Reviews for For a wise Choice
viv-heart chapter 8 . 5/19/2015
Seriously this story was hilarious.
Rayleight you smart fucker. And Killer 3
I really loved how you pulled out the plot. The summary itself indicated an OC-centric story and I Have to Admit that I am sooo glad I was wrong :)
I really loved this story and I need to review Properly when I am not on my phone xD
Meteor chapter 8 . 5/13/2015
Came for the VN, stayed for the story! I loved this fic and I'm curious to see how you will continue this!
Valoche chapter 8 . 5/1/2015
J'aime cette histoire, j'ai rit et pleuré, tu es très doué. Je suis pressée de lire l'histoire illustrée.
Bonne continuation et surtout continue à écrire.