Disclaimer: I don't own FFXIII

So a long time ago, I read a story that was like this. But instead of Lightning and Fang talking online, it was over the phone. I believe that story also went unfinished, unfortunately. That means I'm going to write my own version, which is probably a bit more realistic XD

Writers Alike
Chapter 1

"Posted," Lightning smirked with pride. Every time she felt that feeling of accomplishment when she posted a chapter. It was hard to describe, but Lightning loved it.

Every new favorite and follow made her mouth threaten to smile. And reviews actually made her smile.

Especially the one she got every time from her.

BehemothQueen: Another chapter, huh? You just like pulling me away from my writing to read yours, don't you? Anyway, that was a damn good chapter. Seriously, I'm walking around with a spring in my step after reading this one.

The review from her fanfiction friend went on about specifics in the chapter. If there was one opinion she held above all others, it was BehemothQueen's. Angst was hard to write, but it was what Lightning lived for.

The roseate blinked as her email pinged.

Chapter: Grab My Hand CH14 by BehemothQueen.

Lightning clicked on the fanfiction link sooner than you could read the rest of the email.

"And we're live!" Fang chuckled as she hit post. For once, she was matching StormCloud's pace with updating. They'd both updated on the same day for three weeks straight.

Fang's argument was that smut was harder to write than angst. StormCloud disagreed with her, of course. That was just how she was.

She was a much better writer than Fang, though she denied it every time. Hell, StormCloud even insisted that Fang was better than her.

"Us writers are just too modest," Fang mumbled to herself with a smile. "Can't take a damn compliment."

Not that Fang minded. If she thought that she wasn't good, it meant more motivation. She and StormCloud did like to be competitive, in a friendly way.

And for all their play arguments, they shared like opinions and views. Like fanfiction for starters. Taking your favorite characters and pairing them up and throwing them into adventures? Sign Fang up! Though she preferred the pairing up part. Lemons were her thing, after all.

Getting bored of basking in the glory of her new chapter, Fang opened up the string of PMs that had been going forever between her and StormCloud.

Fang: Yo, wassup?

StormCloud: Quiet you, I'm trying to read your chapter.

Fang: You mean you can't multitask? I'm sure you've been masturbating to my hot steamy lemons.

StormCloud: …I'm not deeming that with a response.

Fang: Aw, come on! That'd really tell me I'm doing a good job ;)

StormCloud: Wouldn't that be like touching myself while staring at a wall? I don't get off to words, I'm not a grammar teacher.

Fang burst out laughing. God, she loved talking to this woman.

Fang: Anyway, how was your day?

StormCloud: Oh, you know. The last day before school starts up again. I spent it writing, how else?

That was something Fang could get behind. The break she got between semesters was not long enough.

Fang: Me too. I'm glad I got a chapter up before going back.

StormCloud: It's certainly more…creative than usual.

Fang: I'd give a lot to see your face right now.

StormCloud: So you can tell if I'm fucking myself?

Fang: Guilty.

StormCloud: You're such a flirt. And you're not even good at that.

Fang: What can I say, I like the ladies.

StormCloud: One of the reasons we get along so well.

Fang spent away the next two hours talking to her friend about everything and nothing. But just when the sun began to set was when she had an idea.

Fang: I just had the best idea.

StormCloud: Oh dear.

Fang: You'll love it.

StormCloud: I'm frightened.

Fang: What if we did a collaboration fic? Your angst with my lemons, it'd be a sexy thing.

StormCloud: That's not a bad idea. I'm surprised you had it.

Fang: Hey! I can have good ideas!

StormCloud: But I feel like the work load wouldn't be even. You're no good at angst, so the bulk of the fic would fall onto me.

Fang: You could teach me. I bet I could learn.

StormCloud: It's worth a shot. Sounds like fun. Got an idea in mind?

Fang: Believe it or not, I actually do.

StormCloud: Oh damn, shit just got serious.

Fang laughed and launched into her idea.

The Next Day…


A synonym to 'Fucking Pain in the Ass.' The two could be used interchangeably.

Lightning rubbed her head in annoyance. It was time for lunch. Most highschoolers, especially Seniors, liked lunch. And Lightning would too, if it weren't for Fang.

She sat at Lightning's table every day because their sisters were best friends. The roseate couldn't place it, but something about Fang just set her off.

"Hey Sunshine," Fang smirked.


Lightning ignored the black haired woman and pulled out her notebook. The yellow covered notebook was her fanfiction notebook. All of her ideas were written down in it.

"What's that?" Fang asked, sitting down on the other side of the table.

"Does it really matter to you?" Lightning asked.

"No, but I still want to know," Fang leaned forward in an attempt to see what was written.

Lightning covered the open page with an arm, "Why don't you go spear something?"

"Oh, a Pulsian comment?" Fang raised an eyebrow. "Making fun of my race this early on in the day? Ain't you a bitch."

"Shut it," growled Lightning. "It's not like you've never done it before."

"Guilty, but I usually insult your hair first," Fang said. "Which looks surprisingly nice, did you have to use a wig?"

Whatever response Lightning had went unsaid as Serah and Vanille sat down together, already chatting up a storm. Lightning and Fang both backed off from their argument.

Fang smirked, knowing she got the last word in. The roseate clenched her first in annoyance. She always seemed to know just when their sisters would sit down and got the last word in.

And why did she have to look so damn sexy?

Fuck, Lightning. Stop that, she berated herself. Instead of thinking about Fang, she turned her mind to her next class.

Creative Writing.

Fang arrived in her next new class. Since today was the start of a new semester, most students were getting new classes that would last until school got out. And since it was Senior year, Fang decided on more exciting classes.

Like this one, Creative Writing.

As was the usual, there was a seating chart at the front of the room hanging on the wall. Fang walked over to it and examined it.

Back of the room! Fang cheered.

But who was that next to her…

Well, this ought to be good.

"Fuck," came a voice from behind her. Lightning just walked into the room and saw Fang. The Pulsian rolled her eyes and stepped aside so Lightning could see the chart.

Three seconds later, Lightning swore more loudly, "Fuck!"

"Looks like we're buddies, eh?" Fang said with a smirk. God, this would be fun. Tormenting such a pretty girl was quite fun. Especially when Lightning looked three times as sexy when she was angry.

Yes, Fang calculated that. Mathematically.

"Son of a bitch," Lightning muttered to herself. Creative Writing was hell, pure hell. Damn Fang, damn her and her personality.

The roseate was able to find solace in her room at her computer. Fanfiction always made things better.

She smiled as she sat down. An email was already blinking about a PM.

BehemothQueen: Well, that day went a bit better than I expected.

Lightning: Lucky you. Mine was awful.

BehemothQueen: Too bad, wanna talk about it?

Lighting: Just some bitch sits next to me in a class. I'll get over it.

BehemothQueen: Sorry to hear that :( Wanna do some planning for out collab fic?

Lightning: Fuck the hell yes.

Author Note: No, I don't really know what I'm doing. But that was fun to write. See you next chapter!

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