A/N: Hi everyone! So just so my followers know, I am still keeping up with Seeing You, it is just a slow process. I had thought up this story last night for Lux and Talon and I just had to write it down. And so here it is, hopefully I will progress with it, I am really into it thus far.

Cover Image belongs to irahi on deviantart, I would link the users page but it won't let me

All rights reserved to Riot Games and their ownership of these characters and lore

Lumen Crimseon

Chapter I | Blood

Killing is more than just a means to get by. It's a lifestyle. After so much bloodshed, it becomes difficult to withhold the pleasure slitting a throat fills you with. Or how crimson the blood is and how silky it feels on your hands. Yes, killing was an art...it was my art. As was it General Du Couteau's. He was truly a man of valor and grace when it came to wielding steel. His ability to cut down his enemies more than warrants anyone's respect. As did he earn mine, when he spared my life, and gave me a home and a chance to truly delve deeper into the obsession that was assassination. How could a young boy refuse? Many years I served by the Du Couteau's family side in hope of one day living up to the debt that was my very own existence, alas even I knew it would never come to pass. I wanted to serve him forever, for he was the only one ever strong enough to defeat me. I grew up alongside his daughters who, although one prizes her father legacy more than the other, had gained my respect... to an extent. The Noxus way is to always watch your back, and never trust those around you. Even your closest "friends" will find a way to get you killed, an old accomplice of mine named Kavyn learned that by my hand. One of the sisters felt the consequences of betrayal the hard way, however that is not something I so choose to indulge in, let alone care enough about.

As for the Generals youngest daughter, Katarina, she certainly basks in the shadow of her father. Although I respect her swordsmanship and her tenaciousness, she could never quite fill her fathers shoes after his disappearance.

His disappearance, it was hard for the family. However no one, not even the sisters, will know how heavy such a burden was for myself. Forever indebted and never able to serve my debtor, most would think I was lucky.

I felt it was tragic.

My respect to those stronger than me far outshone my desire to kill and steal; this did not mean I downplayed Katarina's honor to her family, no one will know what she had to endure to earn it, however at least she still had living relatives. In all actuality, I had no one. Many accomplices of mine suggest I simply marry into the family, considering how much of a part of it I already am. It is never that simple. General Du Couteau was a father to me, and his daughters my sisters. Nothing more, nothing less; his disappearance does not change this.

What did change was my motive for living. If I could not serve the General my life had no meaning to it. I'm sure to others this must come off as pathetic, but no one will understand my loss. To me he was my only family, my father. He showed me respect. As ironic as this seems coming from Noxus of all places, he was my hope.

And I saw my hope blowout.

Although I am considerably older than I was back when the General found me, this does not change that my freedom was held on by a delicate string. The General used my life as a tool for war. Sending me on private missions, training me. I am the way I am because of him. Without him where will I get my jobs from. No one willingly hires assassins without going through other parties, and I did not trust my name to others. My works were for the Du Couteau family only. I'd often find myself being invited on missions from Katarina to spy on Noxian officials. Although I would attend them for she does request that I do, I find them very tedious and unexciting. I prefer working alone.

I found this current lifestyle to become tremendously boring and depressing after some time. I realized the only way I would get my life back was to find the General myself. I would search across Valoran until I found him again, and we would celebrate his return for I would have my life back. I decided the best way to go about this was joining the Fields of Justice.

Justice has come to have a very steep meaning now days. That dreadful League was a place I'd spent years trying to avoid. No man with an ear did not know of the corruption within the Institute of War, however people's greed and blood lust made their memory wary of the dark rumors surrounding the establishment. How could I say I was any better? Katarina and her sister, Cassiopeia, tried for months to get me to join, "it would be good for you to train and get back in the habit of fighting" they would tell me, I could tell it was their attempts at trying to cheer me up. Where as I appreciated the concern that the girls rarely ever showed, what good is fighting when your target will never truly die. Such a waste in sharpening my blades.

However my mind soon swayed when discussing the League with Katarina. I realized how many significant figures were also apart of this incredulous manslaughter arena. General Du Couteau's whereabouts could very possibly be a whisper among them. So I signed up.

For weeks I found it uneventful to say the least. The pay was good depending on how often you were summoned, and I must say, the endless murder wasn't as bad as I'd originally presumed. Although it is still a waste of effort for a pat on the back and some gold, it did help my mood and I felt more productive. I suppose I should listen to the Du Couteau sisters more often… maybe. It wasn't until I eventually found myself going up against them... the Demacians. Of all my years living with the General and his family, I knew he hated nothing more than the city that was Demacia. A faction of self proclaimed justice, it ridicules Noxus's actions just as much as it has it's shiny pompous nose up it's own ass. Although I would be lying if I said I hadn't been there and the city is significantly more beautiful than the slums of Noxus, this does not change anything. A gold covering does not make anyone any less prone to evil doings.

Although a lot more subtle than I, Katarina too searched for clues on her father's where abouts in the League, whereas Cassiopeia was more concerned with her own vendetta. Most of our leads took us nowhere, but we were always most wary of the Demacians. I found special pleasure in the repetitive murder of each and every Demacian, each death in the name of the General.

Due to the nature of my skill set, I usually found myself being summoned into the role of middle lane. Mostly consistent of mages and the occasional ninja, samurai, I adapted to spending a good majority of my day fighting against magic and spells; a skill I'd admit I did not have till now and that I feel is the only thing I got from the League. Sometimes I'd find myself against other Noxians, Katarina and Cass even, however I do what I am summoned to do without hesitation. It reminds me of when we would quarrel as children, although Cass would normally stay out of of them, and wasn't quite as... slithery.

I would also go against a few Demacians in lane, although their mages are quite limited to say the least. Very rarely will I see a gargoyle and occasionally an angel that apparently resides in the city; most of all though I would see a girl. A girl with sweet golden hair, to match a just as sweet personality. It'd almost make you want to puke. Her ear-piercingly high voice, always filled with positivity. God, those were always the worst days, and they came more often than I'd preferred them to. Fortunately for me, killing her came easy, and it was such an exciting experience every time. How I loved to see her blood dripping from my blade. Although it only antagonized me more how no matter how many times I killed her or mocked her, or anything, she'd always come back just as lively as before my blade slit her arteries. It was torture.

And it was always the same every time, every time I would see her. How could anyone be so ditsy, so painstakingly happy? It made me want to kill her. Permanently.

And so I would.

It honestly had my blood boiling, the sheer thrill of having a singular target to hunt and kill. Outside of the League she'd be like an innocent dow, so ripe and ready to be slaughtered. I decided I would do my research on her as to craftily get away with assassination. It has been years since I had planned such a trip. I had decided against informing the two sisters as this was a personal mission and did not involve them; and went about the rest of the week learning up on this "Luxanna Crownguard".