Day 1 – Beginning

She woke long before the kitchen maid knocked on her door. It was her habit but today was different. Today everything was different. It was the day after he'd asked her to be his wife. A day she'd longed for, dreamt of. A day she'd been certain would never come.

She turned in her bed, facing the wall. She touched it softly, then pressed her hand into it. He was just on the other side. Was he sleeping? Perhaps he, like her, was still in bed. Was he possibly thinking of her?

He smiled to himself as he stared at the ceiling. The same old crack was in the corner, the same water stain near the window. Yet somehow it was all different. Today everything was different. It was the day after he'd asked her to be his wife. A day he'd longed for, dreamt of.

He'd not been certain she would say yes. She'd handed him the cup and made a blithe comment about getting a marriage proposal at her age. For a moment his heart had stopped, thinking she was telling him no. He'd promised her he wouldn't push but he had to ask. She'd called him "an old booby" but it didn't matter, she'd said yes. Nothing else mattered.

He rolled on his side, staring at the wall which separated them. Was she awake? Was she regretting her decision? They'd gone up to join the others after they'd finished their drinks. There had been no further discussion and he'd missed her before she retired for the evening. Perhaps in the cold light of day she'd changed her mind. Throwing the covers back he dressed hastily. He had to find her, had to reassure himself.

She left the warmth of her bed, dressed slowly, taking extra care with her hair. Today everything was different. She wanted him to know how proud she was to be engaged to him. She'd missed him last night in the rush to put everything away. Perhaps if she went down early, they could steal a few moments before everyone else came down.

Making her way slowly, carefully down the stairs, she hummed lightly to herself. It was amazing the difference a single day could make. Everything in the house seemed brighter, she smiled to herself thinking she would make them some tea, perhaps take a piece of treacle tart for Mr. Carson…Charles.

He paced in her office, unsure if he should be there. Perhaps he should go to his office, wait for her there. She would have to walk right past it, he could stop her then. Yes, that seemed for the best, better than intruding on her personal space. He pulled the door open, pushing through it and ran right into her.

He pulled her to him, scared she might fall. Their bodies pressed against one another, "Mrs. Hughes, I'm so sorry."

Flushed and slightly out of breath, being so close to him, she smiled, "Well I was looking for you. I never imagined this is how I would find you."

His heart fell and he released her, "You were looking for me?"

Hearing a noise from the kitchen she pushed on him, guiding him into her office. Closing the door behind them she turned back to him, placing her hand on his chest, "Yes, you were the first thing I thought of this morning. I wanted to catch you before everything started today."

He covered her hand with his and closed his eyes before asking, "Is something wrong Mrs. Hughes?"

"Nothing at all Mr. Carson…Charles," His eyes opened meeting hers. She smiled, "It's just I wanted to be the first person to tell my fiancé good morning."

"So you still want to marry me?"

Leaning forward she placed a tender kiss on his hand, smiling as he sighed, "Did you think I might have changed my mind?"

He nodded as he leaned forward, kissing the top of her head. He looped his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, "It's foolish but yes, I was afraid you might have."

Lifting her head, she looked up at him, "No, Charles, I would never. Last night was the ending of us as two individual people."

"So that makes today a beginning?"

"Yes Charles, and beginnings should always be marked with something new."

"You called me by my name that is something new."

She nodded, a teasing smile playing across her face, "Yes it is. Now what will you do that is new Charles?"

Lowering his lips to hers, he pressed them gently to hers. He didn't want to pressure her. When she pushed into him, he deepened the kiss, holding her tightly to her. When the kiss ended he pressed his forehead to hers, "Will that do, Mrs. Hughes?"