The last five hours were a single blur in Lami's head.

'Law is dead.'

The snowflakes around her danced little patterns down to the ground, and the wind whispered softly in her ear.

'Law is dead.'

The body of her brother was in her arms. The flames had turned his skin white in the places where they had touched him.

'Law is dead.'

Corazon was standing beside her in the abandoned Cathedral on the mountain top. The wind howled through the stone arch. Far away from them, on a rock outside of the outline of the cathedral, Kid was standing in the snow.

'Law is dead.'

The thought reverberated through all their minds.


The moment Kid and Corazon's combined fire had touched Law, it had burned his soul out of his body and therefore killed him. And now the eternal court was to decide where Law's soul belonged. But all that sounded hollow in Lamy's ears. She had lost her brother. She was now alone. The last living Trafalgar of their family.


Only minutes later, the cathedral transformed into the Eternal Court. Every angel and devil had appeared. Rayleigh and Killer were also there, standing in between the parties on the ground before the crushed altar.

Corazon wanted to move Lamy away from the middle with the body, but she didn't move a single bit. Like a stone, she stayed on the ground, her hands holding the body of her brother tightly.

Corazon looked at Rayleigh, helpless. The Death God only nodded with an understanding smile, and Corazon left Lami's side to join Crocodile. He wasn't allowed on the neutral floor during the Court Meeting.


A shadow came over Lamy. Kid towered over her and looked at the dead body in her arms. His eyes had dark circles under them and the skin around them was red. He had been crying.

He avoided her look and went to his side of the court, to Doflamingo.


"Now then!" Rayleigh announced the beginning of the meeting.

"I didn't think that this decision would speed up this dramatically, but it seems that things don't always go as planned." Killer rolled his eyes internally beside him. Best he had kicked him in the shin right now. That fucker wanted exactly that to happen. But it's not like they had to find God and the Devil out about it.

"Just so everyone in here understands the situation: Law Trafalgar is dead. But his soul was burned at the same time by both the forces of heaven and hell." He brought his arms up, his hands formed like bowls. In the right hand appeared a blue light, a red one in the other.

"This brings up the question: where shall he go now? I can't make that decision, because he didn't make it himself."

A murmur went through the Court. Everyone seemed to have an Idea, but no one dared to raise their voice. Crocodile and Doflamingo only stared at each other, waiting for the other to make their next move. It was Corazon who spoke first.

"I understand that I am partly at fault for what happened. Therefore, my voice may not be worth much in this matter, but I still want Law to be able to go to heaven.

Not because I want him by my side out of selfish reasons, but because I promised him that, after his death, he could stay by my side and that the heaven's gate would always be opened for him." He wanted to add something but then let it go.

Rayleigh nodded at his words. "That is a heavy argument. But there is another side who had promised him something and I want to hear him out. Demon Son DIABLO; Eustass Kid. What is your opinion on this matter?"


Lamy looked from Corazon to Kid. Would they start to bicker for Law's soul even after his death? Where would all this end?

She gazed at Kid, waiting for his answer. But he looked only down, saying nothing.

"Kiddo? Did you understand his question?" Kid lifted his eyes. Doflamingo looked at him, a grin on his lips nearly stretching from one ear to the other.

"I did."

"So, do you want to share your deep thoughts with us?" Doflamingo cooed.

Fuck this bastard sometimes.

"I…" he wanted to continue, but his eyes fell on Lami staring at him and the dead body in her arms.

What did he wanted to say? That he wanted Law in hell? Also by his side? Always near him, never separated? Chained to a life he chose for him? Never had these special decisions been a problem, his previous partners had also been from hell, so there had been no other room to go to. But Law was different. He actually had more options than Kid. He could go to heaven. Was it Kid's right to take that away from him, when he had already taken his place on earth? Dooming him to stay in one realm, because he could've take him to hell as a guest, but no soul could make it the other way round. Once dead, forever dead. No coming back to earth.

He knew what he wanted.

"I want him to be free."


The sentence, pure and sincere, was something that couldn't come from a vicious demon. The room fell silent at Kid's words.

"Very well." Rayleigh muttered, and Killer really wanted to kick him now. 'Don't tell me that old man had really planned it all out?!'

"Corazon, do you agree on this wish? Or is heaven still the only option for you?"


Corazon looked at Lami in the middle of the court. Her hands were running absent-minded through the hair of her dead brother. Heaven also meant that Lami wouldn't see him anymore. But was there any other option? It was either hell or heaven. He had made it impossible for him to have any access to earth anymore.

Law deserved this much.

"I also want him to be free."


Killer face-palmed himself internally.

"Well!" Rayleigh let the two lights vanish and clapped his hands. "Since no one here can really take claim on Trafalgar's soul, it seems we have an in-betweener. What shall we do now?"

Suddenly a voice beamed through the rows of the angels.

"Why don't you make him a soulguy like you, Rayleigh? Then he can wander around as wants and everyone can visit him! Shishishishishsi!"

A little black-haired angel with a small scar under his left eye was sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

Rayleigh looked back at him. "Luffy! That is actually not a bad idea. And it would guarantee everyone's wish here right?"

Kid, the demons and the angels stared dumbfounded at their little fellow. Doflamingo wondered who had come up with this whole farce, and Crocodile wanted this whole theater just to end quickly.

Rayleigh nodded enthusiastically and moved towards Lami, bowing down before her.

"My dear child, please would you be so kind as to lend me your brother's body for a second? I swear that I won't do anything indecent."

Lami's hollow eyes stared back at Rayleigh who was more than pleased with himself.

"Death God." The voice of God himself came through the hall. "Is this your plan right now?"

Rayleigh removed Lami's hands from Law's body (she didn't seem to be able to move right now out of her own accord) and lifted him up bridal style to the crushed altar.

"I see no one objecting to this solution. Or haven't I noticed someone?"


From across the court, Doflamingo mouthed, "This one goes to you, JAHWE."

Crocodile replied back, "It's a draw, LUCIFER."

"So, that's the story," Law said, while making the first cuts on my body.

"You didn't actually chose for yourself," I deadpanned.

"Didn't I?"

I shook my head, not understanding what this story was supposed to teach me, besides the fact that you never should have a love affair with a demon while having an guardian angel.

"What Law didn't mention is the fact, that the angel who made the suggestion of him becoming a death god, was part of the plan."

I looked back at Rayleigh. "Part of the plan?"

"Of course. The outcome should always be that another soulwanderer can join me. We, Killer and I, both had our hands full, but we couldn't get another demon or angel to take our job. It doesn't work that easily. So when I heard of the problem with Kid and Corazon, I decided to use this for my own benefit. And maybe to soften the angered bonds between the devil and the lord… but that is an entirely different story."

"Okay," I thought out loud, "but that still doesn't mean that the choice was made by you." I pointed at Law.

"Oh wasn't it?" Rayleigh answered for him.

Law snickered beside him and I felt as if I was having to answer a trick question.

"Think back," Law explained. "On the rooftop. What was my last wish?"

I tried to think back, the pictures had been so much. But then-

They would be all together, now and forever.


Law nodded enthusiastically while starting to remove my organs.

"I chose and I got my choice turned into reality. I have no boundaries and can visit whichever realm I want. I can visit my boyfriend and my guardian angel and my sister, whoever and whenever I want. Although I have to say, Rayleigh helped me out a lot."

Rayleigh laughed.

"Well, technically speaking, I have to add that I was the one who got you killed in the first place. But it's good to see you don't take that the hard way," he joked.

My head was filled with thoughts. "And… why am I here. And not on my way through the CARTA?"

"Ah this..." Rayleigh began.

"How about we find out together?"


It was evening when Law finished his autopsy on Susie. What a nice girl. A bit stoic but nice.

When he opened his door to his apartment, he saw Lami chilling on the couch, reading a book.

"Done with both jobs for today?" she asked him.

"Yeah everything went smoothly. There was a girl hit by a car and I met her in my autopsy room. Rayleigh's taking care of her now."

"Really?" Corazon came in from the kitchen, bringing Lami a glass of wine and one for Law. "Welcome home." He gave him a light kiss on the top of his head.

"Thanks. And thanks for the wine."

Lami grinned. "A glass of wine after a day of work is the best right? Come on Law, get your ass on the couch and let us drink."

Law nodded and went to sit next to Lami when something came to his mind. "Where's Kid? Shouldn't he be here already?"

Lamy rolled her eyes. "He has a new argument with Doflamingo. He came in sulking today and we tried to comfort him, and he babbled something about wanting to be adopted by 'any other shit guy than that shitty guy' who's his father right now."

"Oh my god." Law said sinking down next to Lami.

"Yes, apparently oh my fucking god."

Next to him, Kid appeared on the third spot, pouting like a little child. "I can't believe that fucker. How can one be so full of himself?! MAN!" he let himself flop down on Law's lap. "Law baby~ comfort mehehe~."

Law snickered, stroking the fiery red hair. "Glass of wine?" he asked, while rolling the strands of hair in between his fingers.

Corazon shook his head at the scene. Apparently the demon he had feared only some years ago was a little whiny-baby from time to time, and he just found that hilarious.

"Come on Kid," he said, trying to cheer him up. "I'll bring you some whiskey. And you forget about my brother for tonight."

Kid thought for a moment.

"Would it be possible for you to adopt me?"
