Author's note: So this is a gift for a friend, who asked for some fluffy happy CS to combat all the recent angst. This takes place about 4 months after the end of the epilogue; Emma's breaking some very happy news to her husband. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Definitely not.

New Beginnings

Emma lit the candle, surprised her hand was shaking. She shook it off and went back into the kitchen. Killian was working late on an experiment, promising he'd be home soon. Emma hadn't minded, wanting to make the evening special. She still had trouble believing this was happening, but the four tests she'd taken weren't lying.

She was pregnant.

They'd only recently decided to start trying for a family, after six months of marriage. Her mother worried it was too fast, but Emma couldn't resist the idea of seeing a mini version of her Killian running around their condo. Besides, NORI was going well and they were happy.

Still, she was a little surprised it happened this quickly.

She'd been ill off and on for about two weeks when it occurred to her that she was late. And Emma was never late. Elsa liked to tease her about it. In fact, Elsa had been her first call when she thought she might pregnant and her best friend immediately drove over and together they'd bought a handful of tests. Emma then proceeded to drink enough water to sate a horse and took them one by one. Each of them were positive.

Emma was a bit embarrassed to admit she'd had a tiny freak out at first. She'd paced the bathroom, worries spilling from her lips while Elsa did her best to calm her. Getting pregnant had seemed like a good idea in the abstract, but now that she was scary. In the big frightening "I want my mom" kind of way. This would change her—their—whole life and it seemed a lot scarier now, being responsible for a little person growing inside her belly.

However, Emma knew she had to tell Killian first. She had to see his face, want him to be happy about it. It would be a lot less terrifying knowing he would be there for their child, for her. But she had to actually tell him and that was scary as hell.

Killian unlocked the door to their condo and stepped through it. He kicked off his shoes and set his satchel on the floor. "Emma? Something smells good!"


He followed his nose, finding Emma standing over the stove, stirring something. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Hello, love."

Emma felt calmer the instant he touched her. There was just something about him that soothed her, grounded her. She could do this. "Hey sailor."

"To what do I owe the honor? I didn't miss an anniversary, did I?"

Emma laughed. "We haven't been married long enough for that."

He laid his head on her shoulder. "You know, sometimes I still have trouble wrapping my mind around that fact. You married me, Swan."

She put her wooden spoon down and turned in his arms. He looked adorably boyish, hair wind blown, blue eyes bright with wonder. She gently touched his face, heart swelling with love for this man, the father of her child, love of her life.


"Shh." She leaned in and kissed him; it felt like coming home after a long time apart, even though she'd seen him that morning. She knew everything would be fine. "How about you go wash up and I'll serve dinner. Then we can talk. I want to hear all about this experiment."

Killian looked a bit skeptical but did as she bid. He'd noticed her a bit out of sorts recently, but she'd assured him she was fine. His department was working on a particularly difficult brand of foam used in some of the newer surfboards; Killian had a suspicion they weren't as environmentally sound as advertised. He'd been running many of the tests himself; his department really needed at least two more people, but he hadn't wanted to ask Emma. They were still starting out, had yet to break even in a single month. Emma told him this was normal for a start up company but he resolved to do all in his power to make things easier.

Hands clean, he headed back to the dining room. The table was laid out formally, candles lit and everything. His suspicion that something was going on only increased. "Emma, love, what is going on?"

"I can't make a nice meal for my husband?"

He let out a little huff. "That's not what I meant. You know I would never just expect it from you, lass. And I like when we cook together."

Emma smiled. "I do, too. But I knew you'd be late and I wanted to do something nice."

He moved to hug her. "Thank you, Swan. I'll return the favor soon, I promise."

Emma sighed happily. "See, this is why I love you so much."

"My devilishly handsome face?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, silly. Although it is a perk." He smirked at her. "Because you can just accept everything about me. No questions asked."

He touched her cheek. "And I always will, my love." The moment broke and they sat down to eat. She made his favorite in an effort to sweeten the news but was pleasantly surprised to see how hungry she was. She insisted Killian tell her all about his work; it distracted her from her nerves. Not to mention the science things she picked up from him helped her out when she was talking with investors and the like.

Salad, breadsticks, chicken Parmesan were all devoured steadily. He helped her clean up but she insisted he take a seat so she could get dessert. She brought out two cupcakes piled high with icing and handed him a wrapped box.

"A gift?" Killian asked, perplexed. "It's not my birthday, Swan."

"I know. It's next month." She bit her lip, the nerves creeping up on her again. She thought the mug would be a good way to tell him without needing to actually say the words. "Humor me?"

His brows knitted but he nodded. He tore open the paper and pried off the lid of the box. There, wrapped in light blue tissue, lay a ceramic coffee mug. Which was odd considering they had a dozen in various shapes and sizes. He plucked it out of the tissue and his jaw dropped. World's Best Dad.

Emma watched his face, finger tapping on her knee. "Killian?"

He shook his head to clear it, realizing he must look like a guppy fish. His heart was beating a mile a minute. "Emma...are you...? Are we...?"

Smiling nervously, she nodded. "Yeah. You're gonna be a dad, Killian."

He almost dropped the bloody mug in his haste to get to her. Emma screeched in surprise as he picked her up and spun her around. Her cries melted into laughter when he put her down and crushed her to his chest. Happiness, sheer joy, threatened to overwhelm him. Then he abruptly let go, suddenly afraid he was hurting her. "Sorry, love," he said hurriedly. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you?"

She shoved his shoulder. "Of course not. I'm not suddenly made of glass, you know."

Killian bit his lip, resting a hand on her belly. "This is going to take some getting used to, lass."

She covered his hand with hers. "Me too. But you're...happy?"

He chuckled, nodding. "Emma, I am ecstatic. Granted, I didn't expect it to happen quite this soon..."

"Tell me about it."

He hugged her close. "I love you, Emma. I am thrilled to be having this family with you." He kissed her temple, her cheek, her lips. Emma held him tight, reaffirming her love for him in turn. Cupcakes forgotten, they headed for the living room, curling up together on the couch. "How long have you known?"

"Just today. I suspected and called Elsa."


"Are you mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because Elsa knew first?"

Killian shook his head. "Elsa's practically your sister, love. She's family. Does anyone else know?"

"No. I wanted to tell you first. But I want to call Mom first thing in the morning. It was a little scary when I saw all those positive tests and all I wanted was to talk to her. And you."

Killian gave her a reassuring squeeze. Emma's relationship with her mother had improved so much since the wedding, despite the distance. It made his heart happy to see her that way. Everyone needed family. "I'm here, Swan. I'll be with you every step of the way."

Emma laid her head over his heart. "I know you will. I've got an appointment at the end of the week. You know, to confirm it and everything? You'll come?"

"Of course. There's nowhere else for me to be." He hadn't really had a father growing up, he was determined to be there for his own child. And having a child with the love of his life? Greatest feeling in the world. Why would anyone walk away from that?

Emma stretched out over his chest, sighing as his arms came around her. "You know, in a few months, we won't be able to do this. I'll be as big as a house."

"But you'll still take my breath away."

"Yeah, we'll see."

"Swan, you're the mother of my child. The most beautiful woman I know. That won't change."

"You say that now."

"And I mean it. Whatever challenges this pregnancy brings, we'll face them together." Gently, he rubbed her back, long strokes of her spine. Emma wanted to argue some more, tease him on his self assurance but she couldn't resist his touch. It wasn't long before she was practically purring in his arms, head nuzzling his chest, fingers deftly plucking at the buttons of his shirt to expose more skin.

"Emma," Killian whispered, holding his breath a little. She was moving against him, slow rolls of her hips, and it was affecting him. She always affected him; little more than a crook of her finger and he was hers, willing to engage in whatever activity she wished. And she had an imagination, his Swan. He never knew what she'd dream up next.



She raised her head. "Liar."

"What do you want me to say, lass? That I want to make love to my wife? Right here and right now?"

"That's a good start," she said, offering him a slow grin. "You know, I read that sex can be a necessity while pregnant."

Killian swallowed. "You did?"

"Uh huh. And often times sex is as much of a craving as weird foods."

Now he cocked a brow at her. "Is that right? Well, I suppose I shall have to do my best to keep milady satisfied."

"You generally do."

He scowled. "Only generally? I'm wounded, Swan."

She looked contrite and pressed a kiss to his breastbone. "Well, then maybe I should make it up to you."

His hand came up to tangle in her hair. "Perhaps you should, Mrs. Jones."

Emma shivered, his low seductive tone rumbling right through her as she lay on his chest. She scooted up, hand slipping under his shirt as she slanted her lips over his. Killian sighed into her kiss, cradling her head. Their lips moved in a slow dance they had long since perfected. Killian's other hand pulled on her blouse, yanking it from her pants so he could stroke her back.

"How am I doing so far?" Emma asked, lips ghosting along his jaw.

"Fair, I'd say," he teased, unclasping her bra. Together, they stripped off her top, then his, maneuvering to stretch out on their sides. They'd bought this couch with this activity in mind; Emma had lost count how many times they'd made love there. It was possible the child she carried was conceived in this very spot. She hitched her leg over his hip, kissing him deeply.

"Oh yes," she gasped, his clever fingers plucking deliciously on her nipples. She might have been imagining things, but she'd swear they were a bit more sensitive, responsive to his touch. A low cry fell from her lips when he bent to suck, tongue lashing at the hard peak.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered into her skin. Switching places so Emma was on her back, Killian reverently kissed her belly, the place where their child was growing inside her. Loving Emma was the greatest thing he'd ever done with his life and now they were bringing a new life into the world. It was enough to move him to tears.

Emma saw a single tear slide down his cheek and she brushed it away with her thumb. "I know," she murmured. "I feel it too." She smiled as her husband surged back up to kiss her, slipping effortlessly between her thighs. They made out for a long time, in no hurry despite the ache building in her core. Chest hair rubbed her nipples; she ground her hips into his.

"Bloody hell, lass," Killian bit out, her nails digging into his back.

"Need you," she whined. "God."

"Patience." He left a parting kiss to her lips and sat up. He slipped off the pants of her business suit, underwear and all, leaving her entirely nude. He had to pause and admire her; she was just as alluring as she was the very first time they made love. "Look at you, all pink and wet for me."

Emma groaned; she loved when he talked dirty to her. "Killian..."

"You're making things up to me," he reminded her. "So I'm in charge now, Swan."

"Ugh, just get on with it!"

Rather than answer her, he urged her to sit up. He knelt on the floor between her splayed thighs and kissed each one, rubbing his scruff against the delicate skin. Emma mewled, wetting her lips. She watched him inch closer and closer to her sex, deliberately teasing her. Since he knew her body better than she did, he had little trouble getting her to beg. She cried out in relief when finally put his mouth on her, favoring her with long licks of his talented tongue. Emma gripped the back of the couch as he lifted her legs onto his shoulders to better devour her. "Fuck!"

"God, I love your taste," he growled, lapping at her entrance. She was soaking, always so wet and perfect for him. He was quite convinced she was made with him in mind. There was no other way to explain the intense attraction they had, the constant need to touch. "Shall I make you come?"

"Yes! Yes, please!"

Killian chuckled and the vibrations made her moan loudly. He slid one digit into her heat, fingering her, mouth sucking on her clit. Emma exploded, bucking up against his mouth, molten fire racing through her. Killian drew it out, slowing bringing her down, stroking her under she stopped shaking.

"Did that satisfy you, love?"

Emma could hardly open her eyes, so she shook her head. It was one hell of an orgasm, but it still felt hollow. She only felt complete when he was inside her. "Not quite."

"Really? What do you need?"

This time she did open her eyes. "You. Inside me."

He offered her cocky smile, then patted her thigh. "Up on your knees, love."

Emma shivered as she did as he bid. There was a mirror behind the couch, on the far wall. During their trip to Honolulu so many months ago, they'd discovered how much Emma enjoyed watching. They took that into consideration when decorating their condo. To everyone else the mirrors were pieces of art, but to them, they were a kink to be indulged in often. Emma braced her arms on the back of the couch, watching as Killian stripped behind her.

He could feel her eyes on him, on his reflection. So he took his time discarding socks and pants and boxers. When he was finished he locked eyes with her in the mirror, hand wrapped around his cock. "Hmm, shall I spank you or just fuck you?"

Emma inhaled sharply at the word "spank." She really enjoyed that too. "Please?"

"Please what?"

"Both. I want you to spank me."

He laid his hands on her pert bottom, squeezing a little. He adored the way Emma owned her sexuality, knowing exactly what she wanted. Then asking for it. "Very well." He didn't waste time going to fetch her paddle (a six months married gift), instead striking her with his bare hand. The sharp crack echoed in the room and Emma moaned. Pleasure rolled through her with every slap, her skin hot and stinging. Arousal coated her thighs, every strike winding her up higher. She was whimpering when he finished, soothing her skin with gentle kisses. Emma was too needy for gentle, too desperate for him to take her.

"Please, please, please," she whispered softly, over and over.

Killian tested her readiness; she was practically dripping onto his fingers. He lined himself up and took her hard and fast, grunting as an unmistakable orgasm gripped her. She fluttered wildly along his length, Emma crying out. He grit his teeth, trying to hold on to himself, wanting to make this good for them both. When she calmed, he moved, taking her with slow steady thrusts, hands sliding up her back.

"Oh my god," Emma groaned, back arching. The long slide of him along her sensitive walls felt incredible and it wasn't long before she was moving too, sliding back as he came forward.

"That's it, love," he murmured encouragingly. "Fuck my cock, take what you want." He wove one hand into her hair, stilling himself so she could rock onto him. He watched them in the mirror, cock hardening further at the sight of his Emma lost in pleasure, taking what she needed from his body.

Emma spread her knees a little more, taking him even deeper inside her. She mewled in pleasure, another climax coiling deep in her belly. "Ugh, feels so good, Killian."

"I know, lass." He bent over next to her ear. "Look at us, darling. Watch yourself fuck. Bloody gorgeous, you are."

Emma looked up into the mirror, unconsciously licking her lips. Her pupils were blown, hair a mess, cheeks flushed, lips kiss swollen. Killian stood behind her, tall and strong, mouth slightly open, reveling in the way she rode him. He grinned at her and moved, hands back in her hair. She groaned when he tugged slightly, rocking his hips just a tad harder. "Oh god."

"Could fuck you all night," he muttered. "So warm, love."

"Killian...I need...fuck, I need to come."

"As you wish." He reached down and found her clit, rubbing it in time with his strokes. Emma gripped the couch tighter, mewling at every rough thrust of his hips. The pressure built and built; she could feel every sharp stab of his thick cock. She started trembling, just on the cusp of release, breathing ragged and then just as suddenly she was gone, eyes squeezed shut, wave after wave rolling through her. Killian gripped her hips, trying to hold her steady as he chased his own high. It came in a wave of color, his whole body shaking as he emptied himself in her still fluttering heat.

Emma sagged, panting, head falling to the back of the couch. If Killian wasn't holding her, she would have collapsed. Three orgasms close together had sapped her strength. She would never taunt him about not satisfying her again. Or maybe she would, since he was so good at it.

Killian kissed right between her shoulder blades, whispering his love for her. She hummed in acknowledgment, still not able to form whole thoughts, let alone words. He laid her out on the couch and went to fetch her a cloth. They got her cleaned up, then Killian spooned her from behind. "Alright, love?"

Weakly, Emma nodded. "Mmhmm."


"Maybe a little. I'm good."

He kissed her shoulder, hand sliding over her belly. "And this one?"

Emma laughed. "I'm sure they're fine too."

"That's good to hear. I still can't believe this is real."

She threaded their fingers over her stomach. "Me neither. But we're gonna be parents, Killian."

"I can't wait to meet him. Or her," he added hastily.

"We've never talked about it," she said thoughtfully. "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Honestly, I hadn't considered. As long as you both are healthy and happy, I will be too."

Emma twisted so she could face him. "I think I want a boy."

"You do? May I ask why?"

She shrugged. "Not sure. It's just what I pictured when we started talking about it. A mini you."

He snorted. "Sure you could handle that, Swan?"

"I handle you, don't I?"

He kissed her brow. "Too right you do."

Emma snuggled deeper into his arms. She was safe and happy there; she knew their child would be too. And loved. She couldn't imagine a child being more loved than theirs. "I love you, Killian."

"I love you, too, Emma. And you, little one."

They remained there until the room got chilly, then padded back to their bedroom. They talked about cute things like baby names and nurseries and toys until they both fell asleep.