A one-shot.


Mention of rape but no detail, I don't think I could ever write details for something like that.

Please just be aware before you decide to read.

As she stood outside the ensuite door she could hear Gail crying and whimpering she wanted to go in there and hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay that she was safe now but Gail wouldn't let anyone touch her, she hadn't recovered from the incident that happened nearly 3 months ago, it had traumatised both of them, but Gail was the one suffering because it happened to her, Holly had to witness it.

Holly had to watch while he tied up her fiancée and pulled her jeans and underwear down her legs, Holly knew what was going to happen, she was screaming for him to let her go, but he just turned around and slapped her across the face, Holly just whimpered, tears streaming down her face as she made eye-contact with Gail who was staring at her as her own tears ran down her cheeks, she said two words to Holly "it's okay" and that's when he raped her, Gail was screaming in pain, begging for him to stop but he didn't he kept going until he was satisfied and then he hit Gail across the head with his gun before turning to Holly who was sat frozen in the chair, the second man that had forced Holly to watch had turned to her and said "your turn now" but before he had the chance Chris and Andy had burst into warehouse where they'd been taken to, their guns in firing position,

"POLICE!" the men tried to make a run for it but bullets are faster than legs and they were shot dead, Holly fell out of the chair and covered Gail up she knew she wouldn't want to be exposed like this,

"Holly..-" Chris put his hand on her shoulder, she was cradling Gail in her arms sobbing, the blonde was still unconscious, "-Holly the ambulance is here" he tried to help her up but she screamed at him,

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Chris didn't know what to do and that's when Traci arrived on scene, Gail was smart and fast thinking she had dialled Chris and they had traced her phone as the van made it's way to the warehouse,

"Holly, Holly listen to me, she needs to go to hospital, so do you, you can go with her, Holly you're both safe now".

Holly felt hot tears sliding down her face, Gail hadn't let Holly touch her, she was cold, she wouldn't cuddle like she used to she hadn't kissed Holly since the heated argument, she had become numb to everything and everyone, she hadn't been cleared for work yet, she spent most her time in the gym, that's another thing Holly had noticed, Gail had lost a lot of weight, she was never fat in the first place, she was toned and lean but now she was just skin and bones, she was snapped out of her thoughts by Gail's voice,

"Holly-" it was so quiet Holly thought she was hearing things until she heard it again "-Holly-" Holly slowly entered the bathroom, Gail was slumped in the shower her knees brought up to her chest and her arms were wrapped tightly around them, "-Holly I need you to touch me" Holly slowly slipped off her clothes and sat behind Gail before she could do anything Gail turned around and sat in Holly's lap, Holly gasped, it had been months since she had felt this woman, the woman she loved, Gail wrapped her legs around Holly and Holly wrapped her arms around Gail, just holding her, they sat there for awhile, the water warm cascading over them,

"Holly I'm sorry" Holly cupped Gail's cheek and kissed her slowly,

"don't ever apologise for this Gail, ever"

"but i've been so cold to you I-"

"-No, Gail, no, it's your way of dealing with what happened, I knew you would come back to me baby, it hurt me to see you in so much pain and you wouldn't let me in, I want you to let me in Gail I need you to let me in" Holly kissed her forehead,

"I want it to stop-" she sobbed "- I want it to go away, I want to forget what happened, I don't want to be here anymore, I'm broken" she was crying hard,

"Gail baby, look at me-" she tilted Gail's head "- I want you to be here, I want you to be here if not for yourself then for me, I love you Gail, I love you and what happened to you does not define who you are, I know you're hurting, I know you're in pain, but you are not broken Gail, you've been pushed to the ground and now you're picking yourself up and I'm going to help you, heck I'll even throw you over my shoulder if it'll help, you're stronger than anyone I've ever known Gail Peck",

"I just feel numb, like something was switched off, I feel like i'm just existing, I'm not living I'm existing and I can't I can't do anything, I couldn't do anything" she was overwhelmed by sobs again, Holly just held her tightly she kissed Gail's temple

"I love you Gail"

"I love you too" she whispered back, tears still flowing.

Let me know if you want me to write a few chapters showing how Gail starts letting Holly in.

Thank you for reading.