Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. But you already know that.


Amelia Pond jumps from her chair in the console room as the Doctor continues to shout phrases in several different languages (phrases = swears. Or 'naughty words that I shouldn't have to say' according to the Doctor.)

Throughout the multi-language tirade, Amy caught a few English words such as: "Every time!" and "Daleks are less dangerous to handle!"

The last sentence worries her quite a bit, so she calls out: "You alright Raggedy Man?"

"Pond can you please get me a bandage!" The Doctor replies with urgency; before he even finishes the sentence Amelia is running towards the door. The Doctor never asks for help unless he is in serious trouble; and even then the stubborn idiot was reluctant to accept the help.

"Why? What happened?" Amy shouts, only to nearly run into the Doctor.

Stopping, Amy Pond, the Girl Who Waited, quickly scans the Doctor's face for signs of injuries only to find his lips pouting. "Well, what's wrong?" Amy all but shouts; growing more anxious by the second.

Slowly, the Doctor raises his index finger. "I got another paper cut."




Ok, so basically I got the idea for this when I noticed that Matt Smith had a bandage on one of his fingers in Asylum of the Daleks and I found it funny because the Doctor pretty much always manages to get out of exploding/imploding buildings/ships and other destructive scenarios without a scratch. But there he was, before any destruction even started, with a cut on his finger that was most likely a paper cut.

Add that with the fact that the Doctor has an enormous library filled with hundreds of thousands of books at his disposal. Well, this fic was born.