Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far! Also, some trivia - while I was writing the story I had the songs "Something" by Shirley Bassey and "You're the one" by Petula Clark in my head. They're pretty appropriate for a story about a wedding!

Chapter Three

A few weeks later...

The Vegimals scurried across the HQ, depositing little bouquets in every available alcove, occasionally bumping into each other and spilling petals on the floor. Dashi was stood in the middle of the room with a clipboard, directing them where to put the decorations. Nearly all of them were up by the time Captain Barnacles strolled into the room.

"Good work!" he applauded, "This place will look fit for a marriage ceremony in no time!"

"Almost done, Captain," responded Dashi, stepping out of the way as Barrot hurtled past with a trailing garland.

"Do you think this would be a wise time for a practice?"

"It really depends whether Shellington's up to it."


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Shellington was busy with the one vegimal who wasn't busy decorating the HQ. Tunip had taken the three tiers of the wedding cake out of the oven and was proceeding to ice them in the desired fashion. Already the cake was covered in white sugarpaste icing, and now he was adding a series of pink marzipan roses around the edges. His sea otter friend was eying the main decoration wistfully. Where Tunip had picked up the models he had no idea - the otter looked just like a mini replica of him and the dog resembled Dashi to the last detail, including the clips in her hair! The vegimal had muttered something about Fisher Price but had really been too busy with the cake to explain further. Dashi's cousin had made the figures' outfits, which were almost identical to the clothes they would be wearing throughout the service.

Right that moment, he got a call from Barnacles. "Would now be a good time to practice the ceremony, Shellington?"

"I don't think so, Captain. I've got to help Tunip prepare the sandwiches."

Quick as a flash, the vegimal opened a compartment in the fridge to reveal a finished platter of sandwiches in various flavours. He made a noise that sounded something like "Ta-da!"

"You've finished the sandwiches!" exclaimed Shellington in relief, "Give me a hug, Tunip!"

The little turnip bounced into his furry arms for a cuddle, purring happily.

"Excellent work, Tunip! Shellington, report to the HQ."

"I'm on my way, Captain," called the doctor, setting Tunip back on the ground.

He sped out of the kitchen, not realising he was being followed by the vegimal, who had a feeling that his friend might need his help at some point.


A few minutes later...

"I've failed again!" hollered Shellington, clamping a paw over his flustered face, "I was supposed to find a ring-bearer but in all the kerfuffle I forgot!"

Dashi touched his shoulder. "You haven't failed, Shel. There's still plenty of time before the wedding."

"What about your nephew, Shellington?" suggested Barnacles.

"Maybe, Captain, but he's still very young. I need someone who knows what they're doing."

Promptly, Tunip picked up the velvet cushion and started chirping out a wedding march. It took Shellington a few seconds to twig what he was saying.

"You'll be the ring-bearer, Tunip?"

The vegimal squealed and jumped around excitedly.

"But if you're the ring-bearer, who'll be the best man?"

He had a pretty good idea of who to choose.


A few hours later...

Shellington really looked the part - he'd combed his fur, he'd dressed up in his tuxedo and he had a pink rose pinned onto his jacket. However, that didn't make him any less anxious as he stood and fidgetted until it was time for his bride to pace down the aisle.

The HQ was already filling with people and he could see his entire immediate family seated on the benches that had been set up a couple of hours ago. His mum and dad had started chatting to Dashi's parents, and appeared to be getting on well, which was a good sign, as they probably would be spending a lot of time in each other's company now that they would be related.

"Are you OK, Shellington?" asked Peso, the new best man, who was wearing a bow tie and a rose, but no tuxedo, for indeed a penguin could be clad in nothing more elegant than his own feathers.

"I'm a little nervous," hissed the sea otter.

"Me too," replied Peso, "I've never been a best man at a wedding before!"

"Thank you for filling in for Tunip at the last minute."

"Don't mention it! Helping people is what I do best."

The captain checked his watch for what must have been the millionth time, wondering where Dashi could have got to. The service was supposed to start five minutes ago! In consideration of the importance of the day, he had chosen to wear his grandfather's admiral uniform, complete with his antique pocket watch, upon which was engraven his initials. It was such a delicate, precious item that he rarely even took it out of its box but the occasion seemed appropriate for him to have it on display.

The vegimals were lined up either side of the aisle, each wearing a smart bow tie (except for Tominnow, who had a wreath of roses around her head) and carrying a tub of confetti. They were starting to give worried little purs, staring at the OctoChute intently.

"Captain?" suddenly called a voice over the com system, "I'm ready to make my entrance."

"Understood, Dashi," replied Barnacles, taking a dramatic stance, "Octonauts - let the wedding begin!"

Shellington's stomach filled with butterflies (or perhaps, more appropriately, butterfly fish, since he is a marine biologist) as he waited for the moment he had longed for his entire life. Peso kindly slipped a flipper into his paw.

Slowly and carefully, a figure clad in white clambered out of the OctoChute, trying to look as elegant as possible. Once her feet were on solid ground, Dashi straightened her dress and walked over to the aisle. Tweak heaved herself over the lip of the chute with one paw, holding her bouquet with the other, trying not to rip her gown. Tunip shot out of the slide like a jack-in-the-box, landing neatly on his fins, beaming as he presented the ring cushion to the onlookers, before he rushed over to the aisle to join the others. The vegimals promptly began chirping out a wedding march.

This is it! I've made it! I'm a husband at last! Shellington thought ecstatically.

Dashi paced along the carpet, her face radiant with joy. Shellington could see her mother and father cuddling each other warmly, knowing their beloved daughter was in safe hands. She grew closer and closer, until eventually she was right beside him, ready for Captain Barnacles to perform the ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said the polar bear, glancing at a thick sheet of paper, "We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Shellington the sea otter and Dashi the dachshund. Shellington, do you accept Dashi as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," responded Shellington, his heart bursting with happiness.

"Dashi, do you accept Shellington as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," answered Dashi, gazing into her new husband's eyes.

Suddenly, Shellington was overwhelmed by the reality of Dashi's love for him. Ever since he'd first met her he'd known she liked him, and when they had began their relationship he had seen their affections grow deeper, but now his sweetheart's mouth had finally formed those beautiful words - "I do" - he realised just how important he and Dashi were to each other. It was going to be a wonderful future, living in each other's company, working things out together, delighting in every exclusive privilege that marriage brings, eventually even starting a family...

Tunip nudged him sharply, snapping him out of his trance.

"The rings," hissed Dashi.

Shellington removed one of the rings from the cushion. He proceeded to slide it onto Dashi's thumb, beside her pearl engagement ring, and soon afterward Dashi slipped a similar ring onto his own paw.

"I now pronounce you sea otter and wife," declared Barnacles, "You may kiss the bride."

Shellington reached over and planted his lips firmly on his wife's, only to be seized two seconds later by Tunip, who wanted to give him a cuddle in gratitude for the friend he'd been all these years.

"Come here, Tunip!" he cried, lifting him into his arms.

Dashi was just about to start giggling when she was abruptly hugged by Tweak, nearly dropping her bouquet in surprise. The vegimals shrieked and leapt in the air, only to cause the attendants to break into fits of laughter.

"Ahem!" Professor Inkling cleared his throat, "Has anyone forgotten to sign the register?" The octopus was seated at a vintage hardwood desk, upon which was positioned a large volume and a fancy quill pen resting in a pot of ink.

Tweak and Tunip let go of their friends, who strolled over to the desk, arm in arm, to complete their union. The book was opened onto a fresh page awaiting their signatures.

Shel was so eager to fill it in he forgot to blot the quill pen, and was absolutely mortified to discover a massive black blob where his name should be. Inkling frowned at his carelessness. Before Shellington could start to panic, Dashi gestured to another page which had not been written upon.

A few minutes later, Mr and Mrs Shellington had recorded their marriage for all the world to see.

"I am so glad that's over," whispered Shellington to his wife, just beginning to relax.

"Line up!" shouted a young dachshund in a party dress that bore striking resemblance to Dashi, "Everybody get in the picture!" She had set up a three-pronged stand for a fancy-looking camera.

"Who's that?" hissed Shel.

"My younger sister. She also likes to take photographs, and I said she could be the wedding photographer."

It was then Shellington remembered the one thing on his list that had completely escaped his mind. He hadn't found someone to take the wedding pictures! It was a good thing Dashi had been on the ball and had sorted everything out, else he would have been tearing his fur out in despair by now.

The attendants clustered around the newly married couple, making Shellington squirm at the lack of space.

"All right, everybody!" called Dashi's sister, adjusting the camera's focus, "Say seaweed!"

"Seaweed!" everyone responded.

The vegimals threw handfuls of confetti into the air, which rained down upon the laughing crowd, right before the camera's flash went off.

The dachshund took several more photos, and Dashi had to clutch her husband's paw tightly to stop him hyperventilating.

"Thanks, guys!" said the photographer after what seemed like an eternity to Shellington, "You were great! Just great!"

"YEOW!" shrieked Kwazii all of a sudden, leaping onto his bench in his full pirate dress uniform, brandishing his cutlass, "Let's get this party STARTED!"

The vegimals squealed and bounced wildly, and Tunip punched a knob on the nearby control panel, which filled the HQ with loud music...which, much to Kwazii's disgust, also happened to be one of Dashi's favourite soppy love songs.

"Will you have this first dance, Dashi?" asked Shellington, taking hold of her paw.

Dashi giggled. "Certainly, Shel."

The sea otter wrapped his arm around her waist and together they waltzed gently. Dashi didn't even complain when her husband got the steps wrong and trod on her skirt. Before long, many of the other couples had joined in, and the vegimals ran around removing the benches from the room.

Kwazii had by now made it over to the console. "There's got to be something better on here," he muttered to himself, pressing several buttons. Suddenly, the speakers blasted out a deafening rock song.

Shellington was so surprised he accidentally crashed into his spouse, sending her tumbling to the floor. Dashi's bunch of flowers went flying. Tweak's eyes fell upon the airborne bouquet. She dived into its path just as Kwazii realised what was going on, and made a lunge for the roses. Unfortunately, Tweak was so busy concentrating on the bouquet that she didn't notice him and collided straight into the startled kitten, landing in a heap on the floor. The flowers sailed right into the arms of little Periwinkle, who gave a gleeful squeal and raced away, sweetly unaware that his kilt had fallen down, allowing everyone to see his nappy.

"Come back, you little scallywag!" barked Kwazii, chasing after the giggling toddler.

"Are you OK, Dashi?" asked Shellington, offering her his paw.

"I'm fine, Shel." She pressed her paws over her ears. "What is that awful noise?"

Tweak made her way over to the console and pushed a key. The irreverent rock music was cut off and replaced by 'How long will you love me?' by Elly Goulding. "Is that better, Dashi?"

"Just perfect, Tweak," replied Dashi, gently swaying in Shellington's arms.

One of the vegimals was watching and made a noise that sounded like "Aw!" which made everyone laugh.

As the party progressed, Tunip and his friends carried in tables, which soon became laiden with kelp cakes, fish biscuits, seaweed salads, gourmet salmon, prawn cocktails, tuna sandwiches, ocean punch (this is a CBeebies programme!) and the three-tier wedding cake. They also rearranged some of the benches so the guests could seat themselves whilst munching and mingling.

Dashi's father strolled up to his son-in-law some time during the party and spontaneously tapped him on the shoulder.

"Argh!" cried a startled Shellington, swivelling round to see who the culprit was.

"You'd better take good care of my daughter," said the gruff male dachshund, "I might take her back if you're not careful!"

"Stop it, Dad!" interrupted Dashi teasingly, nudging him out the way, before turning to Shellington, "Don't worry! He's only joking."

"Only joking?" continued her dad, "It was no joke when I received a letter saying my oldest daughter was getting herself hitched! I'm telling you now, Shellington, there's no reasoning with her. Once she decided she was going to get married, there was nothing I could do to stop her!"

"Leave him alone, Dad! He's only been my husband five minutes and already you're behaving like a marriage counsellor!"

Dashi's father just laughed and patted his son-in-law on the arm. "Good to have you in the family, Shellington. I think you'll make my little girl very happy."

Meanwhile, Kwazii had spotted Periwinkle hiding under the catering table, his head peeking through the tablecloth. "Give me that back, you scurvy rascal!"

Baby Periwinkle just squeaked and crawled back inside his little den, only to be followed by the determined pirate kitten. Tweak and Pearl had just caught up with him in time to see a pair of polished black boots vanishing behind the tablecloth.

"Let it go, Kwaz!" called the mint bunny, unable to bear the sight of a fully grown cat tunnelling beneath a laiden table like an overgrown toddler.

"Just you come back here, you little-" Tweak grabbed hold of his tail. "Ouch! What did you have to do that for, Tweak?"

Suddenly, the tablecloth started moving and Tweak watched in horror as the plates on top were pulled with it, as though on a conveyer belt. "Oh me! Oh my!" she puffed, desperately clawing at the material to stop it sailing forward. Periwinkle had just made it to the other side when he bashed his head on some machinery and howled his head off.

"My baby!" cried Pearl, dashing over at top speed. She weaved under the tablecloth and drew out her crying son, who for some reason was no longer clutching Dashi's bouquet.

Kwazii slid out from beneath the table, accidentally banging his own skull when he tried to get up. "Ouch!" He rubbed his bruised cranium roughly.

"Will you be needing a bandage, Kwazii?" asked Peso, scooting over.

"Don't mind if I do," admitted the defeated kitten, not caring if Peso made him into a mummy.


That night, Shellington clambered into his pajamas inside Dashi's bathroom - no, wait, his bathroom. It was going to take him a while to adjust to sharing his wife's quarters rather than living in his laboratory, where he usually stayed up late studying and found himself dozing on top of his desk more often than his pillow. Now he had Dashi to look after, he was going to have to start getting a better routine at night or else she wouldn't get a wink of sleep.

Once he had finished cleaning his teeth, he strode into his new bedroom where Dashi had already buried herself under the duvet of the double bed Tweak had kindly set up earlier (having bounced on it several times afterward). Shellington couldn't say he was fond of the room's decor, but there were worse things a sea otter could be doing than sleeping in a girly pink bedroom. He only hoped there was space for a shelf of his science encyclopedias beside Dashi's dressing table.

"Tomorrow we pay a visit to the Fijian archipelago," he reported, tucking himself under the covers, "Did you know it covers 1.3 million square kilometres of the ocean and is home to several hundred species of fish, birds and sea turtles? Maybe we'll even get to see some stingrays."

He turned to Dashi, but she was facing away from him. Shellington fell silent. He reached over and stroked one of Dashi's ears. She let out a tiny giggle.

"Goodnight, Dashi," whispered the sea otter, giving her a little kiss before he snuggled down beside her. Dashi stirred and rolled onto her back, taking hold of Shellington's paw. She lay like that the rest of the night, resting her head near her husband's, as a constant reminder of the promises they had made.