He was dying.
Or at least he was going to in a matter of seconds. In front of the girl he loved.
Woman, Uncas corrected himself painfully as he stared into Alice's huge, grey eyes swimming with tears from his prone position on the cliff edge. Her honey-blond mane whipped in the wind, the muddy skirts of her cream gown fluttered around her soaked boots. From the corner of his eye, he saw the glitter of the tomahawk wielded by Magua. The hardened Huron made no move to deliver the killing blow – he was waiting for Uncas to stand up to attempt his last strike of survival.
For that Uncas was grateful. He would rather die standing up like a warrior than slaughtered on the rocky ground. His right arm was broken, his left arm was slashed in two areas, and there were multiple stab wounds from his shoulder to waist. He gritted his teeth against the immense pain and painstakingly tried to lift his shoulders off the ground. But suddenly, Alice came into view and threw herself on top of him. Stunned, he jerked his eyes up into her pale, tear-streaked face. And his heart splintered at what he saw in her lifeless yet calm countenance.
She wasn't protecting him. She wanted to die. With him. Uncas shook his head and breathed feebly, "No." To die for her was nothing. But for her to perish with him this way was unthinkable, worst that dying. Nathaniel, Cora and his father were right behind him – they would rescue her in time. She couldn't die. He wouldn't allow it. He shook his head firmly again but she remained where she was, her head pressed into his bleeding chest, her arms tightly around his waist. And she waited. For death. With him. Together.
Magua snorted in disgust above them and raised his tomahawk. His patience was limited. Uncas tried to roll his body and Alice sideways so that he would be the one taking the blow, but she determinedly flattened herself further on him, her fists clenched into his shirt to hold him still. Magua swung the tomahawk down and Uncas heard himself scream soundlessly in despair before the world went black.
Uncas'eyes blinked open and he instantly moaned. Burning pain was shooting through his entire being. Chincachgook, his father gazed down at him in grave relief, "You live." For a moment, Uncas was disoriented as he took in his surroundings. They were back at the family cabin. But the next second, the awful memory of Alice diving on top of him at the cliff came crashing back and his breath hitched. Why was he alive? Did Alice…Dread started to seep through his bones when Nathaniel materialised out of nowhere to grip his shoulder strongly, "Alice is fine. I managed to shoot the bastard before he finished the two of you off." Uncas croaked, "Where?" His father nodded grimly towards the left and Uncas followed his line of sight.
Alice sat huddled in a corner, her gown stained with blood, staring vacantly at the opposite wall. Her hair was tangled and her arms were streaked with dirt and more dried blood. His blood, Uncas noted guiltily. Nathaniel sighed, his tone laced with a tinge of frustration, "It has been three days. She refuses to change out of her gown. She refuses to wash. She refuses to go near you even when we told her you weren't dead. She hasn't said a word since we dragged her off you. Not even to Cora. She won't leave the cabin either."
Uncas knew what he had to do, what she was thinking of, what she was waiting for. Somehow, he always knew. Even if she didn't. Digging deep into his depleted reserves, he pushed himself into a sitting position and did a quick scan of the room. He spotted the wooden tub of water near the hearth, a clean dress hanging over a chair. He turned to his father and brother stoically, "Leave her alone with me for awhile." Nathaniel's eyes widened fractionally, "You plan to…"Uncas gave a tired nod. Chincachgook cast him an enigmatic glance before silently padding out of the cabin. Nathaniel followed suit and Uncas hoped Cora wouldn't hit the roof when she found out what he intended to do. Because it was going to be horribly improper to the English miss.
Grimacing, Uncas struggled to his feet. His entire torso and left upper arm was swathed in bandages, his right arm was in a makeshift sling. He was thankful he had no injuries to his legs because if there were, he would have crawled on his belly to reach Alice. He hissed in pain with every step he took towards her. When he was finally reached where she was, he carefully knelt in front of her. He gently grasped her face with his left hand and angled it towards him. His heart broke when he saw the hollowness of her eyes, the faint shadows ringing around them. She probably hadn't slept in the three days since he had been unconscious. She was shivering slightly and her lips trembled. He pulled her closer to him and uttered softly, "Alice."
Alice gazed into those dark, soulful almond-shaped eyes framed by those harsh raven brows. That gentle, deep voice that resonated wrapped her in a haven of comfort and safety. The impossibly warm hand that lovingly framed her cheek. He was pale beneath his burnt caramel tan and he was breathing heavily. He made it. He hadn't died and left her behind. Though Alice was completely confused about how she felt for the protective Mohican warrior in front of her, she was sure of one thing. She had wanted to follow him to death if he had died. She thought she already died once when she saw him on the cliff edge, his life blood gushing out from the multiple wounds to his agile physique. She died again when she saw him fighting for his life as Cora and his family battled to keep him from drifting from this world.
She daren't go near him all this while for fear she caught him ceasing to breathe. She resisted changing out of her soiled dress – the crimson splotches reminded her why Uncas was almost robbed of life at just twenty-five summers. Guilt and something else she couldn't identify was churning through her entire being. It was her fault that he was in this state…
"No. I would do it again." Uncas' quiet reprimand jolted her back to the present. Uncas saw the tumultuous emotions swirling in those traumatised depths and knew she was blaming herself for what had happened to him. Guilt was the last thing he wanted from her. Or pity. Unshed tears glittered and she started shivering a little more violently. Uncas sat down and drew her forward into his arms in one fluid motion. He wrapped his good - better - arm tightly around her and whispered into her hair, "I'm here." He felt her shaky arms creep around his waist and grip him desperately, her face buried in his neck.
The wooden tub wasn't far away and he steadily dragged himself and Alice toward it though his arms and torso were screaming with excruciating resistance. Alice just clung on to him mutely as they bumped across the wooden floor in tandem. Uncas dipped one finger into the water and was relieved to find it lukewarm. He held her away from him slightly and said quietly, "I'm going to wash you." Alice shook her head immediately and ducked back into his arms. Uncas knew she wasn't afraid of the idea of getting bathed by him; she was terrified he would turn into dust if she released him for a split second. And he knew she unconsciously wished to pay penance with the ruthless reminder of her dress soaked with his blood.
His bandages were going to get wet but he had no choice. He got to his feet, bringing Alice with him. He stepped into the tub and gently yanked Alice in with him. She faced his chest, the top of her head bumping his chin, but didn't protest. Wincing, Uncas lowered himself and stretched his long legs along the narrow tub, drawing his knees up. He reached up for Alice's waist. He twisted her around until her back was to him and tugged her down into the water and flush against his chest. For a few moments, they just sat there wordlessly as the water sloshed around them.
Uncas took a deep breath and started to unbutton the back of her dress, fumbling because he could only use one hand. He peeled the bodice down and tugged her arms out of the sleeves, revealing the thin shift she wore underneath. Grabbing the wash cloth lying beside the tub, he started to scrub the grime and crusted blood off her neck, collar and arms with his left hand. Through it all, Alice neither moved nor spoke.
Next, Uncas tackled her hair, rinsing and lathering it with soap. When he was satisfied she was clean enough, he threw the wash cloth away with an exhausted grunt. He stood up gingerly and snitched a hide from the stand next to the tub. Alice rose to her feet and the gown slithered down to pool at the bottom of the tub, leaving her all but bare in her flimsy shift. Uncas quickly threw the hide around her for modesty and gestured for her to step out of the tub. He took the clean dress from the chair and went over to her.
She looked so young, tiny and fragile covered in the hide with her hair plastered to her face and shoulders that Uncas' heart lurched at the thought of her being taken away by Magua if he had not gone after her. Never. He swore vehemently to himself as he slipped the hide off her shoulders and worked to pull her dress over her head. Alice dutifully slipped her arms into the sleeves and waited acquiescently as he slowly buttoned up her dress. Uncas quickly dried himself with another hide while Alice watched him sombrely from the side.
Tears threaten to form again when Alice saw the swath of bandages criss-crossing his muscular chest and arms. Vaguely she realised it was the height of impropriety for Uncas to wash her but he was the only one who could cleanse her guilt and his blood on her hands away. She didn't know it herself earlier but again he understood her, needing no words to be exchanged between them. And that was why he was determined to bathe her even if he was in agony. It was her redemption. When he methodically washed his blood away from her body, he was at the same time eradicating Alice's guilt drop by drop.
She watched as he laid a few furs in front of the hearth and slumped down tiredly on them. Giving her a wan smile, he held out his arm to her. And when she automatically stumbled towards him, he enveloped her into his solid warmth and strength. As what he had done under the thunderous waterfall that night. Lying on his back, Uncas drew Alice towards his side, her head resting on his chest, her arm stretched across him, her other hand tucked into his. They both fell into deep sleep almost instantly, at peace in each other's arms. And that was how Nathaniel, Cora and Chincachgook found them when they re-entered the cabin an hour later.