Wolvesbane Part 2

Rhydian's POV

After searching for aconite I was lead to a page that gave me other references, such as wolvesbane. Well that explains Maddy's reaction, somewhat at least because we know it creating wolves is rubbish but it obviously has another reaction. Now to look for a cure. That's when I heard someone come in behind me but her scent quickly calmed my racing heart.

"Aconite. Also known as wolvesbane. Which people believes turns people into werewolves which is obviously stupid..." I trailed off while scrolling down the page still.

"But if your a wolfblood it must bring your wolf to the surface." she finished while ringing her arms around my shoulders watching the screen. So caught up in the research I didn't notice her leave until I over heard her and Tom in the hall. Now knowing I had to find thistle root I got up to stand next to the door.

"You smell good, real good." she said to him sniffing him. I could feel my veins turning black but pushed them back.

"Are you feeling okay? Is this about when I fancied you? You said you didn't give it a second thought?" he went on.

"You didn't smell like this before." then I heard her go for him but she only took his apron. He went for the stairs and I went for her. I could hear him down stairs telling Shannon that she definitely had a fever.

I grabbed her around the waist and pushed her into the bathroom again, her all the while yelling she was hungry and that she wanted meat.

"I'll get you meat. Just lock the door. LOCK it!" I demanded before I made my way down the stairs, I seen Tom put a burger on a plate so I grabbed it when he turned his back and ran back up the stairs.

"Maddy its me. I have you a burger. Open up." I spoke through the door. When she opened up I slid through the crack and she grabbed the burger and started to scarf it down.

"Nice starter. Where's the main course?" she mumbled around a mouthful, which had me chuckling.

"Maddy Smith!" Shannon exclaimed through the door.

"She's being sick." I replied.

"Oh shut it Rhydian! Maddy if you'd rather have two boys fighting over you than beast hunt with me then fine. Leave. Right now, your stuff is out here." Shannon explained before walking back down stairs. After giving Maddy a look I slid back through the door; I made it down just in time to see Shannon walk out with the bowl of meat.

"What did you say to her?" Tom and I asked each other. To which we both replied 'Nothing'.

"Do you think she will be okay? You know if that thing we seen last month is still out there?" he looked worried with every right to be.

"No." I said while grabbing my jacket.

"What about Maddy?" he asked.

"Maddy can take herself home." I answered and ran up the stairs to tell her she had her chance.

"Here's your chance Maddy. Maddy!" I whisper yelled through the door until she opened it which showed me that her wolf was taking over more and more.

"When you hear the door close run home. Okay?" I whispered while hugging her to me tight. She placed a kiss on my neck and breathed in deep before she let go.

"Okay?" I said again.

"Yes!" she almost yelled to which I just laughed before grabbing my burger and running out the door with Tom.

"How long have you known Maddy fancied me?" Tom asked me while we tried to catch up to Shannon.

"Maddy doesn't fancy you." I replied trying not to growl at him. My wolf detested the fact that he thought he even had a chance with her.

"Whatever." he shot back.

"Do you seriously think you have a chance together?" I growled lightly turning around to face him. My wolf wanted a fight but I wanted my wolf to calm the heck down so I decided maybe we could meet in the middle.

"Of course not."

"Then what's your point?" I asked him impatiently wondering where this conversation was going and if Maddy would kill me if I let our true relationship slip.

"My point is you acting all jealous like you have some sort of claim on her."

My wolf wasn't really a mental being inside my head but at that point I could have sworn that I could hear its voice demanding me to tell him the truth.

"Maybe its because I do!" I yelled then froze.

"You what?" he inquired.

" We are together. She's my girlfriend." I explained knowing I was dead meat when Maddy found out.

"Okay I've got more questions but we need to find Shannon before she gets into trouble. Come on." he spoke walking by me to keep going.

"Shannon!" Tom yelled when we seen a flashlight up in front of us.

"Over here!" She yelled back to us.

When we got over to her Tom immediately inquired, "Did you hear that howl?"

"I heard it." she sighed.

"I hope its not stalking us."

"Why aren't you taking Maddy home?" She asked with a sigh.

"What and leave you to face the beast on your own, what kind of friends do you think we are."

"Maddy's friends."

"She wanted to be here but she really was ill." I spoke up.

"She wasn't faking it?"

"No." I confirmed.

"Can we focus on the beast please?" Tom asked clearly freaking out.

"Okay follow me."

"Follow you, you should be following us!" Tom exclaimed walking after Shannon. Hearing cracking twigs and leaves I turned looking around knowing Maddy was following us.

"Maddy." I warned under my breath hoping she was listening, though it probably wouldn't help.

Shannon placed the bowl of meat down on a tree stump getting her camera ready stating, "We are so gonna see the beast tonight."

If I didn't get to Maddy soon then she had no idea how right she was gonna be. I could hear Maddy in the brush behind us, she was running, I took the thistle that I found earlier out of my jacket and ran towards her. About a foot from where she was I jumped tackling her to the ground.
I could hear Tom and Shannon talking, their voices getting closer, so I straddled her and tried to force her mouth open.

"Maddy open. You have to eat this. It will help." I tried reasoning but soon just used some strength and finally got her mouth open. Pushing the root end of the thistle into her mouth I told her to close, which she surprisingly did and she chewed. Before I knew it her eyes were back to normal and she was coughing.

"Ew!" she exclaimed quietly then we both looked up and grinned at Shannon and Tom who wanted to know what was going on.

"You probably scared the beast off by now." Shannon stated irritated.

I could hear Maddy and Shannon talking in the living room but figured I could give them some space for now. Tom had asked me all kinds of questions about Maddy and I and I answered all of them the best I could. He wanted to tell Shannon but I wanted Maddy to be able to decide when and how to tell her best friend that we were together and told him such. He agreed but reluctantly.

When I heard him tell them I was getting drinks and Maddy volunteered to help me I knew her questions were coming as well. I sensed her as soon as she walked in the kitchen, never mind her unique scent.

"Thanks." she stated simply.

" Of course. Still care to spill the beans?" I asked while trying to remember who wanted which soda.

"No. Not now. Shannon's happy." she explained while smiling.

"Yeah so is Tom." I stated knowing she would ask more.

"Yeah why does he keep giving me looks?"

"There's a chance he knows about us..." I trailed off

"So he knows and you told him?" She grinned. Wait grinning? Is there a chance I may live?

"He kept saying I was jealous and that I had no right to be and...well it slipped out." I tried to explain.

"I bet it slipped. So are you? Jealous that is." she asked still grinning.

"Do I have a reason to be?" I turned and pulled her closer to me, leaning down till our foreheads touch and breathing in each others scent.

"No more than I do." she stated before leaning in the rest of the way to kiss me. Pulling her closer to me by her waist I pick her up and sat her on the counter so I wouldn't have to bend. She ran her hands through my hair pulling me closer before we pulled apart completely.

"So you don't care that he knows and that your gonna have to tell Shannon?"

"Not really. Kind of refreshing to have one less thing to lie about. Lets just enjoy being normal for a little while." she told me while I grabbed the drinks and she jumped down from the counter to follow me.

As I walked by her I whispered, "There's nothing normal about your friends."

A/N: okay sorry about the long wait. Well there's how Tom finds out about them. I'm thinking that they would have told Shannon that night as well so I wont be writing that. Please review. I love them. When I can't make myself write I go back and read through old reviews and they make me want to. So they DO help! Haha