Alice got rather tired of pretending. She had long decided Wonderland was not real yet she had played pretendance towards it by coming up with further adventures. After her father died and as she grew up, the pretending grew rather tedious and lost the childish magic it once had. The Mad hatter stopped holding his tea parties and the Cheshire cat stopped smiling. The bright colours became awashed with grey and the whole place was lost in the depths of Alice's mind as nothing more than a mere fantasy, a daydream created by a bored little girl. She continued to think like this until the unthinkable happened.

Alice was walking home from the market at ten in the morning when she suddenly was blinded by a bright white light and was soon tumbling in to some shrubbery that was by the side of the road she had been walking on. She stopped after hit a tree and shakilly stood up, walking a few steps upwards, only to topple down a hill. Had she been paying attention, she would have realised that she was not anywhere near the shrubbery or hill by the road she had been walking on. When she stood up once more, Alice was horrified to see she was in a new village full of grassy hillish houses with brightly coloured round doors and busy people cheerfully calling to one another. Hitting the ground in a faint, Alice concluded that she was imagining, dreaming again. 'After all, how else can I be here, rolling down hills far away from my town?' She thought as her vision clouded to black. 'Margaret will find me soon...' was her last thought as she drifted away from the colours, forgetting her sister had moved to the other side of the country one month ago.

As Alice drifted in to consciousness, the world burned her eyes. She closed them,groaning at the light. Vaguely, she could feel a blanket and pillows softly against her. 'How thoughtful...' Alice reopened her eyes and saw a cautious man breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness you're alright." He beamed. Large amounts of cheer Alice hadn't noticed before erupted from a near by room. "Unlike some guests..." The man muttered, frowning deeply and moving to grab a glass of water. Alice turned her head as she looked at him. Her throat felt dry,like sandpaper and she thought she was going to be sick eventhough she had not eaten anything since supper which had been ages ago. "Here. Drink up." The man told her as she sat up, pressing the glass in to her hands.

"Thank you." She said smiling sweetly before gulping every last drop down. The man chuckled.

"No problem" He turned to leave the room when she noticed his feet were bare and extremely hairy.

"How come your feet are so hairy? Do you not shave them?" She blurted. One thing Alice hadn't gotten control of was her tounge. She would find herself rambling on and on before anyone pointed out her rudeness. The man turned with an expression of pure horror moulded with anger. "Shave my feet?! I'm a hobbit and hobbits never shave their feet! It's just unthinkable!" He grumbled.

"A hobbit? What is a- ..." Alice was interrupted by the 'hobbit' running in to the other room to tell a guest off. Alice blinked before casting her gaze to a window and what was was surprised to see it was the evening and was even more surprised when a pair of glowing eyes appeared before her. She could hear a faint, familiar laugh before seeing a wide grin. Alice gasped and snapped her head away from the window, squeezing her eyes shut briefly. When she looked again, the eyes and grin were gone. "YA HEAR THAT LADS? HE SAYS WE'LL BLUNT THE KNIVES!" A voice hollered. Tearing her attention away from the window, Alice stood up,regaining her balance, and ran in to the hallway to see what the fuss was about. "If this is a dream..." She muttered to herself "Then I should view the characters within it and then control it. After all, one cannot wake up from a controlled dream by not focusing on the others involved in it." Little did Alice know that she was awake and in a world not as completely different as the one she had accepted and the one she had given up.