Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. Things happen and they can either be classified as good things or bad things. They may also change course half way through. It can start as a good thing and over time, it could turn into something you despise. Choices that seemed good at the moment, will turn into the worst. And for the rest of your life, you're left living with the guilt of making that choice.
Life is funny that way.
It makes you believe in lies.
Life tricks you. More specifically, the people in your life and even society trick you. They tell you live like each day could be your last because they say the world could end at any moment. But at the same time, they have you planning years into the future. Saying to go to a good school and get the best grades, get a good job, meet someone and fall in love.
Pointless things. Going to school is pointless. Getting good grades is pointless, finding a good job and even falling in love is pointless. I never understood other people.
And before you start telling me that I should try to, pay attention. Not to me though. Look at the world and actually pay attention.
Don't let people's viewpoints cloud your mind. I let people do that and it destroyed me.
Do what you want to do. That's what I did for the most part, but of course, life tricked me. The hope I had, almost vanished and here I am. Sitting on my bed, writing this in a blue journal. Thanks to time, the pages are worn out and an old book smell escapes them. This journal is my life.
It actually tells the story of my life. Of how I learned to look at the world in a different way and appreciate what I had. And all this thanks to my family.
They are not my family by blood but they hold a closer spot than my blood family ever could.
A blonde girl who was my first friend, a dark woman who told me to be myself, a feisty red head who wouldn't let me degrade myself while she built up my self confidence. There were also others though, the huge flirt who became one of my closest friends and a woman with incredible hair. Another ginger who would put me in my place and wouldn't be afraid. Then, there was the main one.
A man. He was something else. Loved to annoy me just to see my forehead crinkle. Without him, I wouldn't have met everybody else.
That isn't everybody though. Many people changed me for the better and didn't notice. Some I still see, some left because they couldn't handle it, and some even died. They died for me.
And as a wise man once said, we are all stories in the end so I plan to make it a good one.
Maybe my life will turn for the better after all this time. Maybe, I will see them again.
My friends who had future knowledge, all knew this moment would come. When my hope was almost gone. They told me to keep strong because there would be a time when it would get better.
I trust them and while I wait, you get to learn my story.