~Pallet Town, Kanto~

"N!" a raven haired four year old boy cried as he desperately tried to get out of the maroon haired woman's arms.

"Ash!" another raven haired boy, and would look exactly like the other boy had it not been for his hair style, tried desperately to get out of the arms of the man holding him. This man looked like a carbon copy the other toddler in the woman's arms, only older. The man placed the boy in his arms in the car and took off. The toddler in the woman's arms finally squirmed out and went racing after the car in a futile effort to catch up. The boy ended up tripping on a blue and black egg as he cried out for his brother. He just sat on the floor and cried as then he felt a tug on his very soul as he looked down at his feet. The blue and black egg seemed to be the cause of this. He wondered where it's parents were.

"Poor guy, you 'lone. I take care you. You be my friend," the raven haired boy, Ash, decided as he picked up the egg and went back to his mom. His mom didn't have the heart to take it away the moment after N, the other raven haired boy, had to leave. This would be Ash's first pokemon and he would name her Ravyn.

~Pewter City, Kanto~

"N-no, please dad. Just leave me be," a brown haired asian boy with his eyes seemingly permanently closed begged. This boy clearly looked no older than six and looked like he was starved to death as you could clearly see his ribs. A carbon copy of the boy, only older, staggered forward, clearly drunk, with his fist raised, ready to pound some sense into this boy of his. How dare son make all the food and not leave any! Just for his pathetic younger siblings. This boy took all the beatings for his siblings that the oldest was no older than four. His mother died in childbirth to the sixtuplets, due to the fact there were six of them, though it was supposed to be eight. The doctors were lucky to save one of them, let alone six before she died. She was in a car wreck and gave birth prematurely so it was also very lucky that the sixtuplets all surived to be two years old, the age they are now. After his mother's death his father had become a drunkard, leaving the boy to take care of his baby siblings when they were newborns and even to the age they were now. Heck the boy even had to name them himself as his father never told him there names. Susy, Lisa, Anna, Lucy, Lilly, and Rose. The closest to the boy was Forest and his other two siblings, twins age three, named Josh and Jason. Only Forest understood what was going on, even then he didn't really get it. Anyway getting back on track, the man was just about to hit the boy when he threw up and then passed out in his puke before he could get too far.

The little boy let out a quite sigh in relief. He hated it when his father got violent. It always hurt and terrified him. But… it was better him then his brothers and sisters. It would always be better to be him. Always.

"'Ock, I no sleep. I have 'mare," Forest sniffled as he came out of his room, looking upset and not noticing the passed out form of his father because of his watery eyes. The boy guided Forest back to his bedroom and tucked him in, being sure to stay by his side till he fell asleep again.

'Brock, are you alright?' the blue otter pokemon asked the boy, even though he knew he couldn't understand him but would get his gist.

"I'm fine, oshawott. I'm glad mom gave me you for my fourth birthday before she died" the boy, Brock, stated, patting Oshawott on his head. Brock went to bed after making sure everyone was alright. The next day his dad would leave, not to be seen or heard from again in some years to come. The six year old would take up the gym position with a geodude and onix he recently caught in the wild with Oshawotts help. During his father's disappearance an officer Jenny or Nurse Joy would help the boy take care of his siblings as well as himself as much as their jobs allowed.

~Cerulean city, Kanto~

An orange haired girl, about six, looked truly terrified as her sisters shoved her into a bug pokemon infested area. It was specifically beedrill. They would be very territorial. Their parents were on a three day vacation and they thought they could trust the girl's older sisters with her safety,along with their babysitter of course. They didn't realize the three of them had been bullying their younger sister by four years, or that the babysitter hadn't been paying attention to any of them. They had no idea they had been isolating her from everyone else. The reason for this was she was truly beautiful, her long orange hair was testament of this. The only thing that kept people from noticing was the fact she wore boy clothes. The sisters wanted to lower her self esteem and reputation in the town so low that when she stopped wearing boy clothes she wouldn't get all the attention. Jealousy is a terrible thing people. Back to the matter at hand, the beedrill swarmed the poor girl the moment she was in the area. Unfortunately for her this wasn't just a beedrill nest, it was a scyther nest, a butterfree, and all sorts of bug type pokemon nest they all swarmed her she screamed bloody murder and cried. It was when she stopped screaming the sisters were immediately worried, they didn't the pokemon would kill her, or even really hurt her. The sisters were terrified as they summoned their recently gotten pokemon and rescued their sister. She was barely breathing and the sisters were terrified. Guilt filled their hearts as they rushed to the hospital. The doctors immediately rushed her into the hospital and contacted their parents.

"She'll make it. You should be proud of these girls, if they hadn't had gotten young Misty here as soon as they did she would've died" the doctor informed the parents. Let it be known guilt is worse than jealousy to have. It didn't lessen their guilt when they found out Misty had to have her hair cut short so the doctors could get to the infected areas of her neck. She liked the haircut and kept it, that only made them feel worse because of the reason this happened was their jealousy. With their guilt they teased Misty, the orange haired girl, mercilessly about the fear of bugs she developed that day. Their parents ended up leaving Misty more and more in her sisters' care, as well as the babysitter, and it only served to increase their guilt and teasing. When the sisters were fourteen, their parents died and the babysitter no longer came around and the triplets became emancipated adults so they could look after their little sister. The guilt was at an all time high then

The sisters got to where they traveled a lot, like their parents, although they brought their sister along as well.

~Lumiose city, Kalos~

A messy dark brown haired kid whimpered as he backed into a corner, his father advancing on him with a gun. This couldn't be happening! This wasn't happening! It couldn't. He didn't want it to!

His eyes wandered to a different part of the room as he noticed his sisters bleeding, dying. He had to do something! Anything! He couldn't be scared like this! He had to save them! His father tripped and dropped the gun. He grabbed it, quickly.

"D-Don't come any closer!" He said, shakily. "O-Or else!"

"Or else what?" His father slurred, drunkenly. "Ya gonna shoot me? I *hic* like to see ya try!" His father took a step towards him and he pulled the trigger, shooting him right through his eye. The man fell to the ground screaming bloody murder.

The kid dropped the gun like it was on fire and rushed to his sisters. "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay," He kept repeating to them.

~Celadon City, Kanto~

A kid about seven years old was running as fast as his legs could carry him away from the police. A bulbasaur and a drowzee at his side. In his arms was a basket full of food. He had been lucky to evade the police officers chasing him so far. He knew that. The kids quickly ducked into an alley, trying to make himself as small as possible. His pokemon joining him. He really hoped that his red hair didn't decide to give him away like it's done before.

After a few minutes and no police he came out. "Look guys," He said softly to his pokemon with a smile. "We have a lot of food to eat tonight." His pokemon let out cries of happiness as they snuggled into him. The boy smiled, absentmindedly petting them as he gave them both some of the food he stole and started eating a sandwich himself. Who knew that a grocery store could be the perfect place to get tons of food?

~On the road to Viridan a few years later~

A black haired kid tripped and fell flat on his face, looking up to see pikachu, turning back towards him.

"Ha! Now's my chance to escape human scum! Goodbye and good riddance! And thanks for distracting them!" The pikachu let out a huge thunderbolt, striking both the boy and the spearow flying after him before taking off himself. The poor kid looked hurt pretty badly by the thunderbolt.

The spearow looked amongst each other, worried as they got over the shock the pikachu gave. They hadn't realised it before now in their anger, but the kid was but a hatchling. And this pikachu abandoned him just so he could escape. The spearow that the kid threw the rock at cawed at him, seeming worried, nuzzling his face.

A light blue jackal pokemon came rushing through them, rushing to the child, startling the spearow. "I can heal him! I have to heal him!" The riolu shouted. He could feel the connection his aura was making to him. And he had to help him!

The spearow all nodded, taking a step back. Well all but the one that caused all this. It was really worried about the hatchling. If he would have realised it was a hatchling he wouldn't have hurt him!

The riolu put it's paws on the human and began healing him, slowly but surely. And soon enough the child woke up. Upon seeing the spearow he backed up quickly, whimpering.

"Please don't hurt me!" The kid begged.

"We won't hurt you. We're sorry for doing it in the first place," One of the spearows said and the spearow that started this whole mess nodded along.

"I can understand you…" The kid said in shock.

"That might be in combination with my aura and the trauma you just suffered," the riolu told him. "My name is Blade, what's yours?"

"Ash," the kid responded.

"Nice to meet you Ash. Is it alright if I go with you? My… My aura made a connection to yours and my parents always said if your aura did that to go with the person it connected to. They will become you're truest friend," the riolu told him.

"You really want to?" Ash asked, startled.

"I do," The riolu nodded.

"Alright then," The kid smiled, brightly.

"I want to come too! To make up for what I did!" the spearow told Ash.

"You don't have to do that," Ash told the spearow.

"I know but I want to!" the spearow told him

"Then welcome aboard, what's your name?" Ash asked, kindly.

"It's Corrin. I'm sorry I was so mad at you. My trainer abandoned me a couple of weeks ago and this spearow flock took me in. I didn't even begin to think you were a hatchling I'm sorry," The spearow apologised and Ash waved him off.

"It's alright. I understand," Ash smiled. "Come on. Let's go to Viridian City."

Sheaon: Thanks to all of you who reviewed! I appreciate it and I hope you like this new and improved version of Hurt and Abandoned! As you can tell Ash is going to get a lot more pokemon. Including all of his canon pokemon. Just with the twist of all of them being abandoned or hurt some way or another. And no he will not be able to hear his pokemon from far away. That's where I went wrong with my other story. But he will be getting all the pokemon I already had put in the story. So will Misty for that matter. And the whole fear of electric and bug types I'm gonna take a lot more seriously and it will take Ash a long while to warm up to his shinx. Same with Misty and her bug type. They'll still catch them in the forest but it'll take them a bit to warm up to them and actually be able to touch them. As I post the new chapters I will slowly be taking down the old ones. Even though this chapter is taking the place of chapter 1. It's going to be posted as if it was a new chapter so all of you will be notified. And I am planning on from now on reacting to reviews at the start of each chapter so look forward to that.