I want to say: I don't own any of the characters except the one that I made up.

Chapter 1: You have a wife?

Just like every year, during the summer, Severus Snape was walking towards the staff meeting. 'The big oaf is late again' he thought while sitting down next to Minerva McGonagall. 'I hope this meeting does not take forever'

"Now that we are all here we can start." Albus Dumbledore said standing up.

"We have a problem." said Albus Dumbledore, without twinkle in his eyes and with a sad tone. "After many complaints the past year the Ministry has decided to investigate the full staff. This has sadly let to me having to let Hagrid go from his position as teacher of Care of Magical Creatures. Since Hagrid never graduated from Hogwarts, he was deemed unqualified for teaching our students.

This means that I have been looking for a replacement. Sadly enough I have been unsuccessful. I was wondering if any of you know someone who is qualified and would be willing to teach this subject the coming years?"

'Hagrid fired?' went through everyone's mind. Well it is not like we were not expecting this. There had been so many complaints and never had so many students ended up in the hospital. Plus there were no students continuing in the subject for the NEWT's, which is very unusual.

On the question if they knew someone else to teach the course? The answer had to be no.

Suddenly Severus Snape spoke up "I might know of someone, however, I will need to confer with her first. There will of course be conditions before she will agree to come here."

"Do you have any idea what these conditions could be?" asked Albus.

"Well, she has two sons who will need to be transferred to Hogwarts. One of them will be first year, the other third year."

"Are you certain she is qualified?" asked Minerva McGonagall.

"Seeing as she is a high elf, and has studied magical creatures for half her life, yes"

"And how would you know her?" asked McGonagall.

"You all know her, she went to school here. Don't you remember Serena Moonlight?"

"You mean the silent girl from Ravenclaw? I thought she moved away after graduating?" asked Filius Flitwick.

"Yes, she did. She was always so good with plants. She could keep them so calm. A bit like Mr. Longbottom today." said Mdm. Sprout.

"Yes, such a sweet girl. Was she not a year above you Severus?" asked McGonagall.

"Yes, she was." answered Severus, seeing were this conversation was going.

"I did not realize you were still in contact with anyone from school. How do you still know her?" said Minerva.

"She is my wife." said Severus, inwardly smirking at the shocked looks he got from the other staff members.

As soon as they realized that no this was not a joke, chaos erupted.

"When did that happen?"

"Why do we not know anything about that?"

"Severus married? Impossible."

"Wait does that also mean he has two sons?"

"Silence!" exclaimed Albus with a bang of his wand.

This got everyone to quickly be quiet. Still looking at Severus, he asked: "Why did we not know you were married?"

"I wanted to keep them out of the war, but I do not think that will work any longer, seeing todays situation."

"What do you mean with that?" asked Albus.

Severus did not answer this time.

Realizing that he would not get the answer, Albus continued "Can you bring her here next week Thursday at 6pm? Then I will see if she can have the job." He was hoping that he could get the answer from her.

The day of the interview Albus was trying to figure out how to best get the answers he wanted. He was not used to people keeping him in the dark and definitely did not like it. But he did not have a lot of time to think about it because soon there was a knock on the door.

In walked a beautiful woman. She had long brown hair that fell to just beneath her shoulders, hazel brown eyes that could see into your soul, and a blood red robe draped around her. But what drew all the attention were the green wings that hung folded on her back.

'When did she get an inheritance?' went through his mind.

"Good evening, Miss. Moonlight." greeted Albus.

"It's Snape now, and thank you for giving me the chance for this job." greeted Serena back.

"The pleasure is all mine. May I offer you any tea or lemon drops? They are delicious."

"No thank you."

"So I heard you are married to professor Snape?"


"He also mentioned that he never told us about you because he wanted to keep you out of the war. So why are you making yourself known now?"

"I am not here today to answer personal questions."

"All private business of my professors concerns me" Albus said, getting angrier that no one was telling him what he wanted to know.

Seeing as Serena was not going to answer Albus and he really needed a replacement, he decided to get on with the interview. Maybe he could get more information when she was working in Hogwarts. As the saying goes: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

"Do you have any proof of your qualifications for the subject?"

"Yes, here are all the relevant documents."

Looking through the documents. "All seems to be in order. Now I heard you have conditions?"

"Yes, I would want both of my sons transferred to Hogwarts. I would also want to have shared quarters with Severus."

"The shared quarters and your son who starts first year will be of no problem"

"Then what about my other son who is a third year?"

"He will have to be sorted with the first years and can follow classes with the third years, but if we see he is not up to their level he will have to be lowered a year. Both sons will have to stay in their dorms and will have curfew as everyone else. If this is all ok with you, you have the job."

"Thank you."

"You will be known as professor Moonlight, so people do not confuse you with professor Snape." Albus said with his twinkle.

"No problem, as long as the students are informed of our relationship beforehand. We would want to prevent students drawing wrong conclusions and rumors going around."

"See you on September first." dismissed Albus, twinkle now gone.


So that was the end. Hope you all like it! Please review so I know what you thought about it.

Next time Hogwarts starts and we are with Harry

This was done with the help of beta mousehounde; Belldandy and Alice