A/N: I have this story posted on Mibba and decided to post it on this site as well.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I do not catch.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.



Hand Signing


Traveling along a narrow dirt path just inside of the Land of Grass, Yami's pace was slow and unhurried. The gentle breeze had the long blades of grass waving on both sides of the path. It was peaceful. Peaceful until a large grey dog with white underside limped onto the path, blocking Yami's way. Stopping his progression, Yami's charcoal black eyes took in the fur matted with blood. A growl left the canine's throat, its head lowering with narrowed eyes trained on Yami's relaxed form. Slowly, Yami knelt down until he was sitting cross legged. He held his right arm out towards the injured animal with his palm facing down and his eyes trained on the bloodied paws. Yami stayed like that until the canine worked up the trust to limp over to the ravenette. As the canine licked hesitantly at Yami's right palm, he took in the oozing cuts in the dog's side and front paws. He cautiously moved his left hand to hover over the injured side before allowing a small amount of healing chakra to form.

Apparently the canine was no stranger to the scent the green chakra gave off and allowed Yami to heal him. Yami rubbed the top of the dog's head, giving his ears a gentle scratch as he smiled closed-eyed at the animal. His eyes opened when the dog growled and nudged Yami's thigh. Taking that as a means to stand up, Yami did. He held back his gap of surprise when teeth clamped down on his sash and the canine began to urgently yank him in the direction in which he appeared. Settling his right hand on top of the dog's head, Yami kept pace with the animal. Further in the tall grass, hidden from the path, Yami came to an abrupt stop at the sight of four injured ninja and two wounded dogs identical to the one Yami healed. The two wounded dogs growled at the sight of Yami, moving closer to a bleeding brunette with red fangs on her cheeks. The dog that brought Yami growled back and he watched as the two wounded animals shifted aside. He immediately went to heal the wounded animals first, seeing as they could provide protection while he healed the injured ninja.

'Inuzuka Clan dogs which mean these are Konoha ninja.' Yami thought as he ran a green chakra coated hand over the dogs' human partner.

The abdomen wound the Inuzuka woman had; was deep and had nicked her kidney. She was lucky her canine partner managed to find someone to help in time. After healing the rest of the injured, Yami settled them in for the raising night sky and made a small camp fire in the middle of them. He used a seal to keep the fire from spreading and catching the surrounding area ablaze. Leaning against a nearby rock, Yami closed his eyes and let his sensory ability spread out. The ones responsible for almost killing the Konoha team were long gone as Yami could not sense them anywhere within a five mile radius. He felt chakra shifting beside him and zeroed in on the source. It was one of the canines, probably the one he encountered on the path. The large dog laid down beside Yami, resting its front paws on Yami's out-stretched legs and laying its head down on them. Yami absently stroked the dog's head while keeping his sensory ability activated.


The morning sun rose, coloring the dawning sky in different shades of yellow and orange. The scent of cooking meat roused the four ninja awake. They each tensed at the same time when they spotted Yami turning a rabbit over the fire. Charcoal black eyes looked up from the cooking meat to take in the tense and arming looks of the four ninja. Yami slowly held up his left hand and began to sign at them using the standard shinobi code.

You four are lucky one of the ninken found me. I healed your wounds. Eat up, it's not poisoned. Yami motioned this by allowing the three dogs to sniff the cooked rabbit.

"Who are you?" The male ninja wearing his hitai-ate as a bandana asked, causing Yami to pause from leaving.

Traveler. Was all Yami signed to them.

"Wait! Stop!"

Yami glanced over his shoulder. It was the Inuzuka woman who called out to him.

"My ninken would not trust a stranger so easily. Are you from Konoha? You seem familiar." She asked, her dark brown eyes meeting Yami's charcoal orbs.

Yami's hand twitched and he looked away from her, back ahead of him. He stared up at the rising sun.

I have nothing left for me there. Yami signed and stalked off.

"Nothing for you…Yami? Ya-Yami Uchiha?"

Yami stopped and turned around to face the one who spoke. It was the man with the bandana again. His three teammates made noises of surprise and realization while the man with the bandana moved. Yami tensed, bracing to defend himself. He froze as a pair of arms wrapped around him and he was pulled against the man in a tight embrace.

"Yami, I thought you were dead." The man voiced, his tone choked with emotion.

"How are you alive? The ANBU backup found your team and too much of your blood to consider you alive." Another male ninja stated, running a shaking had through his spiky hair.

"Genma, what should we do?" The last member of the team asked, his hair covering half of his face.

The man hugging Yami pulled away to look at his team. Yami's head jerked over to stare at the man in front of him.

'Genma? That would mean they are Hana, Izumo and Kotetsu.' Yami thought, his shoulders relaxing.

"We need to get back to Konoha as soon as we can." Genma stated and turned back to Yami. "You have to come back with us. You say that there is nothing left, were you referring to your clan?"

Yami gave a nod, averting his gaze. His fingers clenched. Genma cupped a hand on the ravenette's shoulder, understanding on his face.

"Your cousin, Sasuke, is alive."

At Genma's words, Yami's eyes widened and he grabbed the front of the jonin's vest. His eyes narrowing in a silent question and Genma covered Yami's hands with his own.

"It's true. Itachi couldn't kill—"

Izumo was cut off when Sharingan blazed to life, causing his breath to catch in his throat. Yami quickly signed to them.

Itachi massacred the clan?! Impossible! I don't believe it! I won't! Yami angrily moved his hands, forming the words for them.

One of the ninkens moved close and bumped up against Yami's leg. The Sharingan faded away revealing charcoal orbs in their place. His shoulders slumped.

'My cute little cousin couldn't have done that. There has to be more to it.' Yami thought, crestfallen.

"Will you come back to Konoha with us?" Hana asked gently, frowning at the ravenette she once considered a friend.

A nod was all they received. The group of eight were gone within the hour.