Natsu's life used to be one full of love, joy, and happiness. But after a terrible accident that sends 9-year old Natsu Dragneel to an orphanage that treats children very badly, what will Natsu do to cease his pain of loss, sorrow, abuse, and bullying?
Yay! 2nd fanfic is finally out! This one has been sitting on my mind for a long time... So yea... Hope you like it! A little sad...
"See you later dad!" Natsu yelled as he ran to the school yard/playground, waving Igneel Dragneel a goodbye. Natsu ran to the schoolyard, already spotting his best friend. "Hey Timmy! Did you hear about what the old art teacher did? Remember when she told us about how badly she wanted to jump out of a plane with a wing suit, a parachute, and a
whole but load of paint? SHE DID IT! It was on the news too- titled -The craziest ever 93rd birthday for the craziest granny alive- It was SOOOO cool!"
"You bet I have! My parents had to call me into the living room to see it! They interrupted me attempting to figure out how to sabotage my older sister with my toy cars and her hair dryer, but it was so worth it! Mrs. Bonnie even broke 3 world records!"
"Obviously for being the oldest lady sky diving..."
"And for being the craziest granny alive...-"
"No you idiot!"
"Who you callin'-" Natsu was cut short when the bell rang, signalling the start of school. He and Timmy made their way to their class'es line-up spot, occasionally shoving each other. The two lined up as their teacher, Mrs. Spring, came to retrieve her 4th grade class from the school yard. As they followed Mrs. Spring into the school building and into their classroom, Natsu and Timmy, along with most other students, were very hyper today. Mrs. Spring seemed to notice the class'es energy, so she decided that they should cool it off with a fun activity first.
"OK! Good morning everyone! It has been a long week, hasn't it?"
"YES!" Shouted the class.
"Why not do something fun today?"
"YES!" Shouted the class (again.)
"You have worked very hard this week, so... who wants to make stuff out of clay?" The class went wild. Mrs. Spring was famous for her fun, careless, artsy personality, which made her a great, lovable person, as well as a 4th grade teacher. She smiled as she got out the clay. These kids are so happy... she thought. Man... they could stay like this forever... so happy. She didn't know that one of these kid's lives will come crashing down today.
"Man! School was never this fun before!" Natsu said while molding the clay. "Hey Timmy, whadya making?"
"A helicopter! You?"
"A dragon!"
"Mrs. Spring says when we are done making what we want, the clay will dry over the weekend, then we can paint it..."
Suddenly, the phone rang.
"I'll get it!" Yelled Cristina, the girl always eager to answer the phone.
"Its ok, Crissy. your hands are dirty. I'll get it this time." Replied Mrs. Spring. "Hello?" The class stared at Mrs. Spring, like always, wondering what it's all about. "Yes, he's here... oh no... yes. I'll bring him personally." Mrs. Spring scanned the class with sad eyes. "Natsu.. please come with me."
First chapter! How do you like it? What's gonna happen next OooO
Please comment to let me know what you think! Flames I will use for roasting marshmallows... GeeHee