Himitsu no akumu

Summary: It's been three months since Ichigo lost his powers, and Isshin notices some strange behavior from the strawberry. Determined to find out what's going on Isshin tails the teen only for him keep disappearing, after both he and Kisuke fail to keep track of him they enlist the help of a certain golden eyed feline. Will she be able to keep up, if so what will she find out? Rated M for language blood/gore and future lemons pairing Yoruichi/Ichigo.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Bleach or any of the characters they belong to Tite Kubo.

A/N my first fic reviews are welcome, tell me how I did but please be gentle I'm sensitive ;)

Ichigo leaned back on his bed and sighed, from a distance it would look like nothing was amiss, just a teenager lounging about on Friday evening. But if one were to look closer they would see dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, his eyes moving restlessly under his eyelids; his face set in deep scowl a far more serious expression than his usual frown and his body was tensed like spring ready to snap at the smallest provocation.

He shifted his left arm over his face for the third time in under five minutes, it looked like he was just blocking the sun from his face but he was actually checking his watch with the one eye he had secretly opened. The single amber orb glared at the mechanism as if staring would make the seconds hand move faster, to no avail however the device kept on its agonizingly slow pace much to his ire. Ichigo sighed once more and removed his hand from his face only to make a fist and smack it into his bed in frustration seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was being watched.

Isshin crouched low on the roof of a nearby house and scrutinized his eldest child as he scratched the stubble on his cheek. Ichigo had been like this for weeks now and it was getting worse and worse by the day, it had all started about two months after Ichigo had lost his shinigami powers. That loss had been a tough pill to swallow so it wasn't surprising to Isshin when Ichigo had begun acting sullen, it had upset him when the soul society had just abandoned his son rendering his great sacrifice meaningless, as well as when his so called human friends acted like he didn't exist. But then the strangeness started it had started with training at a local gym which for a few weeks had consumed almost all of his free time, during that time Ichigo had begun to stop talking to his family only speaking when spoken to even then it was just a few terse words that held no real emotion.

In addition he had started to listen to more violent music, as the days progressed the music became darker and more hateful until Isshin had to step in to tell the strawberry to keep his music down and his rented albums out of sight lest it corrupt his sisters. It was around that time that Ichigo had started disappearing; he had stopped spending so much time at the gym and had started to miss dinner more often. Curious Isshin had popped by the gym one day only to find that Ichigo hadn't been there in a couple of days and that he had stopped going for hours on end and now only showed up every other day and trained for an hour. While he been talking to the owner about whether he knew where Ichigo went after he left the gym a young boy of about thirteen walked up and asked "Kurosaki-san are you really Tora-kun's father"? Isshin quirked a brow in his direction then asked "Tora-kun"?

The owner replied that most of the patrons of the gym had taken to calling Ichigo that on account of his hair color and the ferocity of his training. When Isshin had confirmed that he was Ichigo's father and asked why he wished to know, the boy smiled and said "I overheard your conversation and thought that if you were really Tora-kun's father that you would tell him I said thanks for saving me from those thugs the other day. I don't think any of them will forget the beat down he gave them… unfortunately he left before I could say thanks so would you please pass on the message Kurosaki-san"?

When Isshin had agreed the boy thanked him and went to the locker room the owner then told him that he didn't have a clue were Ichigo went after his training but showed him a video of Ichigo training. It disturbed Isshin slightly to see his son shadow boxing with 150 lbs. dumbbells like it was nothing but he shook it off , he thanked the owner then went home thinking on where Ichigo was disappearing to.

Later that night Isshin had been too preoccupied to attempt his usual attack on his son when he came home late instead they all sat down to a peaceful dinner in which his son had finally started to act normal when Karin asked "so Ichi-nii are you working out to get a girlfriend"? To which Ichigo flushed and shouted "no. why would you think it was something dumb like that"?

Isshin's face morphed into a shit eating grin, finally something he could use to get his son out of his funk "OH Karin-chan your right, who is it Tatsuki-chan, that sprinter girl who's always got her face in a book; hmm no maybe it's Orihime-san, a little out of your league but I approve OH HOHO I know your trying to change that red haired lesbian back, way-to-go son getting in shape just to show her what she is missing… unless OH KAMI NO Ichigo your trying to get a boyfriend, NOOOO COME BACK TO THE LIGHT ICHIGO. Oh Masaki help me our son is becoming a fanny bandit WHERE DID I GO WRONG… okay I'll do it I'll pay for a lady of the night I know you'll disapprove but-".

WHAP Karin's shoe slammed into the back of Isshin's head knocking him unconscious "put a cork in it you old fool he'll never bring home anybody with you acting insane like that"!

"So how 'bout it Ichi-nii are you trying to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend"? Asked Karin with a mischievous grin on her face, causing her older sibling to sprout a tic mark, "never mind I'm going to bed Yuzu thanks for dinner" as Ichigo stormed up the stairs to his room Isshin who had been pretending to be unconscious gazed at his son and smiled as he noted a small grin in the place of his sons scowl. Isshin huffed a sigh of happiness at this small victory as he laid there listening to Yuzu scold Karin about not hurting their father or teasing Ichigo like that.

But that had been days ago and Ichigo's mood had been getting worse as had his times of being unaccounted for, Isshin paid no mind to it however until one night all had been strangely quiet no hollows had shown up, no alerts from the soul society, but even more surprising to Isshin was last night when had just finished closing the clinic well past ten o'clock… no music. None of Ichigo's death metal could be heard which was odd because Ichigo usually didn't get bed until much later and Isshin had become accustomed to zoning out the angry music, Isshin crept slowly up the stairs not wanting to wake any of his children as neared Ichigo's room he began to hold his breath listening for any noise as he moved closer… and closer until he was at his son's bedroom door, quickly threw it open to find… nothing. That's right Ichigo's room was empty with the window opened just a crack, this caused Isshin to raise an eyebrow and wonder were his son had gone at this time of night.

So Isshin swallowed his soul candy and began searching for absent child. But much to his concern Ichigo was nowhere to be found, he wasn't at Kisuke's training ground he wasn't t the gym or the river or at Masaki's grave site. As Isshin climbed back in his house tired and worried for his son he climbed back in his gigai and waited Ichigo didn't come home until right before it was time to get up for school the elder Kurosaki listened as his son got changed grabbed a piece of toast and took off for school all while acting as if nothing had happened.

This brings us back to where we started as Isshin watches his son toss and turn while glancing at his watch as if waiting for something to happen, just as the sun was about to set Isshin heard a strange beeping noise coming from inside the house. To his surprise Ichigo rolled on his side a grabbed a Bluetooth from under the pillow put it in his ear pressed a button, mumbled a few words then nodded pressed another button rolled upright and grabbed a backpack from under his bed then pulled out a pitch black hoodie and put it on. Isshin stood up getting ready to follow his son he watched carefully as Ichigo pulled the backpack on then in a move so casual that it looked like he rehearsed it Ichigo pulled open the window swung himself out and around on the window cell, closed the window and dropped down landing on all fours like a cat. Ichigo then stood checked to see if anybody was watching him then he walked of

After thirty minutes of following Ichigo, Isshin realized where they were at: the train station, his eyes widened in shock Ichigo was running away! When I find out where he is running to I'm going to get in my gigai, drag him back and give him a very thorough talking to thought Isshin as he watched as his son descended a staircase to a subway platform. Ichigo then lean against the wall in a corner so that he could barely be seen because of the shadows folded his arms over his chest and appeared to be waiting for the train. Determined to see what the hell his kid was up Isshin stood close to him and waited, CRASH Isshin whirled towards the source of the noise only to see that some stray dog had knocked over a trash can, he scoffed and turned back toward Ichigo only to gape at what he saw in the few seconds he had been distracted Ichigo had vanished into thin air.

A/N well here is the first chapter how did I do, lemme know hopefully longer chapter next time.