Disclaimer: I own nothing

You Make Me Smile

April entered the newly renovated lair, admiring the declutter, in which was cleaned from the mess left from the invasion that happened several months ago. She smiled when spotting Raphael, who was apparently searching for something, rummaging between the couches and then rushing to where the pile of trash was in the middle of the room.

"Raph? What are you looking for?" He narrowed his eyes, concentrating at the task at hand and simply nodding at her, not quite catching her question. "Raph?" She walked closer, though cautiously for she did not want to startle him. A hand reached out, to grasp his tense muscular shoulder. Immediately he shrieked and turned to face her with dilated green eyes.

"April!" His heart raced rapidly as his breathing quickened but swiftly composed himself, masking the frightful face to his tough guy attitude before speaking. "Finally, a visit." She chuckled and retrieved her hand, before tucking a lose strand of red hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, me and my dad were busy handing out soup for the people. Sorry I couldn't come by sooner." He snorted and rolled his emerald eyes, still looking for that specific item.

"Really." She knew that he was not giving his full attention to her and wondered what exactly he was doing. April stepped forward and daringly peeked over his broad shoulder, noticing the various debris that his large gruff hands were digging in. He was too focused, in which caused her to smile.

Over the months she had grown closer to the guys, however she never once made a successful attempt to get near the one and only Raphael; the turtle that she grew fond of the most. Her smile only expanded as he shifted, trying to flip through the papers that he gathered from the pile. Her heart escalated, her palms were somewhat sweaty, as she knelt next to him.

"Need help?" April tilted her head, to see if he would happen to grow aware of their closeness. He turned and looked up, bright green eyes staring straight at her baby blue ones, and stopped, holding the papers in midair. She only smirked as he became self-conscious. He pulled back but halted when her small delicate hand reached out to clutch the tattered tails of his red mask. Her fingers twisted the material as she leaned forward. Raphael finally realized how close they were and instantly flinched when April swiftly pecked his cheek. She pulled back as he furiously blushed, though grew apprehensive once she beamed.

"Wha-what was that for?!" His fists clenched as he stood up, looking down at her and followed her gaze as she erected.

"Just wanted to get your attention. Why? You liked it?" Raphael snorted as he heavily stomped to his room, leaving her there in the living area though not noticing her flushed face. His eyes darted across the floor and smirked when he found the photograph on the dusty cement floor. He picked it up before entering his bedroom. Raphael slammed the steal door shut, walking to where the old bedding was that once belonged to his best friend. He placed the picture on top prior to leaning forward, arms crossed in front, as he laid his chin on top.

"Hey buddy. We're finally home." He sighed. Raphael missed Spike, he missed how he used to talk to him about personal stuff, before he mutated into Slash. The red masked wearing turtle glanced back at the door before whispering, "she kissed me. Well, just a peck but she did it. I mean, it wasn't serious but I still felt that spark, ya know?" He sighed out, frustrated on how he felt at the moment for he knew he should not feel anything towards April. "Maybe. Maybe if we were different peopleā€¦I would've kissed her back." Raphael tenderly smiled at the picture before shutting his eyes, "she makes me smile."

This is a little something that I wrote out at 12am, on my phone, while laying in bed.