Rating: Mature

Warning: None. Yet.

Disclaimer: Really people? J.K Rowling and the Warner Bros own Harry Potter. Not me. If i did i wouldn't be a young adults book.

Chapter 1

Harry winced as pain shot up his back, settling between his shoulder blades and the small of his back. He hissed through his teeth and was about to raise an arm but pain rippled down his body and he froze, stifling a cry as he bit his lip and groaned.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he slowly turned, his head beginning to throb and causing him to squint. He realized after a moment it was Kingsley, the man looking at him with concern. "Oh. Hello Minister." He said weakly, gasping when he tried to raise his arm.

Kingsley was on him in a second, grabbing him by the shoulders. "What's wrong? It's your back again isn't it?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. "I told you to take it easy."

"I know Kingsley, but it isn't just my back anymore. I think I have to go to St. Mungos." Harry admitted, sighing. He groaned in pain as he felt his shoulders throb, a shiver of pure agony ripping down his body.

Kingsley nodded, his brow knitted in concern. "Are you sure? Last time you went they couldn't help besides give you potions to lessen the pain." He said, pursing his lips as he let the Gryffindor go. "I think you need something else."

Harry perked up at that even as pain sizzled beneath the surface of his skin. "Is there really something else to help?" He asked hopefully, following the Minister and almost screaming in pain as the action sent agony up his back and neck.

Kinglsey nodded, walking slowly so Harry could keep up. "Yes. I remember my wife had the same problem and the Medic witches could do nothing for her. That is until her Muggle cousin told her about deep tissue massages."

"Massages?" Harry said aloud, his face lighting up when he realized what that was. "I remember now! Why didn't I think of that!?" He exclaimed, feeling the urge to slap his forehead but resisted the impulse. "I can't even remember how many years it's been since I heard that word."

"That's because witches and wizards don't need them because we have potions. But Muggles love massages and because of that they are quite popular." Kingsley said, pushing open his office door and striding toward his desk.

Harry followed, wincing in pain as he thought it over. "If I go get one who do I call?" He asked, not bothering to sit because it would be too hard to get back up.

"I'll go ahead and give them a call." Kingsley said as he produced a piece of paper and put a note on it before shoving it into his pocket. "I don't think one visit will be enough. I'll go ahead and give you two weeks off."

"Two weeks?! Kingsley!" Harry exclaimed, shocked.

"You deserve them." The Minister said as he took Harrys arm and started to pull him toward the lift. "I want you to go home and rest. I can't have you on the job when you are in this much pain. You will be of no use until you are relaxed and in better health."

Harry sighed in defeat and nodded, walking into the elevator with the Minister behind him. "Alright." He said, pouting even as pain rippled down his back. "But the minute I am fully healed I will be back at work."

"I expected as much." Kingsley said, amused. The lift jerked and headed toward the lobby, Harry giving a cry of pain when the movement sent flames racing down his back. Kingsley glanced over and frowned, worried all over again.

Harry waved him away, gritting his teeth until he was able to stumble out of the elevator and into the bustling area of the main floor. He slowly moved through the crowd, Kinglsey following until they reached the entrance to the Ministry.

Harry turned, his hand on the handle. "Thank you Kingsley." He said, wincing in pain as his shoulder pulled. "I'll see you in two weeks." He said with a grin, opening the door.

"See you in two weeks." Kingsley said, waving and watching the Gryffindor walk away from the building and apparate.

Harry groaned in pain as he pushed himself out of bed, shuffling toward the window where the pecking sound was coming from. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he pushed the shutters open, letting in Kinglsey owl.

Harry watched as the bird flew onto the desk beside the bed, holding out his leg. A small bundle was clutched in its claws and Harry reached forward, grabbing it before giving the owl a treat and watching it fly through the window.

"No reply then." Harry muttered as he walked over to his bed and sat down. He slowly unrolled the paper and read it, grinning in relief when it read that a company was sending over a personal masseuse to take care of him. "Thank Merlin." Harry groaned before throwing the paper onto his desk and standing to take a shower, wondering who it was going to be and hoping it was someone who was foreign and old so he wouldn't have to deal with crazy fan girls.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and stood, muffling a groan of pain as he walked slowly toward the door. He grabbed the knob and turned it, swinging the door open and sending a smile to the small woman outside. "Hello. You are the one the company sent?" He asked politely, noticing the bag and table she carried.

"Yes, but only for today. You have someone else scheduled for you but they had an urgent family matter and I had to take their place today. Don't worry. They will be back before tomorrow." She said as she walked into the house and asked where the living room was.

Harry pointed and closed the door before following her, sad that he didn't find her attractive even if he was gay. He was brought out his thoughts when the woman asked him to change into the shorts she held up. He took them and did as she asked, coming out of the bathroom and waiting for her to tell him what to do.

"Lay down on the table please. Back up." She instructed, pulling out a bag from her case and setting it on the floor beside the table. She waited for Harry to do as told and she held up a bottle of oil, smiling.

Harry had a bad feeling, frowning when she poured some of it onto his back before setting it aside.

"Don't worry. This will only hurt a little." She said as she placed her hands on Harry's shoulders, pressing deep. Harry shouted in pain, tensing. The Gryffindor began to curse, his voice anger and loud.

"A little my ass!" He shouted, groaning in pain as she rubbed the small of his back. The only reply he got was a chuckled and he groaned, admitting defeat before the battle had even started.

Harry winced as he walked her to the door, the pain in his body lessened only slightly by the woman's manhandling. He opened the door and was more than happy to see her out, his body protesting at her rough treatment of him.

When the women was out she turned, grinning at him. "I won't be here tomorrow. The person that was schedule should be able to take my place." She said, hefting her bag and walking away without another word. Harry was glad to see her go.

Harry cursed when the doorbell rang, jarring in its shrillness. He groaned as he rolled off the bed, his head throbbing and his back and shoulders screaming in pain. He walked to the door, grumpy as he ruffled his messy hair and itched his neck. He pulled open the door, opening his mouth to tell them to go away when his eyes widened in shock.


"Hello Potter. How would you like a deep tissue massage?"

HELLO GUYS! A NEW ONE JUST FOR YOU! I know i havent finished the other one but i will. i just have to make some changes and such to it, thats all. i hope you liked this teaser chapter, because i am already in love with it! XD until next time!