Lucy Heartfilia
It is eight p.m. I have to get to that meeting before nine! It will take at least half an hour to get there, so I only have thirty minutes to spare. Crap.
I hastily put on my heels and throw open the door. But my eyes widen when I see who is standing at the front.
My heart stops.
My body shakes.
No way. Why…? Why is he here?
He is older. His salmon pink hair is no longer messy. Instead, it is gelled back like a full grown business man. He is wearing a black dress shirt and pants with his white scaly scarf, like an adult. His sense of style really has changed since I last talked to him. He used to wear a t-shirt or tank with khakis and his scarf all the time.
"Nat… su?" I stammer in shock. I stare the the ground nervously. I can't make eye contact with him. My heart would just burst. But then I notice a book in his right hand. What is that? I take a peek at the title and my eyes widen. It is Ten Years, my book that I published a year ago. My first tragedy.
He stands up, straightening his back and takes a deep breath. "All I ever wanted was to be in a world where only the two of us existed. A place where no one would interfere with us. Somewhere where it was okay to be in love," he says.
My eyes widen. Those words are the exact words from chapter seventeen in my book. Did he memorize it by heart? I always knew that he had an extremely high IQ, but I never knew that he could just read something and memorize it word for word.
"Lucy," he says. He extends his hand to me. "I read your book."
I open my mouth to speak but I am speechless. "H-How?" I manage to choke out. "You… book. Wh-What?" I am speaking gibberish now. I can't get my words into sentences.
"Gray gave it to me to read," Natsu says. "This book… is your feelings, right?"
I gulp. He figured me out. Should I be happy? Shocked? Scared? I seem to be a mixture of all of them. Slowly, I take the hand that he extended towards me. Then, suddenly, he pulls me into his large chest and hugs me tightly. My head fits perfectly between his chin and neck. His broad shoulders and arms wrap me into his embrace. I can feel teardrops dripping on the top of my head.
No way… Is Natsu crying?
"I won't let you go," I can hear him whisper in my ear. "I won't let you go ever again, even if you don't have feelings for me. I won't ever let you go."
My hands grasp onto his black dress shirt. I can feel his warmth pass to me. "Is this a dream?" I mutter. "Is this really you?"
Natsu holds me tighter, so tight that it hurts a bit. "Of course it isn't, stupid," he mutters. His hand on my back presses me harder against him. "I'm here. I'm right here."
"Uh…," I begin crying. My tears are soaking into his shirt. Slowly, I allow my arms to wrap myself against him. "I love you," I say. "I love you, Natsu."
Natsu loosens our hug and looks me directly into the eye. "Me too," he says as he wipes my tears off my cheeks with a finger. "I, also love you, Lucy."
And with that, he gently holds my cheek and brings his face closer to mine. He places his lips on mine. They are soft and warm… just like Natsu.
Fourteen years since our breakup as freshmens in high school. I never thought that those feelings would last even until now. Love really is a powerful, painful, and beautiful thing.
After about ten seconds, Natsu takes his lips off me and looks at me in the eye.
"I love you."
- End of Ten Years -
Hi guys! I hope that you enjoyed this fanfic! Thank you so much for supporting me to the end! I really enjoyed writing this! Thank you so much for the reviews, support, and nice words that motivated me to keep going, even when there was hate! :) You guys are the best readers ever! ^0^)/
I love you guys! And once again, thank you so much for reading my story!
I am going to be starting a new fanfic soon called A Knight's Vengeance! It will be up soon, so please look forward to that. It will be action and romance (of course NALU).
Thank you so much and see you next time! :)
~ Metallic Snow