Elsa opened her door a crack, expecting to see Anna tangled in her blanket. She was met with an empty floor.

The hall she'd walked down so many times felt foreign when she knew it wasn't her room she was going to; just Anna's.

She hesitated before knocking three times.

"Anna?" she all but whispered.

"Go away, Elsa."

"Anna, do you have my blanket?"


"Can I have it back, please?"

"Not until you move all your other stuff back in here."

Elsa sighed, on the verge of tears.

"Anna, you know I can't do that. Mama and Papa said."

"No. Move back in. Just scream until they let you, that's what I do."

Elsa gave a sad chuckle. "Anna, just give me back my blanket. Please."


Elsa pushed open the door to Papa's study. It was so big and heavy.

"What is it, my little winter sn-what is it Elsa?"

I'm still your little snowflake, Papa, Elsa thought.

"I need new blankets," she said.

"Why is that?"

"Anna stole mine."

"Did you let her in your room? You know you can't do that. You need to stay away from her, to protect her."

Elsa shook her head. "No, Papa, she slept on the floor outside my door last night. I tried to get her to go, but she wouldn't. She got cold, Papa, I had to give her my blanket." Elsa sniffed. "I don't wanna make her cold again."

"Calm down, Elsa. Look, you're making it snow! Hold it in, ok?"

Elsa nodded solemnly. She took a deep breath and tried to force the snow back inside. It didn't work, but the snow stopped falling so heavy.

"Can I just have some new blankets, please?"

"I'll have Kai bring some to your room, yes. Anything else snow- anything else, Elsa?"

"No, Papa."

Elsa burrowed into her new blankets until she was entirely submerged. She took a deep breath. These smell wrong she thought as she nestled in further.

Knock Knock knock-knock knock

"Elsa! Let me in! I have your blanket! I figured it out. If you can't move back in with me, then I'll move in with you!"

"Anna, please go back to bed."

"I brought my bed with me too!"

"You-you did what?"

The light coming from under the door was blocked out.

"See, here's my blanket." Anna grunted. "And here's my pillow." She heaved and shoved them both under Elsa's door. "And if you open the door, here is me!"

"You can't sleep in here. I'm sorry, Anna."

"Then I'll sleep on the floor again! And I won't move until you come out and play with me."

Elsa felt a roaring in her ears as her pulse quickened. Her breath came in shallow gasps.

Anna, please please please just go back to bed. Mama and Papa would be so mad if I let you in. I can't hurt you again!

She felt the ice pulsing through her veins, pushing to her fingertips, aching to get out. She needed to get out of her bed and put the ice somewhere else. But when she tried to move she found that the blankets had frozen solid, trapping her in. Her gasp turned into a sob.

"Elsa? Are you ok?" Anna's voice had changed from one of determination to a tiny squeak.

"No. Go get Mama." Elsa's voice was also very squeaky.

"Can I come in now?"

"No! Just get Mama."

Elsa heard Anna's feet scurry away.

Calm down she heard her father's voice in her head. You don't want to hurt Anna again, do you?

No, no, no, no, stop. Get back in, ice.

"Elsa, what's going on in there?" Papa's voice boomed as he approached the door.

"Is Anna there?" Elsa asked.

"No, she's with your mother. What happened."

"I'm stuck," Elsa said.

"I'm coming in." Elsa heard her father gasp as he forced the door open and stepped into the room.

She let out a strangled sob.

"Elsa, what happened?" Papa sounded so so very disappointed.

"Anna wanted in."

"You can't let her come in. You can't let her be near you when you're out of control like this."

"I know," Elsa wailed. "She just... She misses me, Papa." And I miss her too.

"It's only been two days," Papa said. He sounded very tired. "As soon as you stop doing stuff like this you can see her again. Now why don't you come out from under there and thaw the room."

"I can't." Elsa wiggled feebly against her frozen bed.

Papa sighed and tried in vain to pull the ice chunk that used to be her blanket off of her.

It took three hours and several candles, but finally they had thawed Elsa's bed enough to get her out of it. Mama was scared she'd have frostbite, but Elsa came out of bed looking normal, if not a little stressed. As soon as she was out, Papa sighed in relief and left the room. Mama stayed to tuck her in.

"What if they freeze again?" Elsa asked.

"They won't, baby."

"But what if they do?"

"Elsa, they haven't ever froze before, have they?"

"But they just did!"

"Well, you don't get cold, do you?"


"Maybe if you're scared, or if you feel like you're going to freeze them, you can try to sleep without them."

Elsa nodded and wiggled out from under the covers. Mama scooped her up into a big hug. Elsa tensed, but felt herself relax when Mama began stroking her hair. It had always been a sure-fire way to get her to sleep.

Just before her eyes closed for the last time, Mama gently put her down and tucked her in bed. Elsa snuggled further into the warmth of the blankets and the heat her mama had left. For the first time in two days she felt safe and warm.