AN: So yeah, I think I may have eaten too much sugar.
Warnings: There WILL be slash in the future, AU, Self-insert OC, mafia violence, language from time to time, romance will be on the side but will appear from time to time.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the characters I made up.
"We are human, not fish. We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?" -Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
"You can't be serious."
He continued to give me 'the look', you know the one that means 'yes I'm serious you idiot so stop being so loud or I'll shut you up' sort of look. Of course it fit perfectly with his beautiful face and piercing eyes, Akashi Seijuurou was one who could easily intimidate without even trying.
I internally shivered at the look and had to force myself not to visibly show how uncomfortable he made me. Akashi may be attractive and cool, but in person he was a terrifying as the manga had shown him to be. I wasn't one to be easily cowed, but the man standing in front me made me want to huddle up under my blankets until he walked away.
That being said, I knew he wasn't one to joke around so that meant this was very real. I was actually dead and a fictional character was standing in front of me looking as real as I used to be.
I could distantly remember how I died now that I thought about it, by drowning.
What a way to go, I knew how to swim since I was seven yet somehow I had drowned and died. At least it wasn't some cliche way, like getting hit by a car, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if if I had. (Well I was already dead so that was already taken care of).
I was thankful that I couldn't remember dying, who would want to remember something like that?
A pain of longing echoed through my body, I already missed my family, my mother and sister, who I hadn't seen in almost two years due to my decision to travel around the world. When I was alive I had been planning on seeing them soon, surprising them with my arrival like you see on Youtube with all the tears and screaming and such. Now though, it would be a long time until I saw them again. At least I hoped so, I wouldn't want them dying way too early like I had.
"So what next?" I finally asked, trying to keep my eyes on his instead of my feet like I wanted to. "Do I go to heaven or something?"
He rose a brow. "You think you deserve to rise to heaven?"
Ouch, how cold. I sent him a strained smile and pursed my lips. "Well, I mean...maybe?" Did I deserve it? I really had no clue, but I really hoped that was where I would be going. It wouldn't be too fun if I ended up in Hell. "Why are you here anyway?" I questioned, deciding to change the subject. "You're not real."
The way he said it was almost mocking, I internally twitched at the tone and forced a smile onto my face. "Yeah."
Why, out of all the anime characters, did it have to be Akashi who welcomed me to the afterlife? This was way too awkward, I didn't really know how to deal with his character, not to mention the fact that I was terrible with talking to people in general. I always said stupid things and made myself seem like a complete air-head by accident.
"Your mind is too simple to actually see my true form so it has replaced it with something familiar to you." He explained, sending me an all knowing look. "I am not in all actuality the character you see, but a messenger of Him who was sent to deal with you."
This time my eyebrow twitched and I took a deep breath to calm myself. Okay so this wasn't Akashi, and thank goodness, I was glad he didn't end up being this much of an asshole. "So you're an Angel or something?"
"Or something."
I wondered how heavily I would be punished if I tried to strangle a messenger of God.
"You would be sent to Hell for all eternity."
Ah, well that was too bad- I jerked and stared at him wide eyed. "You can read my mind."
He rolled his eyes. "Well at least you're smart enough to state the obvious."
"Sorry mister feathers." I snapped back, my temper finally getting the better of me. "Mind reading isn't something common to humans so excuse me."
"I don't think I will."
"I won't excuse you."
The actual fuck? My fingers twitched as I felt the urge to revert back to my better days when I brawled daily and didn't take any crap. Wait no, remember what mother said, violence will get me nowhere. I took a deep breath and the fire ranging inside of me calmed down, if only by a little bit, I opened my eyes and made sure to send him a dark glare. "Can you at least tell me what is going on?" I asked, trying to be polite.
"You're dead."
"It looks like I'm not the only one with the talent Captain." I snarked back, relishing in the way his eyebrow twitched. "I've realized I'm dead, but what am I doing here with you?"
A tense silence fell upon us as we both glared at each other. His whole intimidating aura wasn't as affective when I wanted to punch his face.
"Akashi are you harassing a poor soul again?" Uchiha Itachi asked, appearing from who-hell-knows-where with a reprimanding look on his face. "I though we talked about this."
My mouth dropped open, what was this? Destroy Alex's love of her characters by making them as out of character as possible? Maybe I was in Hell, discreetly I looked around for the fire but only saw white and wait! More white.
"There's nothing poor about her soul." Akashi snapped. "She's an idiot with spaghetti for brains!"
Spaghetti? "I'll let you know that I hate Spaghetti." I replied, not at all effected by what he had just said. "Pick skittles or something." Now I wasn't an Idiot, one doesn't judge another by their school grades after all, but I knew I wasn't a genius so comments like that had no effect on me.
They just ignored me and continued their bickering.
"That isn't very nice Akashi." Itachi put his hand on his hips, reminding me of my mom when she was preparing to tell me off. "You should treat each soul with kindness, they're just humans after all, they can't comprehend what's happening."
And here I thought Itachi was on my side.
"Oh I know that." Askahi agreed. "She just happens to be worse then most."
I really didn't know what to think about this situation anymore, in the first place I had died, but then again being insulted by two of my favorite anime characters was pretty mind blowing too.
Both Itachi and Akashi were suddenly face planting thanks to a very irritated Hiruma Youichi who had an aura of death surrounding his form. "You both are the idiots, idiots!" He snapped, sharp teeth flashing menacingly.
The two bodies twitched slightly before stilling, I wonder if you still say 'rest in piece' to someone who is already dead.
Youichi turned to me, his devil-like features softening making me become even more uncomfortable, Youichi was not supposed to give people soft looks. That just wasn't something that happened. "I'm terribly sorry for the way they were acting darling. They're still only five hundred years old, so it's expected that they act like toddlers."
He then giggled.
Ah, can they just send me to Hell already, it couldn't be any worse then this.
"Oh darling you're not being sent to Hell." He titled his head and smiled, sparkles surrounding his face. "In fact you're going to get another try."
I stared, stuck between horrified that Youichi was sparkling and more then confused about what was happening. What did he mean by another try?
"Poor darling, you must be so confused." He walked over and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry your pretty little head, everything is going to be okay."
No in fact this wasn't, I needed some serious help after all this.
"Don't try to explain anything to her Youichi, her brain is made of Spaghetti." Akashi declared his face bruised as he got up from the ground.
Itachi pushed himself up also, his face not looking any better. "What did I say about kindness Akashi? Based off the way you talk I would think you where the devil and not an Angel."
Akashi snapped his head to glare at Itachi. "Try to repeat that again, I dare you."
Itachi huffed and brushed the hair out of his face. "Maybe you're the one with Spaghetti for brains, having someone repeat something they just said. Imbecile."
With a challenging yell Akashi full-body tackled Itachi, sending both their bodies to the ground, instantly starting a mini wrestling match. Of course I was sure there were at least a dozen rules broken as they pulled each others hair and send random punches whenever they could, but honestly they didn't seem to care. It was all very intense.
Youichi growled, the aura of death surrounding him once again. Instinctually I took a few big steps back, I didn't know what happened if you died after dying again but I didn't want to find out.
"You guys..." He snarled, devil-like features looming threateningly over the two who had frozen as soon as the aura had reached them. Itachi was on top with Akashi's foot in his face while he grabbed some of the bright red hair in one hand and was pulling his other back for a punch. They both gulped at the same time, looks of terror crossing their features.
Youichi cracked his knuckles. "I'm going to kill both of you dead!" He descended upon them like a bat out of Hell, two girlish screams nearly destroying my ear drums before all three where fighting viciously on the ground.
"I'll show you spaghetti-!"
"You're supposed to be nice to souls-!"
"-aren't going to be able to fly for days when I am finished with you!"
Calmly I sat down, put my head in my hands, and tried to wish myself back alive. This was just too much, first I'm dead, then anime guys are wrestling, and oh yeah I'm dead. What was I going to do? Youichi had said something about another try, but I wouldn't want something like that. Who would want to start their life over? Sure I had died too early, but my life was fine, I wouldn't want to change anything because it shaped me into who I was today.
Well a hot-tempered otaku with people problems wasn't much to talk about, but I liked myself.
Besides I was too lazy to want to even go through everything again. Imagine having to go through school again! Yuck.
"They're quite the childish bunch, aren't they?"
I startled, my head snapping up and to the side, meeting a wide closed mouth smile and closed eyes. Holy crap, Ichimaru Gin is sitting beside me. You would think I wouldn't be affected by the random appearance of anime guys anymore, still I couldn't help but react the same each time. "You're not going to do something insane too are you?" I asked hesitantly, glancing over to where the wrestling match was still going on.
He snickered. "No need to worry little human, I passed that state of insanity when I turned one thousand."
"You're old." I commented, trying to imagine living that long. What in the world would one do with one thousand years?
"I suppose." He replied, an amused grin on his face. "Now how about I send ya where the last three were supposed to?"
I hesitated, slightly uneasy. "Where is that exactly? They didn't exactly explain things very well." I motioned toward the other three Angels, wincing when I heard something break in the mini-battle
Gin cocked his head to the side, as if in thought. "Hmm I could tell ya, but...I don't think I'm going to."
I was too tired to send back the scorching comment that was on the tip of my tongue, because dealing with three Angels with an attitude was all I could take. "Great."
He patted my head consolingly. "Maa maa, no need to be so down. I promise ya won't be too unhappy."
Suddenly everything started to get brighter, and I had to squint my eyes to see the rather evil look on Gins face before I had to close my eyes completely in fear of getting blinded.
"Good luck little human~" Gin's voice sang tauntingly, seeming to echo all around. "Remember life is more exciting with a little chaos mixed in~!"
Then everything just went down hill from there.
He was in so much trouble when his father found out. They had agreed to stay away from this type of thing because of all the chaos it would cause in the Mafia world, there was no way they would be able to hide something this big even if they tried. All it took was one witness to pass through their radar and then the rumors would spread like wild-fire, enemies would start rallying and countless assassin attempts would be aimed toward the little helpless bundle.
Besides he was too young to raise a child by himself, normal twenty-five year olds where busy getting drunk and sleeping around like idiots, with a baby he would be lucky to even have a single nights rest. Not that he slept around like his playboy father, he actually preferred having a relationship, but it didn't hurt to have fun once in a while.
What in the world was he going to do? He couldn't leave him with the mother, she had died in child birth, and he certainly wouldn't send the little one to an orphanage.
The only option left was to go into hiding and raise the little one himself.
Already uneasy about that idea, he was a Mafiosi they didn't settle. He looked down at the small being asleep in his arms, face peaceful with blonde hair much like his own, already defying gravity, hands curled in small fists, and his future was already decided.
"Kami." He groaned, leaning his head back and sighing. "Reborn is going to slaughter me."
"You do know that she was supposed to be sent to heaven and not reincarnated, right?"
Gin looked up from where he was sitting, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Oh? I had no clue. Oops."
Placing a hand on his head Youichi sighed, what in the world was he going to tell Him when He asked for a report? "You can't just decided things on your own Gin, I thought you learned that the last time someone passed through here."
Shrugging his shoulders Gin snickered at the memory of the last girl, now she was entertaining enough to be sent to the Primo's time so he could see what sort of trouble she got into there. And boy did she ever. Who would have thought that Giotto was a player for the same team, no one that's why it was so funny. He was always amused when the universes started veering off course when they weren't supposed to.
"Can you at least tell me why you insist on turning the poor girls into boys?" Youichi asked, his arms crossed. "Poor darlings don't know what to do with themselves."
A light blush appeared on his cheeks and Gin giggled as he thought about all the wonderful scenes he was able to witness. "I couldn't pass up the idea of being able to see the moments when they finally-kyaaa!"
Wincing at the shrill tone of his scream, the blonde rubbed his pointed ear and rolled his eyes. "Honestly, that's your reason? You're more insane then I thought."
Gin grinned. "I never said I wasn't."
Sighing in exasperation Youichi slowly shed the form the human had unconsciously made them take and stretched his wings. "You're the one who is going to have to tell Him, I'm certainly not going to."
"No objections here, I'm sure he would approve." Gin replied, his true form breaking through as well.
"Right and Itachi secretly likes to cosplay Sailor Moon."
"Oh? I thought he wanted to keep that a secret!"
AN: Anyone else go slightly insane while they waited for Fanfiction to fix the website problem? I was nearly driven nuts with the need to finish this and post it. Thanks to all the staff who finally fixed the problem though, it's greatly appreciated!
Oh and reviews are always welcomed!