Author's Note: Yelloooooooow! Wazzup? Okay guys, let me make this clear right now. This one-shot is all for fun. I'm not trying to make a masterpiece here, I just thought it'd be interesting and funny to write. Besides, Minami is my favorite character in Lucky Star! So, I hope you enjoy it and don't mind the OOC-ness too much!
Disclaimer: I do not own Lucky Star or any of its characters. I also do not own the song "The Other Side" by Jason Derulo
Play the song while reading guys! It'll help set the mood!
The Iwasaki household lacked one of its usual residents. Of course, such an occurrence was normal since it was a weekday and Honoka, Minami's mother, wouldn't be home from work until at least another half hour. This didn't bother the mint-haired girl though.
Besides, as much as she loved and appreciated her mother, she appreciated alone time in the house as well. It would be assumed that the quiet girl used the free-time to perhaps relax and watch television or partake in some other peaceful pastime, right?
Apparently, not.
Bedroom door closed shut, headphones shoved into her ears, music blasting at a high volume, and her dog Cherry nestled in the corner and watching intently, Minami was currently far from tranquil.
In the beginning, I never thought it would be you
When we were chilling, smiling in the photo booth
But we got closer (yeah), soon you were eating off my spoon
You're coming over and we would talk all afternoon
Aside from her right foot carelessly tapping in beat with the song's opening rhythm, Minami appeared as stoic as usual while she organized her bookshelf…until the beat picked up.
Tonight we'll just get drunk, disturb the peace
Find your hands all over me
Minami relocated herself at the opposite end of the shelf…by moonwalking over with the slightest of head nods and bounce in her movements.
And then you'll bite your lip, whisper and say
We're going all the way
Her sock-clad feet shuffled in sync with the chorus as it came in with a drop of the beat.
Tonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
She pointed from her vision to an imaginary person in front of her before turning left and continuing her shuffling. She added some impressively smooth hand motions into the mix.
And I know we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road we'll be lovers for sure
So tonight, kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
By this point, Cherry resided to taking a nap, as the canine had long grown accustomed to its owner's secretive indulgence in dancing. The song had a complete hold over Minami and the wealthy teen didn't give any resistance. She freely moved to the music, allowed the fast tempo to guide her body, popped, locked, and turned at all the right moments—she literally breathed and lived through the song. Just the tiniest trace of a smile crossed her pale face.
This could be perfect (yeah) but we won't know unless we try (try)
I know you're nervous, so just sit back and let me drive
Tonight we'll just get drunk, disturb the peace
Find your hands all over me
And then you'll bite your lip, whisper and say
Pretending as if she was the singer herself, Minami then halted and mouthed the next line in an uncharacteristically bold fashion.
We're going all the way
The chorus and Minami's dancing came back stronger than before.
Tonight take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road we'll be lovers for sure
So tonight, kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
The bridge came in, and Minami followed the slowed down rhythm perfectly. Each of her moves suddenly gained meaning to them and expressed each line as if she were telling a story.
Tonight we'll just get drunk, disturb the peace…
Let your love crash into me…
And then you'll bite your lip, whisper and say…
We're going all the way…
A dramatic pause in the song…
Minami jumped onto her bed.
Take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July (yes, we do, yeah)
Just take me to the other side (take me, baby)
I see that sexy look in your eyes
Minami's moves were sharp and with purpose but were also full of life and fun; a sight that her friends would never in their life-time believe was possible.
And I know we ain't friends anymore (oh, no)
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sure
A polite knock resounded from Minami's door but it went unheeded—she was simply too into the music to hear. Figuring that the girl's lack of response was her granted permission to enter, Honoka waltzed right in with a pleasant smile.
"Minami, dear, I have a few groceries in…the…car…Oh…" She trailed off unsurely as she witnessed her daughter literally have a jam out session on her bed and dance around with carefree abandonment.
So tonight, (so tonight) kiss me like it's do or die (kiss me, kiss me)
And take me to the other side
Take me to the other side
And take me to the other side
Kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
Minami finished it with a grand spin on her feet and landed on her knees—a satisfied expression plastered across her face. She remained in that position for a moment; allowing her rare giddiness to pass and catch her breath. However, her breath caught indefinitely when a giggle travelled from the other side of the room.
Minami froze…
She robotically turned to face her mother.
Her eyes widened in horror.
"Well then, you seem pretty busy right now so I'll just give you your privacy." Honoka said coyly while slowly closing the door. Before she left, she added.
"Smooth moves there, dear."
The door clicked shut.
Minami blinked…
A beat of silence.
She blinked twice more.
…Her face exploded beet red before covering it with her hands. Her humiliated groan was muffled.
Cherry barked happily from his corner.
Author's Note: Awwww, poor Minami! Hahah! Hey, let me know what you guys think in the comments! Until next time, be blessed fanfic people! 3