"Do not come any closer," the voice warned.

She stopped, her heart thrumming violently in her chest. I must know…

"Who are you?" she cried, the sound sweet, almost bell-like.

Only cold silence greeted her. Had she lost her chance?

Hot tears pricked her eyes, her breath catching in her throat. She began to panic.


A nearly imperceptible swish of a cloak betrayed the voice's location.

She smiled.

Her voice thick with emotion, she pleaded once more.

"Please…stay with me."

Tears fell down her cheeks like dewdrops; tears of relief.

"I will always be with you," said the voice, as if it were a prayer.

She let out a heartfelt sigh. Her body relaxed somewhat in the damp cold of the cellars.

Standing in one of the tunnel passageways, her lantern cast an eerie orange glow that flickered against the rough stone walls.

Holding her lantern high, she tried to illuminate the area where she thought her strange companion was hiding.

"Where are you," she more demanded than asked. She was tired of their games.

A soft chuckle echoed through the passage, making it seem as though it were coming from behind her instead of from in front. The sound was magical.

"You will never find me, unless I want you to."

"Why? Why will you not show yourself?"


"I have waited and waited these months and still, still you will not come to me!" She was growing frustrated, wanting to know once and for all if she really were mad or—

"Christine," the voice said sadly. She wondered why…

"Tomorrow night, after the Gala performance."

She nodded in great anticipation.

"You will not entertain anyone, not even the managers."

Again she nodded, hanging on the voice's every word.

"You will go straight to your dressing room. Madame Giry will give you further instructions."

She began to affirm that she would follow the voice's directions completely, but she sensed that she was once again quite alone.

I will always be with you.