Frozen did always seem it could easily have turned into a superhero film, so here's my first go at writing with the idea. The first few chapters will be exposition mostly, but I hope they will be enjoyable nonetheless. Here goes.

DISCLAIMER: The story of Frozen and all its characters belong to Disney. I just played with the setting and the plot a bit.

Elsa Noble had never been able to experience the average childhood. This was not because of her family wealth, nor was it due to the vast expanse of her intellect. Indeed, if she were to ever point to any one factor in her life and say 'This is the sole reason why I am not remotely like anyone else'; it would, perhaps fittingly, be her curiously developed ability of cryokinesis.

Of course, one should never overlook the other conditions which set her apart from the herd. Elsa, the eldest child of Adgar and Idunn Noble, was born into a family possessing all the wealth she would ever need to support herself, a mansion set into a hundred acres of land with a full complement of household staff and all imaginable personal costs she could ever encounter. It had not gone unnoticed by her that she resided within these non-existent economic constraints at even the earliest age, although she had a complex relationship with this fact to say the least. On the one hand she did not enjoy the apparently negative portrayal this granted her from the few of her own age she had encountered, who were reserved to life in the lower tax brackets of the local area. If she could give up all the riches her family had gathered just to be accepted by the repulsed contemporaries, she sometimes thought she would. But on the other hand the money her parents had earned provided her with a sense of security, along with the amenities to expand her potential.

Indeed, her inherent wealth had given Elsa the opportunity to access the finest tutors in the country. This, coupled with her natural aptitude towards study, sparked the raging fire of her education as she thoroughly familiarized herself with some of the finer details of her parents' business by the age of fifteen. If her academic history were to tracked, the observer would find that Elsa had grasped the practical aspects of mathematics (notably in statistics and geometry) by the time she was five-years-old. Her reading was of a standard that she was capable of both understanding and enjoying the works of Dickens, Wilde and Rousseau by age ten. The idea of progressive medicine in the form of genetic engineering, a practice her mother employed in some of her deeper research, had crossed her mind by the time she was thirteen. Away from academia, it was worth noting Elsa was well-practiced in a number of martial arts by her mid-teens. In all, when it came to Elsa applying to Universities she had the capabilities to attend each and every institution she introduced herself to, even to the point her chosen university offered her a bursary she would never need.

Although behind these accomplishments was a very peculiar circumstance, and one which would require visual evidence to be believed. The reason why Elsa was able to put all her efforts into her studies and why she would seek sanctuary away from the spiteful eyes of others was all down to an accident which had occurred before her birth.

Adgar Noble had been the CEO of the strongly established Noble Corporation from his mid-twenties, a position he had received from his own father. The company was based purely around the core idea of 'improving the human life through practical development'. As such, while the Noble Corp. invested in many peripheral projects a huge emphasis was placed on its pharmaceutical research and manufacturing. It was of no coincidence in that respect that Adgar met the future Idunn Noble as the head of the research program. What was coincidental was the fact that shortly after their marriage, Idunn experienced an accident in the research of viruses capable of rapidly cooling the surrounding environment. It was thankful that Idunn recovered swiftly with no ill effects, as the virus was too weak to cause any vast changes to her cells. However, the unknown zygote within Idunn was to be forever changed by the few new strands of DNA the virus introduced.

Following this occurrence, Idunn's pregnancy was discovered and Elsa was born without incident. It was a matter of some concern that the child was oddly cooler to the touch than one should expect, although it wasn't until a few years later that the strange abilities manifested themselves in the girl. As her hair began to grow out, it was found that Elsa did not share the brunette locks of her mother nor the redhead of her father but was instead the purest platinum blonde a person could be. Similarly her eyes were an unusual ice blue that neither parent possessed, although these were not overly worrying as Elsa had been as healthy and happy as her parents had hoped.

It was when concern for the anomalies in Elsa's appearance was at its lowest that the true extent of her ability revealed itself. When she was merely two-years-old she fell out of bed in the middle of the night; fracturing her collarbone and bizarrely causing a blizzard on the grounds of the Noble Estate with her cries. A month later, a slightly older boy, who was the child of a family friend, made the unwise choice to push Elsa down one too many times. How a small icicle fell from her bedroom ceiling in the middle of August, lodging itself in the boy's cheek and requiring five stitches was uncomfortably inexplicable for Adgar, who by that time was aware of the power little Elsa appeared to hold.

Therefore, when it came to light that Idunn was pregnant with a second child the Noble parents were presented with challenging idea of having two children capable of freezing anything they didn't like, should the virus have a prolonged effect. One seemingly super powered toddler was manageable, even easy to hide within the mansion. The thought of two was dangerous.

Thankfully, Anna Noble was born with no such abilities. Her hair grew to be red (though with a single white streak), like her father's and her eyes were green like her mother. It was also this younger sibling which lead Elsa to practice some control over her powers. By now, she had realised she could do things others could not and was naturally scared herself that she may hurt Anna by accident. Thus it was that the child formed a close bond with her sister through her efforts to balance the fun and safety. In fact, with Anna's mesmerised audience Elsa soon learnt to produce snowy clouds at will and freeze the lake outside the mansion in a matter of minutes by the time she had reached the age of five.

When Anna was able to walk and run just as well as Elsa could, the two would spend hours every day playing in the artificially created Lapland to the mild amusement of their parents. For a time there was some semblance of normalcy in the Noble Estate. The few occasions when they would be entertaining the girls were kept to another wing of the house, otherwise Elsa was free to create a winter wonderland all through the year with the enthusiastic encouragement of Anna.

Then, unfortunately, another accident befell the family. One night, when Anna had coaxed Elsa out of bed to continue their daytime play the energetic five-year-old proved too much for the elder sister to follow. While climbing ever-growing mountains of snow and frost, Anna had leapt off the soft cliff face without any landing ready for her descent. Elsa, in panic, began forming a wintery bed to catch her, but had slipped and instead sent the freezing force straight into Anna's forehead. The younger girl had been rendered unconscious immediately, developing a deathly chill to her skin before Elsa had even screamed for their mother and father.

Fear-stricken at the thought of losing a daughter, Adgar had seen it necessary to immediately call in another leading expert in the research wing of the Noble Corporation; an effective old man who was affectionately known as Pabbie by his colleagues. After rapidly explaining the situation to him, revealing Elsa's powers in the process, Pabbie began working to revive Anna before an hour had passed from the incident.

It took three days to rectify the injury, during which the correct medical authorities had been alerted with the pretence of Anna falling into the cold lake and whacking her head in the dive. For seventy-two hours, Elsa was gripped with the unshakeable, oppressive guilt of having mortally injured her closest companion. She could barely sleep with the knowledge that her little sister could die due to her carelessness and on no less than four occasions her meals resurfaced at the very thought. What little she could manage to eat made her feel sick to her core and only provided further physical torment atop the emotional pain.

Anna finally woke up a complete five days after she had been struck, suffering no impairments other than selective retrograde amnesia. She could answer personal information such as her name, age, family members and a rough daily routine, but she held nearly no recollection of Elsa's powers or the fact that she had often built snowmen at inappropriate times of the year. After several check-ups Anna was released from hospital and had fully recovered within the month.

Elsa, in comparison, was wracked with inner turmoil. There was no peace to be found whilst she could still call ice into existence on a whim. Worse; after this incident she lost control of her powers, escalating to the point she found it common to awaken, sweat drenched in the middle of the night, surrounded by frozen stalagmites. The persistent nag of doubt in her mind grew, as she became distant from her family for their protection. Days would pass when she wouldn't even step outside her bedroom door, working herself tirelessly to regain some semblance of composure.

Her father noticed this pattern of behaviour early on. He indulged her need for isolation where he found it reasonable, but had made it clear to Elsa that they were going to find a way to manage her growing powers. Pabbie was employed as a personal tutor for Elsa, in the hopes that biological control could be established with enough study. The stout old man tried his hardest to discern any biochemical triggers which could be manipulated, however the eight-year-old's nervous system proved too adaptive to develop any definitive treatment. Samples were taken and examined for two years before Pabbie and Idunn came to the conclusion that there was no medicinal way to prevent Elsa's powers. The ice was simply a part of the girl.

Other practices were therefore put in place to aid Elsa in keeping the ice in check. It was found early on that gloves were an effective way of preventing the tactile spread of frost, allowing the girl to at least pick items up without freezing them solid. Soon after this discovery Adgar bought a hundred pairs of gloves of varying thicknesses so that Elsa might feel more comfortable interacting with people, although this only prompted her to recommence her education under home schooling. A subsequent realisation this allowed was that much of Elsa's issue was due to focus; if she concentrated on the negative feelings she felt, the ice would grow to reflect it. If she were to remain neutral and put all her energy into a different outlet, the cold would recede completely for a short time.

Picking up on this, Adgar and Idunn decided it was best for their now ten-year-old daughter to learn martial arts, beginning with an obscure form an instructor known as Li Shang had previously taught in China. After several months of practice, Elsa was able to confidently reign in the fears and anxieties which had ruled her. The mantra of 'conceal, don't feel' her father taught her aided this further until she felt able to face the outside world for a few hours at a time, though she found herself reluctant to connect with the few friends she had before her reclusion. It remained common throughout her teenage years to retreat to her bedroom when she felt overwhelmed.

As all this was addressed behind locked doors, Anna grew up confused by her sister's sudden desertion. Remembering only the strong bond the two shared, she made a regular habit of asking Elsa, through keyholes and cracks under the door, to play. This was all to no avail as the answer was invariably a shaky 'no', leading Anna to spend hundreds of long afternoons wandering the halls of the now dark mansion with only the paintings to hear her troubles. It did not go unnoticed by the younger girl that her parents, also, spent much of their time tending to Elsa. They still made sure to lavish and care for Anna just as much as any parents should, but it was evident to the growing child that their minds were always elsewhere. 'Elsewhere' being the attic rooms the elder sister hid away in. In turn, this led to Anna becoming a well-meaning, if academically distracted and socially awkward young lady.

When the younger sister was old enough, she had taken to attending parties similar adolescent socialites were lucky enough to put on, albeit with strict limitations on the times she would return. As her teenage years ran its course, Anna found that, while she enjoyed the life provided for her within her home, being out in the City of Arendelle with friends that actually paid attention to her and wanted to spend time with her was far more liberating.

So it was that the two sisters, who had previously been the best of friends, drifted apart due to the one irreconcilable factor that prevented Elsa from ever having the typical childhood. As aforementioned, the eldest Noble child went on to earn places at the universities of her choice; the first of which was located on the other side of the globe, in a country where the appearance of ice would not be questioned for the winter months, whilst the summers could be spent hiding in relative isolation. That university happened to be located in Oslo, Norway. Therefore, when it came to Elsa's departure she mentally prepared herself for four years without the comforting presence of her family.

While they were at the gates, waiting for Elsa to board the plane which would carry her away for nearly half a decade, Anna promised she would visit her sister in Scandinavia. Elsa agreed that it was a must, although neither had been truly meaningful or certain of the safety. And then Elsa was gone, with updates being delivered semi-regularly when her emotional struggle with the distance died down.

For the first time in twelve years, the lives of the Noble family reached, once again, some form of normalcy. With the threat of Elsa's secret being uncovered gone, Adgar allowed Anna to host her own parties within the mansion. News of her sister's extravagance and liveliness periodically reached Elsa in Norway, where she had managed to find at least one friend whom she felt comfortable enough to disclose her condition to.

It was just as everyone was relaxing into their new roles, as Elsa completed her first year studying abroad, that tragedy once more struck in a form the entire world could see.

On their journey to meet with their daughter, the Noble private jet developed a fault and crashed at sea in the mid-Atlantic. Both Adgar and Idunn's lives were claimed, wiping out fifty percent of the people who knew of Elsa's abilities, but taking away all the security the two girls had ever felt. They were left alone now, on opposite sides of the globe.

The night the news came out, Anna Noble was safe at home; having declined the invitation to see an emotionally distant sibling to instead attend a masquerade ball at the rival Westerguard household. Elsa, at the opposite end of the spectrum, only heard about the death of her parents in the six o'clock news the day after. The shock it gave made her retreat further into her work and exercise as she once again felt her self-control begin to crumble.

She did not return home for the funeral. She did not return when she was named CEO of the Noble Corporation. She did not return home until the end of her Master's Degree. By then, life had moved on considerably in her home town without her.

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