Ok, so this is my first fan fiction. i have written stories before but not fanfics :/

I'm a bad writer in my own opinion so don't judge :33

I only did this because i wanted to see a fanfic with a heterochromia au 33

I wake up to the sound of a duck quacking, soon realizing its my alarm i switch it off and put on my blue framed glasses and get out of bed. Walking out the bedroom and into the kitchen with only my bright blue boxers on, the cold air making my skin shiver as i walk. I rake through the cupboards to see if i have coffee left.

Only tea.

Oh well, its not like I don't like tea i just prefer coffee over the stuff. I make a cup of cheap tea and a bowl of frostiest, making a mental note to get more coffee on the way home from work.

After dumping the now empty cup and bowl in the sink i push on with my morning routine. Going back into my bedroom and making my way into the bathroom, I pull up a clean shirt from the pile on the floor and put it on. I look at my self in the mirror leaning my weight on my hands that gripped the sink. Blue and red stare back at me. The longer i stare, the more freakish my eyes look. I've heard of people having hetrerochromia before, met people with it even, but never before have I read about or seen someone with blue and red eyes. Breaking focus from my abnormality i place my glasses on the edge of the sink and grab the contact beside them. Placing a blue contact in my right eye to make my eyes look the same, even though it made my right iris look darker. Forgetting my eyes I try to tame my wild hair.

A wasted effort.

Its not like its that bad anyway, my black fringe sits pretty well swept one side. Id have to admit I did need a haircut as my fringe came down to my lips but it could stay the way it is for a few more weeks.

Okay, okay, focus.

I rush back out and change the lower half of my body before shoving on a pair of navy converse before grabbing my bag and heading out the door to work. I swing the door shut and lock the door to the now empty apartment.

It was a 15-20 minute drive to Tricky Ink by car.

By the time I got to the tattoo parlor i had nearly murdered my ears with no mercy. I turn my music up way too loud. A bell rings above my head as I enter the black and pink building ( I don't even know why a tattoo and piercing shop would need a bell on the door but the manager said she just had to have one ).

"Egbert! Hows it goin'?"

Here she goes with her drunken speech. Seriously, who needed to be drunk 24/7. I cant think of a time where Roxy wasn't drunk.

"its John. Anyway wheres rose? Shes normally here at this time."

"I Don' know. I think she mentioned sum'in bout a girlfren'. IDK."

Girlfriend? Since when? Rose wasn't a lesbian, was she?

"Shame she left Big Sister Roxy to be a drunken mess by herself with her wizards and 700 cats" i said pouting at her with a hand to my heart.

"shut it JOHN, i am perfectly happy without her. Now if you excuse me i need to go feed my 700 cats and stop them from damaging my wizard statues."

There was a moments silence until we both broke out laughing.


Working as a tattoo artist was quite fun, if you ignore the occasional weirdo that wonders in. I had two people in before I have a space of and hour before my next client.

I took the break as an opportunity to go out and smoke; which is what I am doing now. I have a cigarette in one hand and my sketch book in the other. I gently flick through the pages trying not to burnt them.

A few minutes had passed by of flicking through pages and taking long inhales of smoke, when I looked up to see the a pale guy with aviators walk past me and enter Jade's Flowers.

I don't know why or how

to explain this but I feel like I know him.

I have the second chapter and a half of the third one done but I don't think i'm going to upload them until later.

Please review and tell me what you think because no one else but me has read this and I don't know if its alright.

All the love 33