Chapter Three

Backing away with that feral motion of every muscle in her slim body in time to the erotic beat, Nell continues to sway to the hard beats, her hands slowly caressing her body from breasts to crotch at the under rhythm. She steps in, rotating her hips, bumping harder on the loud beats, offering much and giving nothing.

She slowly turns about, bare back to him, arms high over her head, wiggling from fingers to toes, waving her bum slowly in long wide arcs, showing him what he can have if he doesn't break the rules again while allowing herself a thrilled, unseen smile.

Subjugated, dominated, controlled woman? Brought down and used? Helpless slave? She's had Absolute Control since second one, reveling in a power she hadn't had at the Meritz.

She reaches back behind herself, hips now describing a small, slow circle. She stops the circle and, with her fingertips, she takes the purple material high up. Slowly, very slowly, ultra slowly she draws the purple curtain aside. A sixteenth of an inch, an eighth of an inch, a quarter inch, a half inch... An inch. Two. Nearing three... She releases the curtain to cover her again and looks back over her shoulder.

He's tense enough to shatter, and if he tries to get off the couch now he'd probably leave an Eric shaped hole in her far bedroom wall.


Reaching out, she invites his hands up and takes them, interlacing fingers with him and she steps up, bare feet on either side of his hips and, supported by his grip, she spreads her legs and lowers herself a few inches. Her crotch level with his eyes, she shifts her hips forward and slowly leans her upper body back, her legs spread on either side of him and her curtain hiding everything.

Her grinding hips inch forward, shift left and right to the slow drumbeats, moving closer and closer to his face with every double sway. Six inches, three, two, close enough for the material to touch his nose.

He leans forward to plant a loving kiss but she leaps back off the couch before his lips can touch her.


Still gripping his hands, she moves hers until she's holding his from the backs, his fingers cupped upward. Then she bends over, leans in, her breasts coming down to his hands.

In her grips he can't raise them. He tries but she holds him down, her breasts hanging full and delicious a quarter inch above his questing fingers. Hips swaying sensually behind her, bent over for such easy access if he were back there, shoulders rising and falling, first one and then the other, she moves her breasts to the beat, left and right, forward and back, her breath deep, as she keeps his hands so close to her yet pulled so agonizingly far.

Finally she pulls his hands down to his lap, uses the grip to lean in, their lips a half inch apart, she puckered for the kiss. But every time he moves in she withdraws, further and further until he can no longer strain to reach her puckered lips and they never touch.

She releases him and backs away to the steady beat, again just out of reach, still moving so sensually she tears his mind.

Hips swaying, she slowly advances almost up to him, bends and grasps his wrists, presses them firmly to his knees.

Breath heavier, she straightens and arches her hips in a wide circle, each time coming close to him. She steps forward carefully, her knees on either side of his left knee, steps inches closer until, her legs separated by his, she's finally blocked by the couch.

Reaching down, she takes the edge of her purple band between her fingertips, shifts her hips to give him what would be a better view, her vagina pointing right at his eyes behind the curtain. She slowly pulls the band aside, his eyes widen as he stares, locked on to the show she's about to give him. Eighth of an inch, quarter inch, half inch, inch, and a half, nearly two, his straining eyes so hungry. She slows, fingertips moving so slowly and she can hear his heart pounding under the loud drumbeat. His face is getting red as she moves so slowly, her creaming vagina… almost… in… view….

She rushes back, dropping the band to full coverage again and he looks like he's about to scream as she resumes her bumping grinds to the steady beat, thrusting on the bumps..


She bends slowly, nearly touching the floor and, with her fingertips, takes the two corners of the purple band. Straightening, she slowly draws the band up, baring her lower legs, her knees, slows the revelation up her thighs until just a bare inch hides her. She then lowers the band slightly and offers the end to him.

He leans forward, reaches to take it. She drops it, shoves his shoulders and bounces him off the back of the couch.

She backs away further until she reaches her bedroom doorway.


Leaning against the door frame, she pretend strokes at the top of the purple band, not touching it but gasping, sighing and moaning as she thrusts her hips out toward her hand and him. Her panting is loud, sharp.

Her movements build more sharply by the second as she pretend works herself faster, more fervently, still not touching the band or herself, her breath heavy, her breasts heaving, the gold glistening in the light.


She looks up, smiles in offer and gives him a slow wink.

She comes off the wall, cocks her finger in invitation and backs away into the bedroom, hips swaying to the beat.


He's off the couch in an instant and follows her through the door. The drums surround them with a force that pounds into his body as she climbs backward onto the red sheeted, rose covered bed and crawls until she reaches the pillow.

But then she raises her hand to halt him at the foot of the bed.

Lying down, she spreads her legs, a lingering motion, the material falling between her thighs, again obscuring her. Raising her knees, she braces her shoulders and feet on the mattress and pushes up.

Balanced on her shoulders, she reaches for the gold filigree, detaches the bindings and lets the glistening bra fall to her right, her breasts given to him.

She reaches down, takes the obscuring purple, slowly draws it upward, inch by inch. The end comes off the mattress, up, up, up and then unveils her, drops down to her side.

Hips held aloft, she strokes her fingertips along her glistening labia, shifts upward and spreads wider, her fingertips spread her lips to welcome him.
