
Chapter updated 01/17, check my profile for more info.

This was the first time Daniel McDellum, senator of Corellia, had ever petitioned to speak to the body. It was no secret among the Senators that McDellum was an opportunistic politician. A man who entered politics to better his economic standing instead of a passion to be a part of a government. Even the senators who were here for power had a disdain for McDellum, who had refused to help their schemes in the past. In most sessions, McDellum was largely ignored, until today.

Today McDellum had something big, bigger than anything he had ever seen in his career. The shock factor alone would put his name in the limelight. After this, no one would wonder about his ability as a Senator. Inside his hoverpod, the alert light began to flash, showtime.

"The chair recognizes Senator McDellum from Corellia." Mas Amedda said, his cultured voice at odds with his appearance, straight out of a Corellian fairy tale. McDellum hoped Amedda wouldn't be the devil that took his soul, there was too much left to do.

McDellum knew he didn't bring attention to himself like the other Senators. A slightly overweight man with thinning brown hair, he looked like any other commoner in the galaxy, while as a rule Senators were at least as perfect as royalty. McDellum didn't see the need for expensive hair surgery, and he liked pasties too much to care about that perfect figure.

When his pod had reached its destination towards the center of the room, he began to speak. "Thank you, Chairman. Chancellor, and members of the Senate, I would like to call attention to atrocities that are happening unnoticed right now in our ranks. Even as I speak, there are innocent civilians being targeted and eliminated by trained killers."

Mas Amedda interrupted him. "Senator McDellum, the Senate is well aware of the distasteful nature of the Bounty Hunters Guild, however they are a necessary evil to keep peace in the galaxy."

"With respect, Chairman, the group I speak of has no oversight by the Republic, they act entirely on their own governance, and I wish to propose a bill that will regulate and provide oversight on this breech of ethics that rots within the Republic."

"Provocative words, Senator." A pod pulled away from the wall of the auditorium, in it was the elegantly dressed Senator from Naboo, Padme Amidala. "You still have not explained to this body just what group you are talking about, for all we know, you've created this mythical cabal with a pen, having the Senate chase shadows to further your own agenda."

Murmurs of assent rippled through the hall. This was the best McDellum could have hoped for. Senator Amidala was incredibly influential in the Senate, rumored to be able to sway up to a quarter of the votes on any given issue. If he could pull her to his side, it would be enough to at least grab the attention of the media.

"I assure you Senator Amidala that this group is very real. In fact, their headquarters is located in a premium spot right here on Coruscant, paid for by Republic tax dollars. The group I speak of is the Jedi Order, led by Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda."

The instant revulsion was beautiful to McDellum. The Senate was in uproar, individuals screaming at him, or the chairman, or at themselves. So far everything was going according to plan.

"Order!" Amedda shouted, eventually getting the attention of the Senators. He turned to McDellum. "What proof do you have of this slanderous claim, Senator? I don't need to remind you that the punishment for falsely attacking a person or group in a Senatorial capacity."

"I would never bring something before the Senate without proof, I am not a hatemonger. With me today is a holorecording from a young man on Dathomir. With your permission, Chairman, I shall play it for the Senate."

From his position so close to the center podium where the Chairman, Chancellor, and minute keeper were located, McDellum could see Amedda subtly lean in and whisper in the Chancellor's ear. After a moment, the Chancellor said a single word.

"You have permission to present your evidence, Senator."

Daniel had already keyed the short clip into his pod. With a few keystrokes, he sent the footage to the presenter installed above the podium in the center of the auditorium. As the footage began to play, the lights in the hall dimmed, leaving only the personal lights in each Senator's pod as well as the blue-tinged hologram of a Zabrak male, clearly not even twenty yet.

"Dude, you sure we're recording? Oh, Ok." The young man said to someone off-screen. What's up everyone, it's your boy Gore28, coming to you straight from my hometown right here on Dathomir. Listen, the Jedi ship is landing so I don't have much time, but if you like this sort of real deal, hard core wartime footage, smash that like button for me. Now, back to the action."

The camera panned off Gore28, stopping with a view into a valley containing a small primitive town. The two Jedi walking into the town were without a doubt Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, heroes of the Republic and veterans of countless battles. When the two Jedi entered the town proper, the local police force stopped their entrance. A brief skirmish happened, leaving the locals without weapons but also unharmed. The local governor watched on a rock outcropping above the village, before Anakin Skywalker jumped up and took the man hostage, demanding the still unarmed police force to stand down.

Obi-Wan Kenobi began to speak. He demanded the location of a being named Savage, calling him an animal that needed to be put down. The two Jedi exchanged words with the local governor, too quiet for the holorecorder to capture what was said. Whatever the governor said seemed to satisfy the Jedi, who immediately left. The camera panned back to the young man.

"Amazing, I'm gonna try to get a statement from our governor. This is Gore28, remember to like, comment, and subscribe, peace!"

The footage ended, causing the auditorium lights to return to normal brightness. Senators were split between blind outrage and confusion. They either believed the Jedi were traitors all this time, or didn't understand how important this footage was. McDellum couldn't read Padme's face, it was still too early to tell where she stood on the issue. Chancellor Palpatine on the other hand had the barest smile on his face, a full grin for someone never showed emotion. The Chancellor made a motion with his hand, and the Chairman stood up.

"Order!" He shouted. The Senators didn't seem to notice him. "I said ORDER!"

McDellum winced, the Chairman had turned his mic up several notched to be heard over the still arguing Senators, and the echoes of his shout were still bouncing about the auditorium. The few brave or stupid Senators who were still arguing finally stopped when the Chancellor stood up.

"Senator McDellum," Palpatin said. "It is with a heavy heart that I accept this footage as evidence against the Jedi Order. They have been the protectors of this Republic for millennia, and that sort of loyalty deserves the respect of this body. Senators of the Republic, we will adjourn immediately, pending a statement from the Jedi Council. This session is ended."

The Chairman pounded his ceremonial staff, the sound artificially enhanced to be loud enough for the entire hall. The Chancellor's podium descended into the floor, and the Senators left to go home. Daniel McDellum knew he had won.

McDellum entered his simple condo. Wealthy Senators lived in penthouses, or bought entire floors for themselves and their entourage. McDellum didn't come from old money, he was the first in his family line to pursue a career in politics. Everything he had ever done was a means to an end. He wanted to secure a better life for his daughter, better than the hardships he had faced growing up.

Closing the door behind him, Daniel recognized the happy squeal of Katrina, his five year old daughter. "Look what I made Daddy!"

Daniel bent down and picked up his wriggling girl, who had a death grip on a piece of flimsy, tortured by various colors of glitter. Daniel had a brief moment of thankfulness that he had already taken off his suit coat before picked up his daughter, the glitter was already sparkling on his dress shirt.

"It's very pretty, does it have a name?"

"My teacher called it a mon-tage." She carefully sounded out the word. "It's for you Daddy!"

"Well, I'll just have to find a place for it in my office, won't I?" Come on, let's find out what's for dinner."

Still carrying his daughter, Daniel walked toward the kitchen, stopping only for a minute to watch the news, still on from whenever his wife had watched it. The controversial but popular Cindy Gordon was speaking.

"Breaking news from the Senate. Sources say Senator McDellum of Corellia has proof of Jedi abuse of Republic tax dollars. From the tax budget, Republic citizens pay 30 million credits to the Order every year, and I'm here to show you just what the Order is doing with your hard earned money."

The screen cuts to the footage Daniel had shown to the Senate. He turned off the holoscreen, the growling in his stomach more important than seeing his handiwork on the news.

Huge shoutout to the What the Fosh! Forum, great folks who helped me get through publishing this story.