Narrator: Already did that!


Regardless, welcome to Smash comedy month! AKA, April! So, this guy, called SmashKing24, says that this is Smash Comedy month, so, yeah!

Narrator: How popular is this guy, seriously? We try that, some weirdo will put up porn or something.

Anyway, I've decided to do a commentary! On what?

Narrator: Read the title.

Joining me on this epic, we have Narrator.

Narrator: The best one!

Sure. And Imagi and Lucina, the Blueberry OC, and the SVPD Cop, respectively.

Imagi: Do I get paid?

Lucina: Ditto.

No. And no smoking!

Lucina: Come on!


Sara was a normel girl until she went to nentendo world to save. My firts story ples revew. (Me:Oh we're gonna do more than that. Lucina: She does know what AutoCorrect is right?)Barek Obema and teh libruls(Imagi:Libruls? Me: It gets worse...)on delated thes so im putin it her.


Hi my name is Sara (not Palin unfortanetly(Narrator: Who? Me: Some female Alaskan Governer.)) and im a 13 yearold girl who loves America and God and the Constantution so i librul soshalist who likes barrack obama than LEAVE NAO and go back too getting wefare for noting(Me: THAT'S CALLED SOCIAL SECURITY YOU D*CK! Lucina: She seems pleasant. Imagi: No sh*t Mrs. Sherlock.) and trying to turn every1(Narrator: That's just lazy!) into gay athists also I lik video games like supper smash bras(Narrator: I could be crude here, but...) and otters(Me: There's a video game about otters? YES!) even thou im a gril(Imagi: Then start cooking me a hanburger!) (my mom sad id turn a les if I play video game but I put pics of jaykob from twilit and juston beber in my room so idont).(Me: My English teacher would kill you for a run-on sentence like that... Lucina: I take offense to the video game = Lesbian statement. My niece loves playing video games! Imagi: You're an aunt? Lucina: Yep.)


(Me: Wow. Four words in, and she's already screwing up. I mean, what the f***. MISSON FORM GOD? The hell does that even mean?)

I was in my seance class(Imagi: Summon a Gengar so he can make you brain dead with Dream Eater. Lucina: Would there even be a difference? Narrator: Oh snap!) one dat when my librul teacher mr jonson was talkin about evilusion(All: What.). "an tat is why humins came form monkees and their is no god(Narrator: Unnecessary proof of evilness is unnecesary.)" he said. I razed my han.d(Imagi: Ouch.)"yes Sara" he said. "if humin came from monkees why r their still monks(Me: Buddhism.)" my teacher had no anser for that so he give me a ditention and an f on my test(Imagi: When the f*** were you taking a test?!). "hahaha!" he sad(Lucina: He's stuck with you. Of course he's sad.) "you Christens wil be defeet(Narrator: Will that be Size 10 or Size 11, Mr. Christian?) on day! athests alreedy rule dis cuntry becuz of obama car(Me: What is that, the Batmobile for Obama?) and son all Christens will goto deaf panells!" just then the door toteh science room opened and God walked in(Lucina: Uh, how long have you been there, and what were you doing?). he was waring a rob(Narrator: NO! You were my favorite R.O.B.!) and had a bread like he allways does(Imagi: But was it French, or Pumpernickel?). "mr jonson ur gong too HELL!" "no cuz u arnt reel"(Lucina: He's right in front of you jackass!) mr jonson said. "lol(Me: God says Lol?) ur a moran" God said and he stroked(Me: Who thought of God giving him a sexuality-questioning massage? [Everyone raises there hands.]) mr jonson with lighting and mr jonson ded(Narrator: As everyone probably wants you Sara. Dead.). "yay!" said all the Christens in the class. "boo!" said the Heatrans so God stroked all them to(Me: [Checks on his Heatran.] Nope, we're good. Hephaestus is Ok.). "ok now I nead too talk too Sara God said. "so everbuddy(Me: Buddy! Narrator: Touch me and I will shank your ass.) else leave." "ok" my classmates left the room. "Sara Osborne(Me: THAT explains it. She's related to the Green Goblin!) ive bean watching u for sum time(Lucina: Stalker God, Stalker God, does every thing a stalker can!)," he sad(Narrator: Why not?), "this world isnt the only on I mad(Me: Ok, Metroid has been in a rut dude, but still...)." "for real" I ask. "yea do u no about video games." "yea I play them with my bro and Lauren" (my bro is my brother and Lauren is my BFF forever and shes a PCC(Imagi: I thought that said PCP for a second. Lucina: Would explain a whole lot.) (Pretty Consertative Christen) like me to) "well they are real because when u play the nother unevirse I made" "cool God" I hi fived God(Me: She did not. Narrator: She did.). "ok but theres treble(Narrator: Because you know I'm all about that base, about base, no treble! Lucina+Imagi: 0.0)Satan found out about this and now hes in Nentendo World. Only u can stop him b4 he dose evil stuff (Me: Wow, God. So descriptive...) their." "oh no.(Lucina: Her response to multiple people being possibly killed? "Oh no." Not even a damn exclamation point!)" "right this is the hardest thing u ever done even harder than ur math test last month(Imagi: Because math is obviously second in difficulty to saving an entire universe from Satan!). God thing i'm God and I can give u cool powers and stuff(Lucina: Please tell me 'stuff' includes poison.) so God gave me some power and I fell to sleep.(All: Yes!) When I woke up(All: DAMN IT!) I was outside of the Smosh Manshon!(Narrator: I believe you have the wrong mansion. Go away.)

How was it?

Lucina: Allow me to put it like this. If there isn't a food bar when we next do this, you will die.

Got it. -_-'


Imagi: Why do you keep him?

Narrator: He's popular with the ladies, and he makes a excellent attraction.