Summary: Lucy Heartfilia is a new, naive traveling witch from a small, isolated country called Enca. She travels to Fiore with an odd, red feathered raven whom she calls Natsu, who was cursed by a powerful witch. After leaving their small town, Natsu and Lucy set out on a quest to find 'Lumen Historie', an old legend that is said to grant any type of wish from a living being who finds it first.

A/N: This is going to be a collection of short stories set in the same universe! It will follow a main plot line, but basically be split up into really small parts. I'll be writing this when I'm having a writer's block for my other stories haha. Enjoy!

1. Lazy Daisy Fall Down Hastily

"Aw, come on Natsu." Lucy tried to persuade him out from across the chair in between them. "It's almost sunset-"

"Which will make it even worse!" Natsu countered, still dodging Lucy's movements to maneuver around the chair to get him. In fact, he perched himself on top of the bookshelf so he wouldn't have to flap his wings the whole time. "Once I become human it'll all be over!"

Lucy leaned her old oaken broomstick against the chair and put her hands on her hips. "Mama won't tolerate your behavior if you keep on doing this! She's going to kick you out!" The six year old Lucy pouted even more.

"I'll never go on a train again! You guys tricked me last time!" Natsu howled into the air, flapping his brilliant red wings frantically. Lucy grabbed her broomstick again and dashed over to the clock on her tiny stump legs before running back into the living room to face Natsu again.

"It's going to be six o'clock-!" Lucy was interrupted by the pink smoke that covered Natsu as it billowed out around in the air. Lucy waved her hands around to clear the smoke as she coughed.

"Gah-!" Natsu was dangling from high above, clinging onto the top of the tall bookshelf with his life as his puny feet swung back and forth. "L-L-Luce! Help me!"

"I told you, idiot Natsu!" Lucy stomped her foot, creating a tiny thud sound. "Alright, don't worry! I know what to do!" She reassured him and dropped her small broomstick again. For safety measures, she put on her mother's old witch hat that repeatedly slipped down to her eyes. She cleared her throat and closed her eyes.

"Ahem." Lucy opened her eyes and slightly raised her arms up like a conductor towards Natsu. "Um..." Lucy's eyebrows knitted together as she thought. "How did it go again?" She mumbled to herself. Natsu's wailing disrupted her thinking process. "Oh, be quiet! I can't concentrate!" She shook her tiny fist at him and crossed her arms, pouting. "Ah!" She brought her hands up in the same position again and smiled with determination.

"I think... it was 'lazy daisy fall down hastily-!"Lucy waved her arms in slick, smooth motions.

Natsu felt a pulling force tug down at his ankles and his fingers slipped from the wood. "GAH!" He plummeted to the ground at an alarming speed.

"'Lazy daisy float down safely.'" Natsu hovered in the air briefly before gently landing on his two feet.

Lucy turned around to face her mother, her eyes sparkled as she saw Layla adorned in her Witch Armor. It was a high-low, flowing spring pink dress that started up at her knees with white flowers dotted on the loose blouse. The sleeves of her dress came to her elbows, also loose with slits cut into them.

"You have to get your spells right, Lucy." Layla picked her up and planted a kiss on her pink cheek. She picked up Natsu off the ground and flicked him on the forehead lightly. "And you, little raven. Overcome your fears or else you can't protect Lucy!" Natsu's lips quivered, but he nodded vigorously. She kissed the top of his fluffy wad of pink hair on his head and set him down beside Lucy. "Mommy is going to head out first, you and Natsu will be going with daddy later, okay?" Layla crouched down to their eye level as she spoke.

"Why can't we go with you?" Lucy asked, gathering her fluffy white dress in her fist.

"I have to do something first before I can meet up with you three!" Layla cast Lucy a dazzling smile. Layla glanced at the clock and stood back up. "Alright, Mommy has to go now." Layla picked up her own old oak broomstick that was identical to Lucy's, only larger. "Make sure Natsu wears the outfit we picked out for him."

"But I'll be a bird again." Natsu countered back. He liked wearing the black loose shirt and white baggy knee-length trousers that Layla had picked out for him since they took him in.

"By the time the party starts, you'll be human again!" Layla reminded him. "See you two in a bit!" Layla planted a kiss on both of their cheeks. Lucy beamed with happiness and waved goodbye to Layla until Lucy couldn't see her in the red and yellow sky. Natsu rubbed both of his cheeks with distaste until they turned bright red.