AO3 Summary: Everything falls apart on the day of the Autumn Equinox, when eight-year old Conan Edogawa collapses in the middle of an important case. Meanwhile, a certain Osakan finds himself acquiring abilities beyond his control, a British detective revels in the powers of a long-forgotten warrior, and a phantom thief lights up the sky with brilliant flames. With wood, metal, fire and water gathered once more, four turn to one as earth and void clash, Japanese and Chinese mythology trying to outdo each other in a deadly dance of wits and magic. Who will come out the winner - the witch who wants the world at her fingertips, or the deceptively sharp elementary school genius with nothing left to lose? /ShinKai, HeiHaku/
FFN Summary: Holmes of the East. Detective of the West. Genius of the North. Magician of the South. Sometimes, titles do more than just describe - especially when the Divine Beasts rear their heads once more. /ShinKai, HeiHaku/
Note: Names are romanized (first name, last name) because while I don't mind anybody else's names, Edogawa Conan strikes a bad chord in me.
GA: Yes, I'll be trying to juggle both this and Misshapen Diamonds at the same time. Not a good idea, but hey. I'm not exactly right in the head.
This is really supposed to be a lighthearted fic, for all its attempts at being serious. Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, enjoy!
Conan Edogawa, despite being small boy no older than eight, was not squeamish in the slightest. In fact, if anybody close to the bespectacled boy were to be asked, they would all agree unanimously that the sight of blood actually spurred his interest, rather than deterred him.
This knowledge, however small, was what sent the homicide division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department into a frenzy when, on the twenty-fifth of September, the Autumnal Equinox, the great young detective stepped onto the crime scene - and promptly collapsed to the ground. As Inspector Megure tried to get his subordinates under control - the amount of chaos caused by an unconscious elementary school student was astounding, really - Ran took the opportunity to scoop Conan up and retreat from the scene, worry creasing her brows.
"This is why you shouldn't bring Conan-kun to crime scenes," Sonoko scolded Ran, even though she knew full well that the supposed eight-year old was more than capable of taking care of himself. "See, everything's gotten to him, and it's just going to hurt him in the long run!" Even as Ran tried to tell herself that it was okay, that Shinichi - damn him, now was not the time to be thinking of him - had gone to crime scenes at such a young age as well, she knew that Sonoko was at least a little right. Conan wasn't Shinichi, and who knew how poorly he would be mentally after being exposed to so much death? "Ran, are you even listening to me?"
"Y-Yeah, sorry."
As the two girls watched over the unconscious detective, the investigation bustled on - time wouldn't stop, even for the great detective of the east, the diminutive Heisei Holmes.
Not even when he needed it to the most.
"Heiji, what the fuck is going on with you today?!" Usually, when Kazuha Toyama asked such a blatantly simple question, her reluctant best friend had his head buried in another case, too busy to do much other than form deduction after deduction. Today, however, the question wasn't as simple as Kazuha thought, and Heiji Hattori had other things on his mind than a simple murder mystery.
Frankly, he was more concerned with the silver layer forming on his arm.
He felt the cold, metallic sheet crawl down to his wrist, and angrily tore at it, only for even more to grow in its place. Panic gripped him, his mind stuck between there was no way logic could explain this away and I'm going to be encased in aluminum and die via asphyxiation-
"I'm fine, just get outta here!" The warble in his voice gave his bluff, though, and Kazuha growled, ready to kick the bathroom door down if Hattori so much as protested one more time. "I swear ta god, don't ya fucking dare-"
At that point in time, Heiji was only mildly surprised when he flung his arm at the door, and what looked like some sort of metal sealant began to spring up around the edges of the door. Sure, it was weird, but he was about to die soon anyways, so...
As the metal encased the door, he felt the aluminum receding from his body, and a wave of relief washed over him. Still, he had just essentially locked himself into the bathroom, and Kazuha was still raging outside, if the thumps on the door were any indicator of her attempts to kick the now-tightly sealed door open. "Heiji, I swear to god-!"
With another movement of his hand, the metal sheet disappeared from the door, and the wooden barrier between him and Kazuha came flying inward, leaving him at the mercy of his irritated best friend. "Look, I can explain, okay?" Really, he couldn't, but he knew that Kazuha wouldn't take no for an answer. Neither would she believe that Heiji had suddenly gained control over metal - did that pertain to any metal object as well? He had to try that out someday when he wasn't staring death via proxy in the face - but even telling her that was risky. Especially when he didn't even know how he had managed to procure such a strange ability. "Just...gimme a few days, a'ight? I need ta figure somethin' out."
Kazuha frowned at Heiji, but her anger had slowly ebbed away from at least being able to talk to him face to face. "...fine," she finally conceded roughly, "but I swear I'll kick your ass if I don't get a good story, all right?"
"Fine, fine," he conceded, glad to put her curiosity off for another few days. At least then he could come up with a proper alibi. "Now get outta here, I'm tryin' ta go!"
The soft light of the moon settled over Ekoda that night, but not all was still. In fact, a crowd had gathered outside the Ekoda Museum of Natural Science, where the curator was unveiling a new exhibit - the same exhibit that Kaito KID had deemed worthy of stealing. Atop the roof was the familiar phantom thief, but he wasn't alone. A black-clad detective accompanied him, several yards away from the thief on the edge of the building yet still close enough to keep a close eye on him. "Tantei-san," KID purred, tossing the gem in his possession between his hands. "It seems as though you lucked out. You can keep this, as always."
Hakuba Saguru frowned and caught the gem deftly with one hand as KID threw it at him. "You know I'm not up here for the gem, Kuroba." Before KID could protest, or rather make a comeback that would make Hakuba internally cringe, Hakuba had already stepped forward, opening the palm of his hands to show a small miracle that didn't go unnoticed by the thief. Water had already begun welling up around the target gem, pooling within Hakuba's palm, and yet the source of the water was one that only the two on the rooftop knew.
KID simply stared down at the detective's palm and grinned. "Well I really thought I was going to have more trouble finding you, Genbu," he said cheerfully, bowing and sweeping his cape across his body. Almost immediately, it burst into bright red and orange flames, on fire and yet not burning. Flames licked at KID's shoes, embers danced across his monocle, and yet nothing seemed out of place in his display. "I already tracked down Seiryuu and Byakko, but never thought that you were the missing link this entire time~. So now that you know, are you going to stop trying to get me arrested?"
The British-Japanese detective's response was a snort of disbelief. "You're not just mad, Kuroba. You're insane. I'm still a detective, and you're still a thief. If anything, this'll just make it easier to catch you." Water bubbled up around him, snaking across the rooftop to dance among the phantom thief's flames. Neither moved for a few moments, settling instead for staring at each other while their elements dueled on concrete, but the moment was ruined by the loud footsteps of Inspector Nakamori hurrying up the fire escape.
By the time he was in view, KID's flames were already extinguished. "Well it was nice having this little chat, tantei-san," he said as though nothing had happened between the two. "Nakamori-keibu, late as always. I apologize, but this is my adieu!" Without bothering to release his hang glider, KID gave the two detectives a cheeky grin and jumped off the roof, feet first.
Ginzo Nakamori shouted in horror and ran to the edge to look for the thief, but Hakuba already knew what he would find - nothing, the evidence of KID's presence already being blown away by the wind. And if anybody questioned the particles of ash drifting through the evening breeze, well, they would be the only one.
Even as Inspector Nakamori fumed at Kaito KID's great escape, the blond detective had already walked away, frowning as he recalled the words spoken moments ago. "Damn you, you over-glorified chicken. You knew it was me this entire time, didn't you."
GA: Aaaand that wraps up the first chapter, with some background and a little bit of interaction between the major players. Hopefully it's easy to tell which characters are which divine beasts, but if not, then it should be cleared up by the next chapter. Also we get to see some of the problems that arise, especially with Hathat's abilities, and Conan in particular seems to be taking it hard.
Well, that's all I have for now. I'm working on chapter 2 of Misshapen Diamonds, but I already have chapter 2 of Divine done so I might put it up sooner.
Until then!
~G. Annihilator