and he quickly adjusted the last bit of haphazardly thrown crepe. Sam stepped through the door, Dean right behind him, and a smile lit up his face as soon as he took in the decorations. It was a full on Sam Winchester smile, with dimples and teeth showing. Bobby couldn't help but smile back. The last six months had seen a growth spurt for Sam and he was now at a nice 5"9. Still four inches short of his brother-and staying that way according to Dean-but Bobby had a feeling that Sam wasn't going to stop growing. He'd filled out some too, with John training with him when he came and Dean working his brother through basic stuff.
The most noticeable thing was that he stood taller, hair fringing out to cover his forehead but not to cover his eyes. Sam didn't curl into himself anymore, he wasn't hiding. Boy still had his moments but Sam looked like a new kid.
"Happy Birthday Sam." Bobby said warmly, bringing Sam in for a tight hug. Sam was still shorter than him, for now. Pulling back Sam stared around at everything that had been put together. Dean stayed back, leaning in to whisper to Bobby.
"Where's dad?"
"Gettin' the cake."
Dean raised a brow.
"He'll be here soon, don't get your panties in a twist."
"What's Dean twisting his panties for?"
Sam had come back in.
"None of your business Sam, unless you want it to be your panties I'm twisting."
Dean scowled at his brother, but it was more teasing than angry. Sam laughed and Dean joined a few moments later. Bobby glared at the two of them mumbling something about 'bloody idjits' under his breath. Bobby walked into the kitchen and shoved a stack of bowls into Dean's hand and jerked a thumb toward the table.
"You two start setting up, we're eating once yer daddy gets back."
Dean and Sam set about putting down napkins and mismatched silverware and cups. Bobby brought the pot to the table and started cutting the french bread while Sam brought the salad out.
"Uh-uh." Bobby said, slapping the hand that was sneaking out to snag a piece of bread. Dean pouted and glanced over at Sam who was stealing bits from the salad.
"That's not fair Bobby." He whined. "Why aren't you bothering Sam?"
"'Cause he's the birthday boy and once you start now you ain't gonna stop."
Sam stuck his tongue out at his brother, grinning smugly.
"That's it!" Dean tackled his brother to the floor and pinned him. Sam however had picked up on his training real quick and was soon out of Dean's hold and working on getting his brother pinned.
"Damn! You friggin' idjits get off my Goddamn floor!"
"Let 'em have at it Bobby, maybe it'll get them tired enough to stop squawking at each other."
Bobby turned his menacing glare on John who had just stepped into the kitchen, cake in hand. Sam and Dean sprung up at seeing John. Dean grabbed the cake, fingers pulling up the cardboard top to look at the cake. Sam meanwhile was pulled in for a tight hug from his dad. Bobby grabbed the cake from Dean's hands just as the teen was about to stick his finger into one of the frosted flowers.
"Keep your thieving fingers to yerself." Bobby snapped.
Dean just smiled sheepishly before going behind Bobby's back and grabbing a piece of bread while Bobby wasn't looking. Bobby placed the cake on the table alongside the soup pot, salad bowl, and plate stacked with bread.
"Alright, everybody sit before I take this all out to Rumsfeld."
The warning had Dean in his chair in a second. Sam stopped his rambling flow to his dad about the school project he was working on and had thought up. They both came over and finally everyone was settled at the table.
"Grace, Sam?"
Sam had met Pastor Jim a month into his new life and had taken a liking to the man. He wasn't devoted per se but he did shove Bobby and Dean-and John when he was there-into the car to go to church once a week and liked them to say grace at meals.
Sam nodded and they all held each others hands. Sam said a few words which were responded to with 'amens' from the rest. With that said, everybody began digging in; Dean going for the soup and Sam for the salad. The meal passed comfortably, a few words passed between them along with pithy comments that were mainly between the two teenage boys.
When they were through with the meal, they had the cake left. Dean immediately reached for it, knife in one hand and a plate in the other.
"Dean." Bobby said in a warning voice. Bobby had taken over the discipline with both the boys while John was the one who got to dote. They were both loved though by both of the boys.
Dean stopped his advance and sent a smirk to Sam who gave him a bitch-face. Before cake could be cut, presents had to be open and each family member had to say why they loved the birthday person. That unusual activity-unusual for the stoic and overtly manly family-had been coined by Dean when he was seven. It had been Bobby's first birthday with Dean with the little boy knowing. The little sneak had looked around in his papers until figuring out when the old man had been born. Dean had made a cake; one that looked more like a pile of something else. He had in his adorable little voice said that birthday's were for letting people know how much you loved them. Since then it had been a tradition for them to inform each other of said love.
"Fine-" Dean said with an annoyed voice.
"I love Sam soooo much-" He said, sending his brother a mocking smirk. "Because of his pretty princess hair."
Bobby immediately smacked Dean upside his head. "Stop being an idjit."
Dean rolled his eyes and finally became more serious.
"I love Sam-" It didn't stop him from still exaggerating the word 'love' in a silly tone.
"Because he's my little brother, best one a guy could have."
The smirk turned into a genuine smile as Dean took in the beaming smile on Sam's face.
"Alright cake time!"
Dean reached for the cake again just to have John this time slide it away from him.
"Awww come on, don't be a cake-blocker."
A deadly glare latter and Dean was settling back in his chair, arms now folded and hands away from the cake.
"It's not pie anyway." Dean grumbled under his breath.
"Alright." John said, clearing his throat. Sam looked in anticipation at his dad, adoration in his gaze. John smiled, pleased to know that he had people around him who loved him.
"I love Sam because he's the smartest kid I know, best thing to brag about alongside my other son of course."
Both boys sent him smiles.
"I love Sam because he's the best thing that's happened to this family."
Nobody said anything as everyone mentally agreed, thinking about just eight months ago when Sam had first come into their lives.
"Who's up for cake?"
The moment was broken and Dean was reaching out for the cake. While he started cutting it, Sam began opening his presents.
"Hey, no, my present goes last."
Sam sent his brother a strange look before setting the small package to the side. He started with Bobby's which had been haphazardly wrapped in newspaper. Without unwrapping it he already knew what it was. The computer was a little worn and wasn't the newest model but that didn't matter.
"Thanks Bobby!"
Bobby smiled giving a small nod. Dean handed down a plate.
Sam started on John's gift next, his face lit up with joy when the paper was pulled aside to reveal several books. There was a quick 'I love it' and 'thank you' and then Sam was reaching for Dean's present.
"No, wait till later."
Sam frowned but set it to the side again. With that they set into the cake skipping the 'happy birthday' song and the candles. There was only so much the family was willing to concede to mushy moments and Dean's tradition was it. The cake was demolished quickly and they were soon clearing the table. It was five o'clock now and John had to get going, there was a shifter that Caleb needed help with. There was quick good bye and John was out the door.
Dean helped Sam take the computer into the study room where they hooked it up with Sam promising himself that he'd check it out later. Then he took the books upstairs, Dean's gift balanced on top. Once both boys were in the room Sam set to placing the books in his bookcase while Dean plopped down on the bed.
"So, when do I get to open it?"
Sam looked suspiciously at his brother.
"It's not a prank or something, is it?"
Dean shook his head and held the gift out to Sam. Sam sat down on the bed next to his brother and took the gift. It was wrapped in old Christmas wrapping paper. Sam studied the ugly cartoon reindeer set against a green background.
"Come on, open it." Dean said, nudging Sam in the ribs.
Sam began slowly peeling back the paper, making sure not to rip it but rather pulling back the tape carefully. The paper gone, Sam took in a small brown jewelry box. It had a bird and flowers carved on the lid. It wasn't large, just big enough to fit some earrings and such. Sam looked dubiously at his brother.
"It's not a prank, I swear."
Sam nodded before removing the lid to the jewelry box. Inside was a photograph of a beautiful blonde woman. In her arms was a baby and next to her was John who was holding a small four year old boy. Sam took a few moments to process what he was looking at. It clicked and he realized that the picture was of his mother; more than that it was a picture of his family.
"It's uh-" Dean's voice broke in emotion.
"It's a picture of us. Of mom."
Sam looked down at the picture in awe.
"The jewelry box was hers, it was one of the few things that escaped the fire. I know it's girly and stuff and it's not much, nothing like the computer and books, but-"
Sam cut his brother's rambling off by hugging him tightly.
"I love it Dean."
Dean circled his arms around his brother. They held it a few moments before breaking off.
"I figured you could ask anything you want about mom and I'll answer as best as I can."
Sam beamed at his brother.
"It's the best gift ever."
I know, very mushy. I hope it wraps things up nicely enough.
Thank you again! It has been so much fun to write this story. It's been a rough and bumpy ride and for whatever reason most of you have held on until the end!