Hey Readers! You are currently reading my first fanfiction ever and I hope you'll like it. My first language isn't English, so all the English I am capable of was taught at school, so sorry for mistakes. Also notice that I was 15 when I started this. But, I prmoise it gets better with the chapters! and longer too.

update: 08th of october 2015

Now, I think I said enough :D


~~ Son of Darkness~~

~~chapter 1~~

3rd person pov

It was a clear and cold night in New York. The sun was long gone and the moon glowed in mysterious silver. It was very silent for a big city like this. In a hospital not far away, there was a cry, a cry of pain and then again- silence. Suddenly, there was another cry, not of pain, but one of joy and happiness and then a second one. That came from a little, newborn baby boy. The woman, now young mother was what you could definitively call beautiful. Besides the pain showing in the woman's face, she had high cheekbones, a perfect nose, deep red lips, Gold-blonde hair which seemed to glow silver in the light of the night and snow white skin. But the most amazing things were her eyes. They were a mix between a blue like the sky and a silver like the moon on an ice cold, clear day in winter .Her eyes seemed to be filled with joy and you could tell that she was deeply in love with the man standing next to her.

He had a strong and handsome face; his skin was pale, even more than the woman's. It looked like that from a ghost; a warm smile showing on his also had hair black like the night. His eyes were a dark black, like the shadows in a forest on a new moon and radiated power. They seemed to be deep like Tartarus and bore direct into your soul, his eyes like the women's were filled with happiness and pride.

But the two lovers weren't what draw the most attention in the room. It was the newborn baby boy, sleeping in the woman's arms. He had black hair like the man, but high cheekbones like the women, the skin pale, but not snow white. He was an adorable being, but as he opened his eyes, they showed curiosity, intelligence and most: raw power.

A nurse walked into the room, a gentle smile on her face. She asked the woman, who was known as Selene, the Titaness of the moon, which name the boy should get. The new mother looked to her lover, known as Erebus, the primordial god of darkness and shadows, husband to the night. They seemed to have a silent conversation. Then the mother looked to the nurse, a caring and loving smile on her lips as she said the words that would change all. Maybe even fate:

" He shall go by the name Perseus, my little destroyer" or "Percy" for short"

That´s the prologue :D hope you like it and will continue reading :D Please leave a Review :D

Oh, before I Forget! please DON´T vote for a Pairing anymore, it is already decided!

Thanks for reading :D

Until next chapter

Lilie0107 -out