
Synopsis: Wesley Crusher is taken ill, inciting a chain of events that threatens to reveal a complicated past between the captain and doctor.

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to CBS, its parents and affiliates. Just taking the characters out for a jaunt around the galaxy, I warrant they will be returned in the same condition I borrowed them.

Part 1

Wesley Crusher had been under the weather all day, sporting a high temperature, plagued with fatigue. That morning, his mother had quickly scanned him and suggested he remain in their quarters and rest, but Wesley had insisted that he attend his classes. Truthfully, he had not wanted to be ill, because the captain of the Enterprise had just granted him a field promotion to Acting Ensign, an honorary title given that he is a fifteen year-old civilian child. Regardless, Wesley is eager to impress the captain and the bridge crew, and he will not miss a duty shift because of a little fever.

Glancing curiously from his ops station, Data tilts his head toward the teenager sitting at the navigational console. "Wesley? Are you alright?"

Furrowing his brows, Picard leans forward in his chair. "Ensign Crusher, I said Warp 5. Engage."

Head spinning, Wesley's eyes blur, and within a few second he tips over in his chair, his head hitting the console as he slides forward

Data hops across the aisle, examining Wesley.

Jumping to his feet, Picard's eyes dilate in alarm. "Doctor Crusher to the Bridge immediately!"

Riker races over to the floor next to the console where Wesley has collapsed unconscious half over top of the console.

"He is breathing, sir, just unconscious," reports Data, hand behind Wesley's head. "He hit his head."

"Don't move him!" barks Picard, striding down to Wesley's chair. "Medical's on the way." Picard urges Riker out of the way, examining Wesley cautiously.

Troi is a step behind him, concern written all over her face.

Taking a step back, Riker purses his lips. "I think he's sick. He didn't look well. I asked him if he wanted to come back tomorrow, but he was adamant on staying for his shift."

Kneeling down next to Wesley, Picard grimaces. "Give him some room. Everyone as you were."

Troi tosses Riker an uncertain look before retracing her steps, followed closely by Riker who returns to his seat.

The lift doors open and Beverly Crusher takes quick inventory of the Bridge, startled to find Data and the captain hovering over Wesley at the navigation station. She jogs down the ramp, tricorder in one hand and med kit in another, a nurse in close toe.

Dropping to her knees next to Picard, Beverly quickly assesses Wesley. "What happened?"

"He lost consciousness, Doctor," relays Data as Beverly gently nudges him out of her way.

Turning to Picard, Beverly seeks additional information as she rapidly scans Wesley with the diagnostic wand of the tricorder.

"Riker said he wasn't feeling well. Is he ill?" Picard inquires, watching as the nurse prepares a hypospray for Beverly.

"He had a fever this morning, but he was determined to make his shift," answers Beverly with regret, pressing the hypospray to Wesley's neck.

"I can't have any crew reporting for duty when they are not fit," Picard reminds her.

Inhaling sharply, Beverly turns to address Picard in part exasperation. 'He's fifteen years-old. He doesn't know any better."

Features set, Picard looks at her directly. "But, you're not. You do know better."

Gritting her teeth, Beverly swallows a retort, refocusing her attention on her son. "I'll take him to Sickbay. I need to run diagnostics."

"I'll help you," Picard tells her, rather than offers.

As they shift Wesley, Beverly gets a better look at the laceration on his forehead from where his head had connected with the console and she involuntarily pushes his hair out of his clammy, sweaty face.


"How is he?" inquires Picard of Beverly, approaching her in the emergency ward as she heads to the back where Wesley is lying limply on a biobed.

Whipping around to face him, Beverly inhales sharply. "Oh, he'll be fine. I'm running some tests. I just can't figure out this virus or whatever has gotten into him."

"Well, I'm confident you'll find your answer," smiles Picard shortly. "What about his head? Is he hurt?"

Shaking her head, Beverly folds her arms over her chest. "Nothing the dermal regenerator can't fix. There's no sign of trauma. He'll be fine."

Nodding, Picard crosses his arms over his chest. "Good. Look, Beverly, I'm sorry. On the Bridge, I shouldn't have made the remark about Wesley not being fit for duty."

Eyes dilated, Beverly shakes her head. "No, I'm sorry. You were right. You're responsible for the welfare of the entire crew, and you can't let an ill crew member jeopardize the safety of the ship and the crew. Wesley could have put everyone in danger. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let him report for duty. He was just so…"

"Eager?" Picard smirks, knowing how much the assignment means to the boy and how proud it makes Beverly. "That's alright. Sometimes I forget that he's…a child. This is all part of his training, what he'll have to learn."

"Thank you," replies Beverly graciously, appreciating his empathy.

"May I see him?" Picard inquires, glancing over at Wesley appearing motionless and pale in the bed.

Bobbing her head, Beverly drops her arms. "Of course. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you."

Taking a long breath, Picard is grateful that the boy is seemingly uninjured. He can pay the teenager a quick visit and return to his post.