TITLE: A Mess of Blues

SUMMARY: The events of DA:I fallowing a certain Inquisitor and Commander. Katja is a smart-ass, witty (apostate?) mage. When not using her super mage abilities she dual-wields (b/c that is totally fun). And she hates being called by the H-word or the I-word. Escaping the Ostwick Circle at the tender age of 9. Fleeing to the Hinderlands where she remained for eighteen years in her solitude before going to the Conclave. Leaving behind her Trevelyan family; believing of their betrayal and indifference to her. Being taught to control her mage abilities from a lion spirit named Havardr. An old and wise one - protecting and teaching her. Even from herself.

Both suffer from past hurts and doomed fates. Fighting through unrequited dreams. Katja begrudgingly offering her services with the Anchor, not realizing her destined fate that she is soon fighting against. Will she accept the consequences or will, once again, be driven into madness? After all, fighting a crazed old-world magister covered in red lyrium would make anyone question their sanity.

WARNINGS: Rated M (aka NC17 or R) for swearing, repressed memories, lyrium withdrawals, angst, violence, childhood trauma, nudity, and sexual situations. Lots of in-game spoilers‼ I have played and beaten DA:I, so I borrow from the dialogue, but I will chop and slash it for story sake. I'll mostly try to go through the behind-the-scenes with more detail than what is available per-cannon.


I make no money from this. All rights belong to Bioware. This is purely for entertainment purposes of my livid imagination.

FYI: I'm not the most dependable writer. I go through spurts of inspiration. However, I'm really into this story that I see blossoming, so with some creative discipline I hope to complete this story. With some impromptu kicking, screaming, and cursing it along the way.

Don't forget to fav/fallow and/or review! I always appreciate feedback!