
She looked around at the extremely small white room that she was in, it didn't have any windows in it nor did it have a bed or even a chair, all she had was the white hospital gown, a laptop and the floor. She also knew that she wasn't entirely human, the scientists always enjoyed taunting her with that fact. They had changed her, taken away an extra 3% of her human DNA and substituted it with animal DNA, they had added 1.5% T-Rex DNA and 1.5% Bengal tiger DNA; clearly they wanted a supreme apex predator and they got one.

She had been in the Cyrel Institute since infancy, here she had been taught a lot, and some of what she was taught would make several people blanch at the thought of being taught what she had at such a young age. She had learned to fight and hunt, learned to use her abilities to her gain in any situation, her IQ had had to be heightened for what the scientists had wanted to teach her and so they had done it.

From the moment that she had come into the scientists 'care' she had learned to not only block out pain but to not feel it at all, pain had been with her throughout all of her life, she could not even think of a day that she had gone without some level of pain being inflicted on her by the scientists.

Oh, how she hated the smug looking men, wearing their white coats proudly whilst they operated on her and tested her to see if she had learned what they had taught her, they had reluctantly given her a laptop but that was only after she had pointed out that she couldn't study if she didn't have something that allowed her to study, and since they wouldn't let her learn from books (too dangerous they had said whilst she had asked in her mind 'dangerous for whom?') they gave her a laptop, they kept giving her parts to make sure that it stayed a top of the line one as well.

What they hadn't known was that she wrote stories, poems and theories, which a publisher published for her, she also took several of the primary books and turned them into something that the kids would love and they had been a hit as several schools in America, the UK and South-Africa used them to teach, and later she had moved onto secondary books which were also a hit. All the money she got from that allowed her to amass a small fortune that she didn't use.

As she grew she kept writing but expanded on the type of public that she wrote for, she kept writing for the children when she was a teen but she expanded to write for other teens as well, all her books were loved by one type of person or another. As a result of being locked up in the Cyrel Institute was that she couldn't sign any books, which meant that she was the number one most mysterious author in the world.

When she reached 18 years of age, she escaped from the Cyrel Institute and made a life for herself, she continued writing when she wasn't out in the wild but even then she wrote using her experience's as inspiration.

Her name is Alexandria Ehiztari Woods and she is our guide through the trials that she will face.



Ehiztari = Hunter (Basque)