A/N: I'm operating on like 40 hours of being awake, so forgive me if this is slightly incoherence but I hope you guys enjoy this final installment and thank you for being best readers, seriously, forever.
It took the better part of two hours, but with the door fixed - it hung at an odd angle and didn't close properly, but it was close enough - and the kitchen spotless, the trio filtered out of the main kitchen entrance and trudged their way back to the dorm to drop off two whole picnic baskets filled with various cookies made from whatever salvageable dough they'd come across during their cleaning spree. They would begin their search from there.
Excess energy kept Yang walking at the head of the group, but she stopped short in front of the door to their dorm, basket in each hand. "Hm. Yeah, going to need some help here."
"Ugh, I feel like we just cleaned half of Remnant. You don't really think Weiss has been in the laundry room this whole time, do you?" Ruby brushed dried bits of red velvet out of her hair and frowned at the bleach-smell that clung to her hands. She zipped over to Yang's aide in a flurry of rose petals, unlocking and holding open the door to the darkened room. The space had that quiet feel a room gets when someone is sleeping, and Ruby went silent at once.
A bar of light from the hall fell in a wide stripe along the floor of the room, making things bright enough for the three teammates to see the spill of snowy hair across Weiss's pillow. She slept on her side, the blankets rising and falling subtly with her breathing. A sheet of white parchment paper was tacked to the corner of Ruby's bunk at eye level.
The flawless script read:
Gestures of affection currently accepted and appreciated by Weiss Schnee
One (1) cup of coffee, hot, with one (1) sugar when I wake up.
One (1) cookie no larger than the mouth of a common mug.
This list is subject to change. Also, I do not hate any of you three.
It was signed simply 'Weiss'.
Yang was first through the door, miraculously quiet as she set the baskets of cookies on Blake's desk and moved to stare at the pristine note. She read it through once, twice, and a third time, before whipping around with a huge grin and whispering, "Coffee," as though it were the greatest revelation in the world.
With a smile and a roll of the eyes for good measure, Blake came forward to examine the note herself, taking a moment to admire the exquisite penmanship. She couldn't help but smile at the message - terse at first glance but with an underlying sweetness, much like the author herself. Not to mention it was always good to have it in writing that you weren't hated.
"Coffee huh? Are you really going to get up earlier than Weiss?" Blake whispered, side-eyeing her overexcited partner.
"Only one sugar?" Ruby made a face, reading the note over Blake's shoulder. She broke away to cup her hands to her sister's ear and whisper, "Yang, I'll help pick the cookie. Should we put it on a plate or something?"
Yang pulled Ruby into their traditional conspiratorial side-hug and whispered back, "Thanks sis. And yes. Yes we should... a cookie... on a plate... that's on a doily."
Blakes eyes rolled yet again, and she shoved the sisters towards the bathroom with a barely concealed smile. "You two really shouldn't be doing anything until you clean yourselves up."
Ruby looked down at her flour and other baked-goods splattered self, her still voice hushed, "Wow, we're a mess. But first, good job, team. I mean, um," she shrugged, pointing toward Weiss's list, "this could all probably have gone a lot smoother and maybe with a little less yelling in the middle of the cafeteria, but it seems like we're all pretty much okay now, so let's keep it up."
Meanwhile, under the covers, the heiress lay still, her breathing schooled into an even cadence, mimicking sleep. She was facing away from her teammates, and it was dark, so there was no way they'd notice her small sigh of relief. The note had worked. They hadn't just laughed, or missed it altogether.
Now she could really get some real rest.
Silence blanketed the dorm by the time Yang was finished with her shower, broken only by the mournful creek of the bathroom door as the brawler slipped out as quietly as possible. Her shower had taken almost as long as one of Weiss's thanks to the near-entire batch of various cookie doughs matted throughout her golden locks. Nearly half a bottle of shampoo later, she was finally clean.
Determined not to wake anyone, Yang crept on tiptoe over to her dresser and changed into sleepwear. Much to her chagrin, one of the drawers stuck slightly when she tried to close it, jerking shut just loud enough to make her wince and glance back at her sleeping teammates. None of them stirred. With a quick sigh of relief, Yang stole another glance across the room at Weiss, still sleeping peacefully, and smiled wide.
It hadn't been easy, but she was finally figuring out the final member of their little family, and armed with her hard-won newfound knowledge, she was going to do everything in her power to help the icy girl feel appreciated. No more sad heiresses hiding in laundry rooms to cry, ever - not if she could help it. Grinning and filled with resolve anew, Yang climbed up into her bunk, ready to collapse.
She stopped short at the sight of a small black book lying on her pillow, one single flower closed inside it as a bookmark. Squinting in confusion, Yang picked up the mysterious item, turning the book over in her hands, but finding no title of any sort. Upon closer inspection, she realized the flower was one of the awesome-colored roses from her bouquet to Weiss. What had the florist called them? Coral?
Curiosity piqued, Yang leaned over into the small patch of moonlight shining down on her bed and cracked the book open to the page being held by the flower. Inside, she found a scrap of paper, with a short note that read simply:
For your future edification.
PS. Sorry for giving you bad ideas.
There was no signature, but Yang had copied Blake's notes enough times to recognize her hasty-yet-somehow-neat scrawl. Edification? What was she talking about? Yang took a closer look at the contents of the page, starting with the paragraph that had been underlined in red ink.
Coral Roses
These vibrant flowers, with their subtle, dusky hues, have long been associated with expressing desire, and
Yang shut the book. With calm, measured movements, she shoved the book, flower and all, under her pillow and laid down, pulling the covers up over her head.
She was never buying flowers for anyone, ever again.
A/N: Again, thanks for the reviews. We'll be back next week with a brand new fic (and also more sleep) so keep your eyes peeled.
Till next time,
- Fiercesomest