DISCLAIMER: Don't own anything.
James Potter was never nervous. Not when the Sorting Hat was put on his head in the first year, not when he had quidditch team try-outs, not when he had his first detention, not even when he was opening the letter containing his OWL results. No, James Potter was simply never nervous.
But then why were his palms sweating, why was he pacing up and down the common room and checking his hair every ten seconds?
"Prongs, it'll be fine. Worse comes to worse she'll hex you or just leave."
James glared at his supposed best friend. "Not helping."
"The girl fancies you. Nothing you haven't managed before."
"Yeah well the other times I managed it, it wasn't a girl who can whip my arse in a duel or hex me into oblivion."
"Give her a break. She wouldn't do that."
"Unless you piss her off." pointed out Peter
"Or show off." added Remus
"So just don't do that." said Sirius
"Thanks for that immensely helpful piece of advice." grumbled James.
"Look mate, act normal and you'll be fine." said Remus.
"Right. Normal. Just act normal. "repeated James.
Remus gave him an encouraging smile.
"Okay, so when is her birthday?" asked Sirius
"I don't know."
"How can you not know?"
"What, so you know?"
"I'm not the one who fancies the pants off her!"
"Well how am I supposed to know?"
"Prongs, you have to know a girl's birthday. It's just an unspoken rule." said Remus
"Okay, I'll just ask her."
"NO!" screeched Sirius
"I always felt he was a bit barmy."
"Shut it Prongs. The point is you can't ask her. You just have to know."
"Do you know how stupid you sound? How can I know without asking her?"
"That, my friend is beyond my area of expertise."
"What's her favourite colour?" asked Remus
"Wrong. It changed."
"What? That's ridiculous! How can you change your favourite colour?"
"It's hazel."
"Where the bloody hell am I going to get a hazel coloured dress from now?"
"You bought her a purple dress?" said Peter in astonishment.
"Well no but I would have, you know…eventually."
"What about her favourite song?"
"Owls by Witchimenta"
"Thank Merlin."
"What about her favourite book?"
"I don't know okay? I mean we're going on a date, she's not gonna bloody interrogate me."
"Trust me Prongs, you just need to know these things. "said Sirius.
So James spent the next half hour learning about what her favourite books were and what music she listened to and what type of clothes she hated. He figured he knew quite a lot already but hadn't paid much attention to it.
"James, what do you even like about Lily?"
"What do you mean?"
"You think that I don't know her favourite colour so I don't even deserve to like her? Well, I like the way she stands up for herself, stands up for others even when they don't respect her, I like the way her hair falls on her face, and the way her green eyes light up when she laughs, I like the way she won't let her guard down for anyone except when she's tired, I like the way she doesn't put me on a pedestal, I like the way she talks when she is trying to console someone, I like the way she can make me feel better by smiling. She's smart but she never shows off, she can draw but she never shows anyone, she can sing but she only does it when she is alone and I love that. I like how she doesn't care what people think of her, how she is so nice to everyone even when they treat her like she is filth, I like the way she knows how to kick my arse and set me straight. I like that she can light the room up with her presence and be super sweet but has her limits. I like that she braids her hair on Sunday mornings, I like the way she paints her nails vibrant colours and she secretly loves pink but never wears it because of her hair. I like the way she likes to dance in the rain, and the way she acts like she knows nothing about quidditch when she has read the book I gave her at least five times. I like how she hardly gets distracted and how she blushes when I compliment her. I like how she holds my hand every time we enter Dumbledore's office. I don't just like her. It's more than that. It's always been more than that."
"Right. So now that we've unnecessarily established that James is infatuated with the girl, can we move on?"
James chuckled and Remus simply smiled.
"Where are you taking her?"
"I'll let her choose."
"Surprise. I like it. They always love those things."
Remus rolled his eyes and Peter sniggered.
"What're you gonna do about your hair?"
"Why? What's wrong with it?"
"Well other than the fact that it looks like a bird lives there, it's brilliant."
"Well what do I do?"
"Use my gel."
"Not the gel." groaned Remus.
"Remus has some bad personal experiences with it, to which you shall pay no heed."
"James, I am warning you, don't use it."
"Traumatic childhood experience."
"My hair looked like Snapes for a week during Christmas when you and Peter went home."
James shuddered at the thought while the other two continued bickering.
"Well nobody told you to use the whole darn thing."
"Maybe if you had told me how much to use."
"Maybe if you had read the bloody instructions."
"Maybe if you hadn't ripped off the cover of the gel on so there would be something to read."
Peter cast a silencing charm on both of them and handed James a comb. "Try it."
James brushed his hair, which stayed flat for about two seconds before it sprang back to normal.
Sirius who had somehow got Peter to take off the charm said "It's a lost cause."
"Don't worry, Prongs. Maybe she likes it like that."
"Let's hope so. I'm ready now."
"Are you wearing that?" asked Sirius skeptically.
"Yeah I guess."
Sirius proceeded towards James "Padfoot, are you…uh…smelling me?"
"Don't want to smell all sweaty on your big day huh?"
James went into the washroom to wash his face.
"You're acting like he's getting married." teased Peter.
"He'll probably have to wear those things muggle babies wear on that day."
"Diapers." provided Remus.
Sirius grinned and Peter chuckled.
James emerged from the washroom.
"You guys got dates?"
"Yepp. Going with that blondie from Ravenclaw, I think. Julia."
Remus scoffed "You think?"
"Well I asked her outside the Ravenclaw common room, so I'm guessing she's a Ravenclaw."
Remus shook his head.
"What about you Moony?"
"Wilson?" asked Sirius
"Same thing."
"Not even close."
"Whatever. Peter?"
Peter blushed and Sirius wolf whistled.
"Look at Wormy, all grown up."
Remus threw a pillow at him and Peter chucked an ink pot at his head.
"Prongs, isn't it time for you to leave?"
"What's the time?"
James Potter then ran out of the room and Sirius called after him "Remember the mirror!"
James met her at the entrance to the Great Hall. She was dressed in deep green sweater and faded jeans. Her dark red hair was tied back into a high ponytail and she only wore a simple pair of hoops for jewelry. James couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked gorgeous.
She smiled at him and he felt his stomach twist "Hey."
"Hi. You're here." he said rather stupidly.
"It appears so."
She nodded.
"Then we should go."
"So let's start walking?"
"James, I promise I won't eat you."
James smiled feebly.
They started walking and he panicked. Should he hold her hand or not? Should he tell her she looks amazing or play it cool?
"Can I…your hand?"
She raised an eyebrow.
"I mean…your hand ….your hand looks lovely." he finished lamely
"Thank you. Your hands look er.. nice as well." she replied uncertainly.
He mentally slapped himself for acting so weird. He took the mirror out of his pocket and was about to say his best friend's name when she asked him "Is that…is that a mirror?"
He giggled nervously. Yes, James Potter giggled.
She burst into laughter. She took his hand in hers and smiled at him and they started out of Hogwarts.
And that is how James Potter and Lily Evans embarked on their very first date.
A/N: Thanks for reading. (:
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