Elrohir was gone when he woke. He seemed to have a habit of doing that lately, but then he had to admit he was sleeping much longer, catching up on lost sleep perhaps and it was probably quite boring sitting there waiting for him to wake. He lay for a while luxuriating in the feeling of freedom that swept through him at the thought of Elrohir. Why hadn't he confessed to the intensity, the immediacy of his feelings earlier? It had not been that hard. All those years hiding it, denying it to himself when Elrohir had felt the same all along. He was such a fool.
But the feeling of wellbeing didn't last as he remembered what day it was. Aragorn would be leaving. The knot of anxiety returned to gnaw at his stomach. He did not want Aragorn to leave, didn't look forward to the departure and yet at the same time he wished him gone so he didn't have to face this awkwardness between them. Every time he looked at him all he could see was the shocked look on his face in the clearing, when he was on his knees clutching the arm he himself had damaged. It made him feel sick to think on it.
He sighed as he got up and began to dress, forcing himself to push those thoughts to one side, hide them away at the back of his mind. He was good at that. He was startled by an unexpected knock and when he opened it and saw Elladan he nearly shut it again in his face. He could not deal with another conversation with Elladan now. Could he not just leave him alone.
" Yes?" He snapped, not bothering to disguise his annoyance.
" Legolas, may I have a word?" Elladan sounded much more controlled than the night before.
" Is there really anything more for you to say?" He asked.
" I think I got the message loud and clear last night."
" I need to apologise for last night. I said things I should not have."
He knew he should accept the apology so they could move on and ignore what was obviously Elladan's simmering resentment of him as they always did but his nerves were stretched and the anxiety over leaving Aragorn with their friendship uncertain twisted within him making him short tempered at best. He found he did not have the energy to pretend politeness this time.
"You said things you wish you had kept to yourself but that does not change the fact you believe them. And why not? We both know how poorly you think of me. How dare I be with your precious brother."
He was harsher than he had meant to be. As he opened his mouth the words just flowed out and he did not take the time to control them. Elladan looked startled by his viciousness.
"I know things are not easy between us-" he replied, his tone still non threatening, obviously trying to reduce the tension that crackled across the room.
"- and we know why that is!" He interjected angrily. That was a step too far for Elladan and his composure snapped.
"Do not blame me for that!"
He knew he should stop the conversation right there before he and Elladan wandered into territory they had mutually decided never to revisit but the logical section of his brain didn't seem to be working this morning and emotion took over.
"Who else is there to blame for it was no fault of you really wish to discuss this now, of all times Elladan? Shall we haul out all our baggage and examine it once again. Nothing has changed. -"
"- You can not pin it all on me Legolas. Do you still persist in doing that? Is that how you manage to sleep at night? Believe me I do not want to think of it any more than you do! I am quite happy for us to simply coexist for the sake of my brother. You are the one who brings it up. It is not why I am here." Elladan finally raised his voice, his anger getting the better of him.
He was about to launch himself into a raging tirade, one he knew he would greatly regret later when the door swung open behind Elladan revealing Gimli standing there arms folded and most disapproving.
"What is going on here?" His voice was low and gruff and his displeasure focused entirely on Elladan who stepped back quickly in alarm. Legolas didn't blame him, an unhappy Gimli was not a pleasant sight.
"Gimli! Excuse me, I was just...I just needed a quick word with Legolas before we leave." Elladan was stumbling over his words in apology and he found if he was not still struggling to rein in his own overwhelming emotions he would have found it very amusing.
"Well have your word then. And be sure to keep it pleasant." Gimli growled and fixed Elladan with an uncomfortable stare.
Elladan hesitated uncertainly, waiting for Gimli to leave but he did not. He planted his feet firmly making it obvious he had no intention of leaving. Eventually Elladan had no option but to continue with an audience.
" Legolas..."
He glanced at Gimli again as if checking, one last time that there was no chance of him leaving then sighed and continued.
"I simply wished to let you know I have spoken to Elrohir this morning. I am happy he will remain here. I understand why he wishes to... that is all..." He trailed off uncomfortably and Gimli nodded a very satisfied nod at that and turned to Legolas.
"Legolas, what have you to say in reply?" He asked him firmly.
He felt like a child being taught a lesson in politeness by an Elder and his cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Suddenly Gimli's presence was no longer remotely funny.
He looked determinedly at the floor as he replied.
"I am pleased the two of you are reconciled." he mumbled reluctantly.
"Legolas!" The tone of Gimli's voice suggested he was losing his patience.
He raised his eyes. He was a prince and so he would act like one, he would not stand here and be disciplined by a dwarf. He swallowed down his anger, his long time bitterness and antagonism with Elladan.
"Thank you for your understanding." He said as if it was the most heartfelt thanks possible.
Elladan nodded and then, when nothing further was said he turned to leave. A memory flashed through his mind as he watched him go. The briefest glimpse, of pain and confusion, the world a tortured agony he did not want to face. It was when he had first reclaimed his memories after the attack. And Elladan, the only one whose touch did not terrify him as Aragorn's and the other human healers did, sitting with him for hours gently washing the wounds on his back, binding his broken bones, bathing him in his aura of calmness and healing and helping him through the trauma. He remembered Elrohir's horrendous memories of his mother's torture, so terrible he barely ever mentioned it and he wondered exactly what it had cost Elladan to do that.
"Elladan." He said just as he reached the door, and Elladan swung around looking doubtful. Did he expect more harsh words?
"Elladan, thank you for your care, in Minas Tirith...I know it can not have been easy...I am...I am grateful, I am truly grateful."
Elladan's smile in return was a small one, barely a smile at all but he saw it.
"It was no trouble Legolas. I am pleased you are well." And he gave him a nod as he left that referred to much they never spoke of and still had not.
"Well." Gimli turned to him when the room was empty. "What was that about? Yelling at each other this early in the morning, will you never learn decent behaviour?"
He shut the conversation with Elladan away to be thought about later and grinned at Gimli happily.
"It is well I have you to keep me in line then Gimli, What on earth would I do without you?"
The departure of Aragorn and Elladan was a tense one, Neither Aragorn or he were at ease. He wondered when he would see his friend again for he could not imagine returning to a city of men at any time in the future and although Aragorn had promised a visit to Ithilien he was unsure of the sincerity of that promise.
He stood morosely watching them go and as Aragorn turned before he disappeared into the trees and gave him one last wave, his eyes stung with unshed tears. Still, he thought, deliberately distracting himself from his depression, Elrohir was here! Elrohir had chosen him, had remained with him while his brother departed. Pure joy filled him at the thought of that and as he felt Elrohir's hand gently rest on his arm, supporting him, he turned and gazed upon the beautiful face before him. At the sight of him his happiness overflowed and and he beamed with delight.
"I did not expect you to be smiling!" Elrohir grinned back at him.
"I am happy!" He exclaimed, and he was, so happy he struggled to find the words to express it.
A brief cloud crossed Elrohir's face,
"There was a time I thought never to see you happy again." He said to him gently.
"There was a time I thought I never would be." He replied.
"But now you are here!" He reached out to touch his cheek, gently, softly and with love.
"You have saved me. I could not see my way out and you found me." He was filled with an intense need to ensure Elrohir understood. He must know how precious he was, how perfect.
"You shine for me Elrohir, I can not survive without you. How lucky I am to have someone as you,"
Elrohir ducked his head,
"I am uncomfortable with this Legolas..."
He placed his hand under his chin and raised it so he could look into his eyes.
"I know you are. I know you do not see your worth, to me, to Elladan, to us all. There are none braver, none more honorable, no better brother, friend or lover than you Elrohir. If I do nothing else in the time you are here I will make sure you understand that!"
He had spent too long hiding the truth of his feelings to himself and to others and the end result had been that Elrohir could not see how valued he was. He would stay quiet no longer. He would shout it to the tree tops if need be to ensure Elrohir heard it.
"When I was there..." He continued uneasily for he had not spoken of his capture at all, to anyone.
"When they had me. After Erynion, I thought they would kill me also. I prepared for my death. I thought of Gimli and Aragorn, I would be separated from them forever...I would never see them..." He stopped for a breath, the emotions were too overwhelming but he forced himself to continue.
"And I thought of you. Of being apart, in the halls...I didn't know how long that would be and I would not be able to feel would be gone from me utterly, what if without me here you decided to stay, to not come to Valinor? What if I could never find you there?"
And for a moment he was transported back, it was as if he was still there, the sneering men surrounding him. The crumpled body of his friend on the ground. The pain, the incredible pain of his injuries and no Elrohir, not where he was headed and the sadness overwhelmed him, he felt himself sinking down into the depths of despair. Never had he felt so alone and so utterly destroyed.
Then he heard a voice calling him,
"Legolas! Legolas, listen to me!"
He blinked and as if by magic the men disappeared. Elrohir was in front of him, clasping his face in his hands wiping the tears away that cascaded down his cheeks.
"Legolas," Elrohir's voice was gentler now he had his attention,
" It is a memory only, I am here. Gimli is here and Aragorn but a stones throw away. We will not be parted, let it go, these memories do not control you. You must know this, I will never let you go. I would have survived here without you, and it would only be surviving, until my sister was gone and then I would come to find you, I would search Valinor from one end to the other for you and I would never cease. There is nothing could keep me from you."
And as fast as it had appeared the memory faded from his mind, as if it had never been, running from the force of Elrohir's love. Suddenly he realised Elrohir was right.
He would always be with him, he was safe, life was good.
They had no power over him any longer.
The End.
Authors Note. And there we leave Legolas and Elrohir. Slightly better off than when we started. For those reading this chapter and wondering what on earth it was Legolas and Elladan were arguing about. That will become clear in the next story...thanks to everyone who left reviews , especially guests who I wasn't able to reply personally to. It's much appreciated.