Chapter 11 The future reveleded

Jon awoke to find Dany still asleep in his arms, he moved slowly and gently to avoid waking her up she must have been as sore as he was from last night a smile drew to his lips at that thought. He put her head on the pillow and slipped away to his clothes that were on the floor, "I need to get some new clothes" he said quietly, he noticed the dragons were up and eyeing the room for every sign of movement when they looked to Jon as he made his way closer to them. Rhaegal was the friendliest towards Jon so he picked him up in his hands and let him climb to his shoulder, Jon let out Drogon and Viserion they gently flew to sleep next to their mother with that Jon went to see Jorah and check on his progress.

Jon opened and closed the great wooden door, he checked both ways to see if any servants or anyone was there it was silent, Jon looked through the window next to the door the sun was just starting to rise. Rhaegal flapped his wings whilst looking at the sun, Jon brushed the small dragons face with his finger "I still cannot believe your real" looking at the dragon "let us go find Jorah". They walked towards the room believed to be Jorah it was right next to Daenerys so the walk took only seconds. Jon gave a soft knock "Jorah" no answer he knocked again when he heard a voice "wait" the man with stubble opened the door looking at Jon "it's a bit early is it not", Jon nodded "Jorah I need to speak with you quick", Jorah nodded and opened the door more so Jon could walk in.

Jon noticed Jorah's room was smaller than his and Daenerys room but as long as they had a good bed and enough space to put what stuff they carried and had a wine flask it was good enough for both of them, "we need to leave soon" Jon said to Jorah. The exiled knights eyebrows rose "why is that", Jon wondered why every time he said something they always questioned him "before you and Daenerys came here I was a bodyguard to Xaro and he let me be present for one of his meetings", Jorah interrupted him still tired he went over to get some wine he offered it to Jon but he declined "Jon just skip to the point" he said with a cup of wine in his hand "Jorah do you not see they want to marry Daenerys to Xaro so he will get her dragons" Jon looked at Rhaegal on his shoulder after saying that. Jorah put down the wine "well I will go find a captain we can trust" Jon nodded and stood up, walked towards the door not before saying "we must do everything to protect our queen, Jorah" he knew the knight agreed and with that Jon opened and shut the door behind him.

The walk back to his room only took seconds his mind thought what would they do if Daenerys could not marry Xaro after all she was already his wife and they had consummated their marriage it was the best time to lose his virginity to the women he loved, it was starting to feel less weird that she was related to him he thought but everyday makes it seem more natural. When he was finally outside the door, he opened it to find Daenerys awake and feeding her dragons.

When Jon entered the room, she put down the meat and made her way towards him, opening her arms to embrace him and he returned the gesture. Rhaegal flew over to his brothers at the first smell of food. "Jon where were you" she said to him, "I went to speak to Jorah about finding us a ship" he said to her, she moved her head from him "why" she said looking confused "well we came here to meet up did we not."

"Yes but my people have got food, water and safety here" he moved a hand to cup her cheek "what the 13 did for you it's not for free, there is a price and I want us to leave before we have to pay", she looked like she did not believe it and with that, they heard a knock on the door, when Jon went over to open it but the door came crashing down landing on him, sending him to the ground, he saw blood flow on the floor, his vision was starting to blur when all he heard was Dany shouting "Jon", he saw the men take her away and put the Drogon and Viserion in their cages the best he could, Rhaegal jumped from the balcony rather than be caught, to Jon everything went dark and he passed out.

Jorah was walking across the docks looking for a captain who would not sell them out once they reached Astapor, he found one but it would cost a lot of gold 40 gold dragons rung threw Jorah's head but it was needed. Jorah walked back to Xaro's house, the walk there would not give an indication that anything was off when he saw some shadowy figures moving what looked to be Daenerys by the arm. "No" she shouted at the top of his lungs, unsheathing his sword and running at them, one of the men turned around and ran at Jorah with his sword close in hand and he swung it Jorah who was quick to parry and swung at the man hitting him across the chest watching blood pour from the man and gush on the floor.

Jorah looked up to notice the man who had Daenerys was gone he rushed through the door to Xaro house shouting "Jon" but when he got no answer he made his way to Daenerys and Jons chamber to see blood flowing over the tiles on the ground. He slowly moved closer to the door when he saw a man was trapped under it, he lifted the door only to find out it was Jon he pushed the door aside and picked up Jon to set it on the bed, the sheets started to redden.

Jorah raised his head from a unconscious Jon and saw Rhaegal stood on the balcony "come here" he said to the dragon and Rhaegal flew the short distance to Jons side and rested next to him when Jorah saw Jon hand move to pet the dragon it was weak but at least it showed him, he was still alive "Jon" Jorah said, all Jon could say was "get me some water Jorah". Jorah agreed and left his side to get some water and when he returned he poured some into a glass and put it to Jons lips and slowly poured it down his throat when he was done Jon asked him where was Daenerys. Jorah told him that he that he did all he could but it was not enough, Jon shed a tear before saying "Jorah I need rest but we will go and find Daenerys tomorrow and leave this place", Jorah nodded "I will not leave your side my friend" he went over to sit in the chair and he guarded over Jon and Rhaegal tonight.

Daenerys woke in a dusty dark place, she was put on a stone bed, and she moved a hand to her head to see if there were any bruises there was nothing her thoughts went to what she last remembered before awaking here. She was remembered Jon and how he told her the kindness shown here came at a price and she wondered would she pay it, no not as long as he was alive he said he would protect her, then the thoughts of the door coming down on him made her feel weak when a voice said her name "Daenerys" she turned her head to see a bald man in robes walk from the darkness "we have much to discuss" he said.

"Your one of the 13 who greeted me at the gates", he smiled "yes I am, but why you are here is not only for you but for Jon as well". She felt anger inside her "why are we so important to you", the warlock moved closer "simple you are the mother of dragons and his role is yet to play out",

"What do you mean role to play out" she said,

"It's simple his destiny shall make him the ice prince"

She could not believe this the ice prince echoed in her head he was always so warm to her touch the way he smiled when she gazed at him "there are certain steps that he must take before he becomes the ice prince" the man said she burst out in anger "I will not lose the man I love", the man showed walked towards her putting his hand on the side of her face "allow me to show you something about his destiny".

She had no choice and opened her mind to him a vision she saw. Jon laying in the snow with blood around him, men in black cloaks around Jon dead on the ground, a women in red appeared and leaned down next to Jon kissing him on the lips and that's when she decided to shove his hand away "what trickery is this" she said to him. "No trickery only destiny and do not worry about your dragons they will always be close to you" he said pointing to the corner where she could barely see them but heard there screeches, he turned around and walked into the shadows leaving her. The next day

Jon eyes opened and he moved his head to see Jorah asleep "Jorah" he said, the knight awoke and said "what" grumpily wiping his eyes "is it time" he said. Jon nodded he picked himself up and looked at Rhaegal who was still asleep he moved a finger and brushed the dragons spine and woke the dragon up "you ready" he said to Rhaegal, Jon held out his hand for Rhaegal to climb on it and he moved his hand up to his shoulder for Rhaegal to climb on and he did so.

Jon grabbed his sword and sheathed it and asked Jorah to bring everything he would need and the knight did so, his sword and armour "Jon we really need to get you some armour", Jon found that amusing "stark or Targaryen" he said, Jorah laughed as well "whatever suits you friend, but we must be fast or else we risk losing her forever", Jon looked at Jorah before he walked through the door "I will give up on her, I will die before I leave her", Jorah said nothing and just followed him.

Jon still felt weak but he could not give up on Daenerys "we must find her" he said to Jorah "I agree, but do you have any idea where we would start", Jon did not have an answer to that he looked to Rhaegal who stared back at him "I wish I could know what you're thinking" he said to Rhaegal.

Jorah and Jon stopped when a women approached them her face covered only her eyes to see "you both must go to the house of the undying, there you will find the Khaleesi" she ran off after saying that leaving Jorah and Jon to question what she said but they had no other option if they wanted to find Daenerys they would have to risk it and so they began to walk towards the house of the undying.

Jon looked at it a pillar of sand "is this it" he said "a pillar", Jorah chuckled "yes Jon this is it". Jon looked at it in disbelief "how do we get it there, stay here I will see if I can find a door of some kind" Jon walked around the pillar when everything went black and then he saw a torch he walked towards it. When he finally reached it he looked back to see only a wall, he moved his hand to touch it solid stone he looked at it in wonder when he shouted "Daenerys" he heard a reply "Jon up here", he picked up the torch and ran up the stone stairs.

He felt like he was running for hours but it was only a few steps but still he roamed further until he was in a room with but one door, he opened it to see Daenerys standing there he walked closer to her when blood came from her stomach, she looked at him "why did you not stay with me", he looked at her in agony "I have never left you" she was whisked away into the darkness. Rhaegal appeared much bigger from how he was now, Jon looked to his shoulder and found Rhaegal still there just looking at the bigger dragon "Rhaegal" Jon said holding his hand out. The dragon stared at Jon and opened his jaw and he breathed blue flames at Jon, he flinched back but noticed the fire did not harm him so he walked forward the dragon.

Jon noticed bigger Rhaegal bent down and nudged Jon closer to his neck and Jon mounted the dragons neck and Rhaegal ascended high into the darkness until Jon looked down to notice he was no longer on the dragon but standing in yet another dark room with only one red door, he walked forward to the door when he heard "Jon is that you?" he opened the door to find Daenerys led down on a stone bed and aside her were her dragons Drogon and Viserion.

Jon gazed forward at the women he would kill for and treasure until his last breath "Daenerys" he said moving closer to her, she raised her head and he saw a twinkle of sadness in her eyes as she said "Jon help me". They moved closer until she just stopped as the chains would not allow her further movement "what are those" Jon said. "I was chained by the warlocks Jon he showed me a glimpse of your destiny". Jon was intrigued "what happens" he was so desperate to know loads of thoughts went through his head but only one thought he could say "are we still together". Daenerys lowered her head "you were lying on the snow with blood and men in black around you when a woman in red knelt down to kiss you" she could not look to see his reaction but knew it would not be a good one.

Jon stood looking at her struggling to speak after what he heard, he drew his breath "let us get you out of those chains" he drew his sword when the man appeared from the shadows "I would advise against that" the man said. Jon turned around to look at the man in dusty rags "are you the one who brought her here?" The warlock smiled "I already had this talk with her, and she told you the vision I had showed her, come with me ice prince" he said holding out a hand "there is more to show you or you can leave with her and lose all you hold dear". Jon looked at Daenerys and then to the warlock "there is only one choice" he said, he rushed at the warlock with his sword "disappointing" he said, running back into the shadows, he was gone by the time Jon got there, Jon looked back at Daenerys and went to her side and slashed at the chains breaking them.

"Jon, my dragons" Daenerys said, Jon turned around and nodded and went over to the cages and opened them watching the dragons fly to Daenerys, Jon moved his finger to the little dragon on his shoulder and the dragon brushed his head at Jons finger "good boy" Jon said smiling. He moved his head to look at Daenerys who was happy to be holding her dragons "do I get a hug" he asked worried about what she might say "get here Jon" she said drawing a smile and he made his way to his wife's loving arms and she embraced him and he moved his mouth to hers, he missed the feeling only her lips could give and she slipped her tongue in his mouth and he did not mind that it was her to him, he just wanted to be close to her, he moved his hand to cup her cheek " not here my love" she broke the kiss and nodded "agreed when we are back on the ship" she said smirking lustfully.

Jon took her hand and began to lead her from the dark room, when they got through the door he looked back at here "we can only go down further into the darkness", she tightened her grip on his hand "don't let go of me my love". Jon face drew a smirk he loved this women so much "never let go" he said and he began to walk downstairs seeing only nothing until banged into something another wooden door he moved his free hand for the handle and opened it seeing a bright light.

Jorah was standing in front of them; Jon had never been so happy to see light, anything but darkness he thought still holding to Daenerys he brought her through the door and it shut after and disappeared as it never existed. Jorah looked at Jon and Daenerys "what happened in there".

"we need to leave now, I trust you found a ship for us and our khalasar" she said looking at Jorah, he replied "I have my queen they are already at the docks awaiting our arrival, shall we head there and leave this awful place", she bit her lip "yes let's make our way there", Jon spoke "Daenerys there is something I need to retrieve from Xaro's mansion" she looked at him in disbelief "why would you want to head back there after what he did to us". Jon put his hand on his sword hilt this gave Daenerys the impression that he meant to take Xaro life and could not allow him perhaps this would make him one step closer to becoming the ice prince and she could not allow that "no Jon we can leave him be, let him believe he has won".

Jon looked to his queen, his love "I cannot allow him to live Dany, it may be wrong but you know it must be done", she looked into his eyes and saw no emotion as if he was ice, she feared that by saying no he would do it anyway and she would lose a part of him to the darkness "go do it" she put her hand on his chest "but come back to me or I will kill you myself". Jon smirked at that "yes my queen and Jorah make sure she gets there safe" he started running in the direction of Xaro house.

Daenerys walked to the docks with Jorah close at her side "we are not leaving without him" she said looking back at him "I know my queen", she stopped and put her hand aside to stop him "is there something bothering you", he lowered his head "what happened in that place Khaleesi", she started walking again not wanting to speak about what happened he took her silence as her answer but knew she might eventually speak of it later with that they continued to walk towards the dock.

Jon found himself outside Xaro house he walked through the door, he unsheathed his sword when he noticed there was two guards standing outside a door so he assumed they were guarding Xaro. Jon walked towards them one of them looked at him "piss off" the man said; Jon raised his sword with such speed and severed the man's head it rolled onto the ground blood following it, before the guard could reach his sword Jon shoved his sword through the man's stomach, noticing the blood dripping from his sword.

Jon stood in the blood of the men who he just slayed, he kicked down the door to see Xaro sitting down there eating what looked like to be his lunch "Jon" he said eyes wide open. Jon walked closer to him "I hope you're ready to die". Xaro stood up "come on Jon we can come to some arrangement", Jon laughed "that's the problem with you rich people, you think everything can be bought with your gold; remember you asked what I was doing here when I first arrived".

Xaro looked at Jon with fear in his eye he noticed how this man could not be bought because he never needed gold "what do you mean", Jon stepped forward "I am a bastard of stark and Targaryen, that women you kidnapped is my aunt and she is the love of my life and I will do everything to protect her" Jon had enough of hearing him speak and shoved his sword through his face "that includes killing every man who would dare harm her". Jon pulled his sword from Xaro face and noticed there was a chest he tried to open it but it was locked, he looked to Xaro finding a key around his neck it was a type of amulet he knew he would need to check this out before he would leave this city, he took it and made his way to the harbour to meet up with Daenerys and Jorah.

When he reached the harbour he looked to the ship that had the crowd of dothraki aside it and he knew she would be there, so he made his way over to it to find her in the middle of the crowd "my queen" he said, she looked at him "yes Jon" he took her by the hand and led her away from the crowd "I found a amulet that may be of some use" he said, "I am guessing you found this on Xaro" she replied, he nodded "we should check it out before we leave" she agreed and called Jorah over and he came "yes my queen".

"We are going to check out what this vault opens" she said to him "watch over our people until we return" he nodded "yes my queen". The walked back towards Xaro house Jon walked the way that would not display the bodies he had left he did not want Daenerys to see them wondering what she might make of him. He looked back to her "let us check the cellar" he just nodded only wanting to find this vault.

The cellar was filled with barrels of wine and cobwebs, the dust flows freely when Jon and Dany moved past the barrels careful not to knock them over good wine was hard to come by "should we take a few barrels" Jon said looking to Dany "yes once we find out what's in the vault" they walked down the hall until stopping at a stone door. Jon put his hand on the door to see if there was a way to open it, he picked up the amulet to look upon it and then raised his eyes to the middle of the door there was a space, he raised the amulet to the space and turned it hearing a noise the door opened.

Jon and Dany gazed in wonder of what was in the vault chest stacked upon one another. Jon made his way over to one of them and opened it seeing a gold flare come off the objects "Daenerys we have gold" she quickly rushed over to him and stared upon the wonder "will this buy us a ship" she said "a small ship" he said with a smile. They made their way back to the ship she told Jorah where the vault was and told him to take the strongest from the khalasar to go and retrieve the gold, he smiled boldly "yes my queen" he left hastily after that.

Jon sat in the cabin with Daenerys. "When you sent me to Xaro's I killed him, I do not want to pretend to you like I did not". Daenerys blinked rapidly "I do not want you to kill any more people Jon". He knew she was saddened by what he did "why" he said moving closer to her "in the vision, the warlock showed me, I was not present with you, and it was like you were not even here". Jon felt her pain and raised his hand to her cheek "I will not leave you, my love" he moved his face to hers and she raised her hand to his arm "Jon I want you" she said, they stood up continuing the kiss and moved over to the bed, they broke the kiss and she gently let herself fall onto the bed.

She moved her finger seductively to bring Jon forward, he smiled and brought himself down on her, they brought their lips together to pick up where they left off when a knock came on the door "yes come in" she said agitated, Jorah entered.

Jorah: we have moved all the gold and I took the liberty of bringing some barrels of wine enough to last us the way to Astapor.

Daenerys: good and tell the captain we are ready to leave. Jorah: yes my queen.

Jorah left and Jon looked to Daenerys "fancy a cup of wine" he said, she smiled and nodded her head and that's when the captain departed the trip would be long but at least they had wine to last.

Sorry for the delay, I hope that you had like it the chapter.

I wil update at soon I can.