Chapter 46-Short Epilogue

Third pov

Max Epilogue

After Percy and Tartarus disintegrated to dust, the hands of all the clocks tickled backwards demonstrating the restoration of the tears in the universe. Time flew counterclockwise until the very point Percy, the previous creator, inherited his powers. However, in this time, he was already gone from this world along the previous primordials.

Along his younger siblings, Max at the head, they were the new council of primordials. No one but him remembered what happened what happened before he turned into the new creator. All this new information about his new powers, his duties, and responsibilities were imprinted in his mind before he knew it. Everything made sense now, but a sense of tiredness waved over him.

He looked around him. He was in the nostalgic throne hall he had visited many times. There were another three presences beside him. There was no recollection of them being near him and of course, they shouldn't exist at the very moment. However, there was no sense of panic since he knew that the laws of the world would fill in their roles with someone lese eventually.

Aphrodite, Piper, and…


Bowing the blonde girl introduced herself.

"Greetings Creator, my name is Laplace and I am in charge of the domain of Order. Let's get along." Max frowned at the change of name, but he couldn't sense any incongruity with her words.

"I apologize, but I must depart. I have clear instructions of visiting the realm of the faded immediately." Before turning a smile tugged at her lips. "Just one last thing…good to see ya Kelp Brain. Be sure not to mess it up or I will kick your butt."

"Yeah, I will try. It's good to se you too...Laplace, I hope everything goes smoothly between us"

Surprise crossed his face before settling into a refreshing smile after a split second. 'Having someone that remembers is good enough for me' thought.

Of course brought the wrath of the two girls that didn't know why they were standing in the middle of an empty room. Before being accused of being a homewrecker, Laplace managed to escape with a light giggle.

If everything went well they wouldn't be meeting that often. This job was a pain in her opinion since she had to solving problems left and right. However, she was happy by just having those light interactions devoid of a deeper meaning. After all, this was the life Annabeth Chase had chosen for herself.

Back to Max, he was dragged to a council meeting he had no idea was happening. There he would, for the first, meet his siblings and stablish the rules for the living being of that universe to follow. Despite having so much information crammed in his head, that wasn't something he had been given. It was going to be a long meeting.

In the end, he winged it as much as possible.

Lacking a Tartarus, the monsters meant to keep in check the number of habitants living in each planet were left to roam the vastness of each world on their own. Since the Primordials had a lot of work to do, searing offsprings was not in their priority list. Thus, the gods became the direct subordinate descendant of the primordials making the bloodline stronger through blessings.

Knowing the shortcomings of the gods, Max set himself to make a better environment for the demigods and everyone else in general. While monsters roamed freely, the camps were more numerous, bigger and stronger capable of subjugating great numbers of beast with minimal losses.

Laura, Max's half-sister, had survived the rewind of time as an immortal receding in the void, but soon decided that she wanted to be the goddess of the hunt and make a place for other girls just like Artemis had done in the past.

Happy with her decision, Max promptly granted her wish and promoted her as goddess of the hunt and a direct descendant of the royal lineage of primordials.

Laplace properly passed the Percy's message to Max who had been swarmed by multiple theories of what had happened to his father, but since he was forbidden of entering the realm of the fades, he had no way to find out. In a way, it was scary and reassuring to already have a place ready for you when you die.

After things settled for them, Max finally married Aphrodite and Piper who thanks to the rewind didn't have traces of biological or psychological relationships other than loving Max. He still found it weird when they had sex, there would be strange role-plays that were oddly alarming or that they were remembering some dangerous things. However, the thoughts were dismissed soon enough. Maybe people don't change that much. They were interrupted many times by the poor Laplace who had urgent matters to attend with Max and had found them right in the deed. Awkward speaking, Laplace did her best to ignore the alarming role-plays too.

The thought of seducing Max crossed her mind too, but she remained by her word and acted as the perfect companion for a Creator could ever wish. She was happy enough as things were…it would be another entire matter of he initiated things.

Clinging to this small wish, Laplace enjoyed her new chance along everyone else.

With small desires and willing hearts, the world followed along a new path set by the great rivers of life.

Percy Epilogue

The sound of bells rang through the entire place. It was mostly to set the mood since everybody that could be present was already in the chapel.

A white chapel out of the dreams of young maidens praying for their promised love to be fulfilled, pure white dresses for not so pure young ladies, a young handsome man in a black tuxedo, and a church full of familiars.

Doves chirped their congratulation to the lovely couples and everyone celebrated the nine persons tying the bonds together. Well, except two persons who cursed their rotten luck.

A young man with nasty eyes and rough face cursed the annoyance of the event itself. Having to wear a tuxedo didn't fit him, but when Nyx forced the red thing on him, he was already trapped in this bullshit he considered unnecessary. After all, everyone present was already dead. There was no way they could conceive children, there was no way to cheat since this was a closed space where only acquaintances habituated.

On the other hand, a small pure lady cursed the brides up the altar and her inability to stand beside them too. In her small, but fierce heart, she prayed for the doves to crap the brides right on the face as retribution for her exclusion. A small promise born in her chest. She would soon be up there with the man she loved wearing a beautiful dress, marrying him.

Eight girls faced the groom with beaming smiles on their faces. Yes, eight since Hemera refused to be left out from the marvelous wedding they had been planning for months. In exchange she herself handmade the dresses perfectly to the fit of the each bride.

These dressed would probably be destroyed at night, but at this moment, every each of them felt like the most beautiful girl in existence. Like holding a bouquet of flowers close to their chest, each of them prayed for unending on this stagnant, secluded world.

As long as they were together, they knew that would not be bored, disappointed, or tired of the future awaiting them.

Staring at each of his beautiful girls, Percy on again thanked his father for giving him this chance at happiness. They were his treasures, his shinning stars, his guides, his confidants and his everything. He never let go of them now that they were finally all united.

The opening words of the Mother marrying them were drowned in the intense gazes between the lovers. Nothing really mattered in the world they only knew, but somehow they still were paying attention to the wedding. This deduced by Percy's clear 'I do' that came out perfectly timed with the words of his mother.

Snapped back to reality, the girls faced each other making sure that they wouldn't be out of sync.

""""""""I do""""""""

Cheers erupted in the church, except for the cursing pair, but no one paid them mind.

This is how his journey concludes, how his search for a new star ends. The girls by his side shinning brighter than any star that he could ever find.

Goodness i almost died of sugar overdose at that last line. well, it was 4 am when i finished writing that...anything goes at that hour. I feel bad for Lily, she was a good character for me. Someday you will succeed Lily! You will get your man! anything goes when you are dead.

So well the story is actually finished! Yay! I told you i would do it. I'm a man of word. I apologize if the last chapters appeared too meta or confusing or crappy. to be completely honest, i didn't remember the original plot line, i never wrote it down. Back on April when I wrote this, i felt despair when i couldn't remember anything. So i gave the story a good read and started to draw up a new outline, but of course my thought process was totally different.

four years is a looot. My ideas back then were far simpler and i just went with the flow. If the chapter came out well, good, if it came out trashy, good too. a year after, i discovered that the chapters were absolute trash grammatically speaking and decided to do a rewrite (that's on hold) where i reached up to chapter 9. That's why there is a sharp drop of word count, grammar, spelling and overall cohesion in plot cuz i did make some changes. I do plan to take up that rewrite, but i dunno when cuz well life...

Anyway, this is the end. no more Search of a New Star, no more headaches for banging my head against the wall in my futile attempt to remember wtf Hestia was going to say to Bianca. That does bug me a lot and probably will for the rest of my life.

I wonder if i will take Shadow Guardian up after this or take a break. I was trying to write a original story, but I'm still very troubled with the main character. So i hope we will read each other soon.

See ya...

-The guy with an embarrassing penname(ZoeandArtyawesomelover)

PS: That would be a great penname. gods i should stop with these kind of things. too random. The me back then was a true chunni indeed...